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Friday Night Lights doesn't start again for another month yet, Boo!


New show on NBC premiering on Monday, called Trauma. Looks like a promising mix of ER/Third Watch/Southland. Another one to add to the watch list. An interesting tidbit, it's produced by Peter Berg - Who created the TV version of Friday Night Lights.


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Warehouse 13 - Season 1


It started off rather naff, to be honest. The effects were rubbish and the characters didn't seem interesting. Claudia brightened things up a bit when she appeared in episode 4, and the odd appearance from familiar faces (Six, John Sheppard, Badger/Lampkin and Saul Tigh) were pretty nice.


At around the half way point, the series starts exploring the past of some of the characters (unfortunately, Claudia is only a minor character) and it starts getting more interesting. For most of the season the main villain was also rather naff.


It all seemed to come together in the final episode, with plenty of banter (a bit too much in places), character development and plenty of twists and fake-turns in the plot. Even the villain turned awesome.


My only complaint about the final episode is the cliffhanger. Firstly, the outcome to the "main" cliffhanger is obvious, but that one wasn't too bad. What I don't like is when the episode's story is just left unfinished and nothing is resolved. A two-parter at the end of the season, leaving one or two strands of the story open for further development, is a much better way to do it in my opinion.


Battlestar did cliffhangers really well - the episode's story was always finished, and they weren't resolved in the first episode back.


If this can keep the pace of the last few episodes during the next season then it could be something really good.

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I can't wait for Big Bang Theory to start in the UK again, I love that show! Sheldon and Penny are just hilarious together. I can't wait for Heroes to start again either. Even though I think it lost the magic it had in Season One, I don't think it can get worse than it did in Season Two. It picked up a little again in Season Three so I'm interested in what could happen.


Anyways, for the people in the UK, True Blood is coming on soon on Channel 4. I'm definitely going to watch it, it sounds awesome!


Shameless: Season Six


Brilliant, I loved how they went through Paddy's drug addiction and had gotten back to how the old series was. Drama with a bit of comedy thrown in, brilliant stuff but...


Mandy died was so sad. She was one of my favourite characters






The Sopranos: Season One- Episodes 1-4


Simply amazing, absolutely got drawn to the storyline straight away. Great gangster series from what I've watched at the moment.




How Not To Live Your Life: Season Two- Episode One...or Two...I think


I don't know but I caught it last night and it was alright, not bad.



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Fringe - Season 2 Episode 1

Pretty shite really.

Thought we were going to get straight into some William Bell/Nimoy/alternate dimension action but alas she has MEMORY LOSS. I HATE memory loss when it's used lazily like this. Abrams really isn't helping the Alias 2.0 feel this series has to it. Same thing happened at the start of Alias season 3 (4?) Sydney woke up with no memory of the last few months/years/whatever and they dragged it out half the season with her slowly remembering bits and pieces. Fringe is clearly going this way too and it's just fucking lazy writing.


And yeah, whoever mentioned it before, the 'plot twist' at the end was insanely obvious... Oh and it's another Alias plotpoint! As the same thing happened there when THE EVIL GUYS took on the identity of Sydney's best friend Nancy. Laaaaaaaame lame lame.


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Merlin (2,1) - I've still not seen a bad episode of this. Great characters, great acting, great monsters - brilliant! What I like is that it never has irritating cliffhangers - the 45 minutes always packs enough entertainment in for you to be satisfied.




Whereas thats my main problem with the show. Theres no over arching storys, its just one and done jobs, which is fine but I find they get boring or repetitive.


Macenzie Crook was pretty awesome though. And obviously Morganna is made of total pork.


I like Merlin's old-fashioned style, but I disagree that there's no overall arcs. Last year Nimueh provided our season-long villian and the secret behind Uther's hatred of magic and I enjoyed seeing this played out. However, it seems the programme is (rightly) sticking to a bigger gameplan than just a cliched season-by-season style of storytelling. This is the set-up for the legend of King Arthur and I think working its way towards that this show is one huge arc, with the individual characters providing the growth from season-to-season.


