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Heroes Ep 2.

Quite enjoyed it actually, but that could easily be put down to some of the clothes Claire was wearing...


But yeah I agree, Sylar was interesting for the first time in ages. I've always found him a bit annoying too. Ever since they tried to make him more of a rounded character he got lame. I'd have much preferred it if he had stayed just purely, unrelentlessly evil for no other reason than it was just in his nature to be ever since he discovered his power.


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Desperate Housewives Season 6 Episode 1.


I have to say I'm quite impressed. Not that the episode was particularly stand out or anything, but I always expect at the start of a new season (since season 3) for them to run out of ideas and for the whole show just to turn into a train wreck. Thankfully this hasn't happened yet so kudos to the writers. I'm definitely going to follow this season religiously, again.

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The Sopranos: the rest of Season Two


Simply brilliant but I thought the beginning of the last episode of the series was a bit mental but it went back to its original brilliance again.




Hollyoaks Later (yes I have been watching...and what! lol)


Crap at the start, got better towards the end. Tonight's was the best.



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Cougar Town - 1.02


Better. Less farcical. Still not interested in Jules' ex (overgrown frat boy) and Christa Miller's character's husband.


Hank - Pilot


Okay...I think I may have to accept that Kelsey Grammar will never be in anything as good as Frasier again. I think I would rather Back to You stuck around really, I prefer him as a playboy than a slightly-distant-father-getting-to-know-his-family.


Glee - The Rhodes Not Taken




Kristin Chenoweth/10.

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Benidorm- Episode 1


Loved it, made me laugh alot! Glad it's back on!




Hollyoaks Later: Last Episode


I didn't like it as much as last night's but still enjoyable.



I've always wanted to parachute jump...this has put me off for a good while, lol. What a way to go though! haha


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Glee - For some reason I actually like this show.


Benedorm - Quite possibly the worst thing I've seen in a while. I couldn't even figure out what kind of show it was trying to be - it certainly wasn't a drama or a comedy. The characters are also one-dementional and uninteresting and there didn't seem to be any plot whatsoever.

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Caught the tail end of that Benidorm thing, was meh. My mother got a big laugh out of that Victor someone character at the end because its an actual performance that her mother saw in Benidorm a few years ago. Pulling all sorts out of her bajingo apparently.


Inside the Actor's Studio with Jason Bateman


Filler TV mostly but it was hosted (as they all are) by James Lipton a.k.a. Wardon Gentles. Plus this exchange made it all worthwhile;


Ultimately I think Mitch [Hurwitz] decided that this level of depth needed to be done on film.

So is a movie happening then?


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Benidorm- Episode 1


Loved it, made me laugh alot! Glad it's back on!




Hollyoaks Later: Last Episode


I didn't like it as much as last night's but still enjoyable.



I've always wanted to parachute jump...this has put me off for a good while, lol. What a way to go though! haha


Wow that was freaking awesome.


Must have been uber awkward for the Police man though. "Erm...I guess I'll go now."

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Great episode. Filler, but done properly, and exciting to watch. The thing is, even though the show's always been beyond the realm of rationality, the decision to say god is real kinda removes a layer of mysticism. While the show offers an absent god as the excuse for any loop-holesome questions, it also means the script is very heavy with the melodrama that comes with taking oneself too seriously.




Got flashforward, dollhouse and smallville to watch tonight, too! Woo!


Ashley - did you know Captain Awesome was in Mad Men's season 2 finale? It's hilarious.

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Nope. Mad Men is one of those shows I keep meaning to watch... (other than the first two episodes which I watched before it became cool :heh:)


Entourage - Give A Little Bit


Matt Damon constantly pestering Vince to give to charity was amusing, Bono's smug face via webcam was annoying. Really, we get it, you love charity and love being a dick. Great for you.


Other than that, I didn't quite expect Lloyd to be welcomed back the way he was. Although the Terminator scene was amusing. I want to fire people like that one day.


And Sloan and E engaged? What the fuck. Didn't expect that.


Oh and poor Turtle. I loved his exchanges with the airline attendant though.


"I need to get off this plane"

"I'm afraid you can't"

"What if I say "bomb"?"

"Then you can get off the plane, go to jail and pay a $250,000 fine."


and then later:


"Do you know the next plane to Rome?"

"But you just got here from L.A."

"I'm going for the world record of most flights in 24 hours. What's it to you?"




And so ends a season.


Dexter tonight :D Damn work getting in the way.

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Supernatural season 3


Holy moly, apprently season 4 isn't on dvd yet...why the heck not? :(


Back to season 3, loved it, some of the episodes were cringe worthy bloodbaths, which is awesome. Not so sure about the ending, but at least it makes me want to dive into hmv and grab season 4 when its out. :laughing:

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Supernatural season 3


Holy moly, apprently season 4 isn't on dvd yet...why the heck not? :(


Back to season 3, loved it, some of the episodes were cringe worthy bloodbaths, which is awesome. Not so sure about the ending, but at least it makes me want to dive into hmv and grab season 4 when its out. :laughing:


It is out on dvd, just split into 2 parts. The whole season 4 boxset comes out on Nov 2nd

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Nope. Mad Men is one of those shows I keep meaning to watch... (other than the first two episodes which I watched before it became cool :heh:)

I started it the day it aired, mecool2!


About to watch Bored to Death e3 and the premiere of Three Rivers, which I know nothing about...


Ok, just watched episode 3 of Bored to Death - The Case Of The Missing Screenplay, and this week was severely lacking something, probably, and most definitely ironically considering the episode title, I think it was the script. The presumably one-off characters of the psychiatrist and the director were pretty good fun, and hopefully they'll return, but in general the episode was an utter waste of time. Being only 25 mins long seems to confuse the show's intentions.


But there were boobies, so it's alright.


Three Rivers is shit. Don't watch it.

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Freddy's Nightmares- No More Mr. Nice Guy (Season 1, Episode 1)


I enjoyed it. It explained what happened in the past when he got set free and things. My mate said it was crap and he's a Nightmare fan but I actually enjoyed it.




The Sopranos- Season 3


LOVE IT STILL! Just brilliant! Genius!



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Sunday's Curb:


Another great episode, season is shaping up to be awesome so far. Jerry ruining LD's epic plan to get Cheryl back was great. Can't wait to see what they do with the Seinfeld reunion. I reckon Larry will try to get out of out now the Cheryll wont be Costanzas wife.



Also has anybody else been watching Modern Family I think its coming to Sky soon, I watched the pilot last night and it was hilarious.

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I am considering watching MF. I presumed it was just another standard sitcom fare but saw some adverts and looked into it and its apparently not too bad. May check it out down the line.


I love that in Dexter you can get quotes like that which you wouldn't find anywhere else. And of course Debra's...anything she says really. Plus at the very end when Dexter thought "FUCK!" Can be some really good dialogue writing at time.


While it was obvious Bennys's body wouldn't be found (its only the 2nd episode afterall) it was still fun to see Dexter running on empty trying to locate this body and piece together his memory. I loved how everyone was constantly coming to him for one thing or another and he said "Just one day without a murder, is that too much to fucking ask for Miami?" I'm guessing this will be the last season for Quinn. While Dexter has bigger fish to fry its only a matter of time before someone else notice he's stealing (and feeding info to the papers), afterall IA was onto him last year.


And is it me or is Julie Benz looking younger this year?


Oh and Suzanne Cryer :D And of course, John Lithgow's continuing creepiness.



I'm hoping now that Robin and Barney seem kinda settled the show will focus on something other then them. I enjoy them together, but I thought the fun was going to be they were just going with the flow, not becoming the central relationship with drama and stuff. Marshall and Lily haven't really done anything this season so far.


Although, if Barney was sneaking out at 4am wouldn't Robin be awake anyway, doesn't her show air at that kind of time?






Edited by Ashley
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True Blood S1E1- Strange Love


I liked it. It's a lot like Twilight but more adult for obvious reasons. At the start I thought it would be meh but I liked it more and more. I can't wait to see what happens in the next episode now after watching the end of this one.



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Dollhouse - Belle Chose


The scene where they used Little Boots' 'Remedy' was amazing and really funny.


Was okay. The rather early-season-one ending with "goodness gracious" was a bit...I dunno, think it was meant to make you go "ZOMG" but I dunno, I can't see us seeing that imprint again for a while. Nice seeing Paul do something else for once, and actually put his FBI training into practice. Shame Michael Hogan was barely in it.



And at least the next episode (in two weeks time) is all about Sierra, who has been rather lacking as of late. And the week after has Summer Glau :D Oh and Fox have confirmed they're airing the next two episodes at least.

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Not the last show I watched but wanted to mention...


Never Mind the Buzzcocks


Thank fuck Simon Anstell has left!! Now the show is actually watchable again!

Was a very funny episode with Rhod Gilbert as this weeks guest host, enjoyed it a lot, though Gabby Logan was annoying... it was quite obviously Poker Face!

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