I love it and can't wait for Saturday night! Last week's was a brilliant season opener,the climax with MacKenzie Crook was fantastically spooky! 10/10

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I like Merlin's old-fashioned style, but I disagree that there's no overall arcs.


Yes, exactly. It has continuity without being irritating. I'm sure we'll see more of Sigan, for example! He's no more "banished" than he was at the start of the episode.


I've tried to watch American TV shows, but they're very commercial (for obvious reasons). They just want you to watch the commercial break, then watch again next week; and the actual seasons are very long, because it's just about selling advertising. Nothing wrong with this, but it does lead to cliffhanger after cliffhanger.

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Yes, exactly. It has continuity without being irritating. I'm sure we'll see more of Sigan, for example! He's no more "banished" than he was at the start of the episode.


I've tried to watch American TV shows, but they're very commercial (for obvious reasons). They just want you to watch the commercial break, then watch again next week; and the actual seasons are very long, because it's just about selling advertising. Nothing wrong with this, but it does lead to cliffhanger after cliffhanger.


Shorter season'ed shows are definitely better. Dexter for example is 12 hours of pure complete and utter mega awesomeness.

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Not really...


Its okay although I prefer the non-musical darker storylines. The blackmail, bribery and all that. I loved the reference to Nip/Tuck (or at least I presume it was) when Jessalyn Gilsig's character said she couldn't "do this" and her friend asked if the baby was going to be black (anyone whose watched Nip/Tuck will know). Anyway yeah I prefer her storyline (because I really like the actress I suppose). Can't stand Rachel. Annoying self-centred deluded little princess brat.


I'm still not sure what they're doing with that gay kid (name eludes me). I understand if he's not willing to admit he's gay to most people, it would in fact be a rather unusual angle, but he pretends hes not but then flaunts his rather blatant homosexuality in everyone's face. Its weird. Although I did like the line "I don't want to go to the dance with you but thank you for the offer, I know how important school dances are to gay teenage males" as it was so left-field.


In regards to her character Gina on Nip/Tuck:

"She also suffered from bulimia, sexual addiction, self-hatred, fear of abandonment, self-destructiveness, sarcasm, rage, bitterness and a tendency to profanity at minor setbacks."

Is sarcasm you suffer from?



Cougar Town


Okay. Not great. Predictable in regards to future plot lines. The teenage son annoyed me, and is doomed to spent the rest of his life in therapy considering his parents. But he just over-acted everything. Courtney Cox is always win though. Plus apparently she chooses the music for the show and they had Phoenix and La Roux. Kudos.

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Supernatural s05e03


So if anyone just tuned into this episode they'd probably thing it was all a bit OTT -- God's dead? Sam's lucifer's vessel? Raphael's an idiot? Well they seem to be building up to a 'classic' sam vs dean match-up, perhaps with God Himself stepping in/being ref. We have the other horsemen still to come, though, but I guess teh real question is just how long will Sam and Dean stay apart? Not a bad episode, but I'm sorta tired of all this build-up, and I want ACTSHUN!


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Dollhouse - Vows


Real shame Amy Acker is only in three episodes this season because of her commitment to Happy Town (which looks meh anyway) because she really did give a fantastic performance. Poor thing. Hard enough trying to figure out who you are when you're human, yet alone when you're crafted by someone else. I love the callback to the original Dr Saunders with the lollipop. And what the hell was that engagement she and Echo were on? Although the way it came back to Echo during her gynecological exam...damn. Also I'm reminded of the line; Logan, when did you stop wearing pants? (although obviously Whisky/Claire and daaaamn)


Alexis Denisof :D Albeit briefly, but obviously he'll be around for a while. Hopefully he'll be more than just Ballard v2. And Jamie Bamber using his natural speaking voice which made him sound like Baltar which was odd...


Good balance of engagement of the week and overaching storyline too, makes a nice change from the first episodes of last year. Shame Sierra and Victor got sidelined this episode but apparently the next episode is a big Victor one. Plus, at least Sierra's scene was funny.


Some more zingy one liners in this episode than there have normally been. The spoiler cut one;


"I don't work for you Ms DeWitt"

"No, you work for the betterment of mankind by listening to Echo having sex. Very noble."


"He could be a problem" (something like that, in regards to Denisof's character)

"Nice suit"

"I feel that you are very much missing the problem."


A decent start to what should hopefully be a better season. Shame the new opening credits still only features Eliza.




Flash Foward - see thread

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(series 2, episode 2)

"The Once and Future Queen"




This episode was definitely a breath of fresh air after the (brilliantly) creepy episode we had last week. Mainly played for laughs, it worked on every level. The farmer they brought in to pretend to be Arthur was hilarious! I loved the way he barked orders at Merlin but then couldn't help a goofy laugh, and the scene where all the Knights are lined up in front of Uther and he's having trouble controlling his horse was a classic! Many laughs to be found with Colin Morgan's physical comedy this week, and with the interplay as usual between him and Arthur :)


However, for something starting out as pure comedy this episode is a truly important one in the myth of Camelot, with the way things are unfolding between Arthur and Gwen, some truly masterful scenes there and probably THE most important screen kiss in a long time on TV in my opinion!


On a final note.... the jousting! Fantastic! This just shows how much more gripping and dangerous-feeling the action in a series like this is when compared to cliched guns and fist fights. These duels looked awesome, the tension superb, and the stunt work beyond anything I've seen in a long time. The music just added to the whole experience too, brilliantly done all round!


From not being fussed enough to watch the first series at all until recently, I've become a huge fan! Such is the quality of this production.





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Smallville Season 9, Episode 1


Unspectacular start to the season. Lois is looking fit though.





I don't think it was the greatest episode, looks like much the same as the last season but with Zod instead of Doomsday.



And yes, Erica Durance (Lois) was looking very tasty.

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Yeah I found the new episode distinctly uninspiring. Clark leaving those 'calling cards' everywhere was irritating, and I think generally the focus was off CK and split too much between big Z, Loui-lou, &c. But the premise for the season is brimming with hope, and I found it refreshing (in a... dull way, I suppose) that they didn't go mega-sooper over-the-top with the season opener. Restraint is a good quality for a show to have.


But I think I would've liked the opener to be a sorta Batman-Begins/House-S06E01/2 style 'what he did in the interim' instead of just having CK spouting all this "I WARE DA SIMBLE EEVREEEE DAAIIIIII!!!" nonsense. Felt weak and forced. But as I say, I think the season as a whole is promising. So long as they keep lana the fuck away. Please.

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I think she's gone, way gone, to another show and everything. Thank god.


The new episode wasn't bad, but wasn't great. As someone said, by Smallville Premiere standards it was way below average (even if you hate the show it's hard not to admit that they have had some spectacular finales and premieres since the show started). Was interesting seeing Derek from Terminator Salvation :heh: and playing a we-know-who-he-is-if-we-like-Superman-comics role, could make for an interesting upcoming episode :) Unfortunately I'm really not interested in what Lois' dream suggests will be the ongoing plot, hopefully they don't concentrate solely on that for a whole season as it looks like the kind of arc that quickly kills a show.

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How is Smallville even still going?! Is he Superman yet? Or at least a vigilante-esque person?


I stopped watching (not for any particular reason) around the time Lois was introduced, which was about 6 seasons ago. lol. Then watched a bit of the ones from whatever series had the mini-justice league in it.

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When you basically consider that the first 5 seasons were Dawsons Creek with a little bit of fast running and green rocks, it's not hard to see why the show has lasted. It's now the show it should have been much earlier on in it's run.

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So long as they keep lana the fuck away. Please.


I think she's gone, way gone, to another show and everything. Thank god.


What the hell is wrong with you guys? Lana Lang was fucking awesome! Not only is she uber fine but had chemistry with CK (lol) !


Gonna miss her. :red:

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What the hell is wrong with you guys? Lana Lang was fucking awesome! Not only is she uber fine but had chemistry with CK (lol) !


Gonna miss her. :red:


You've got to be the only one, after about season 3 she became the most whiny and annoying character and I was glad to see her leave.


Hopefully it was more the writing and not Kruek as I dont want her ruining Chuck!

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