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Fringe - Season 2, Episode 1


A hugely disappointing episode. The new characters are rather uninteresting and everyone else seems to have lost the character development that they went through in the final few episodes of the last season. Not to mention that the writers made a huge mistake at the end of the episode, which was really jarring.


Now, the plot twist wasn't even unexpected. It was pretty obvious. However, the way they did it made no sense. Not only could the things not happen in the timeframe, but it's extremely contrasting to everyone's characters that they didn't notice or carry out simple checks.


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Shooting Stars - This series is incredible. Angelo the burger van owner is funny and I loved the James Bond fight. The categories on The Dove From Above are increasingly hysterical.




Merlin (2,1) - I've still not seen a bad episode of this. Great characters, great acting, great monsters - brilliant! What I like is that it never has irritating cliffhangers - the 45 minutes always packs enough entertainment in for you to be satisfied.



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Watched Bored To Death - a calamitous detective story that I'm attracted to because it's clearly attuned to me. The main dude (played by Jason Schwartzman, who was in The Darjeeling Limited) Jonathan Ames (same name as the show's writer, and also J Ames... my name duh) has stacks of books in his room (like me) drinks too much (like me) and is struggling to write a novel (like me)... so yeah I'm immediately interested (look! Brackets!).


Basically his girlfriend leaves him and he puts an ad on Gumtree (he's bored or lost in life, or something. Not really any reasoning besides a stack of books falling over and Raymond Chandler being first to catch his eye) saying "I'm a private detective, I don't really have any qualifications but I'm cheap," and of course he gets a case.


Oh, and there's TED DANSON!


There's a whimsical-well-that's-life feel to it, with a quaint nod-or-twelve to the noir genre, with people not really knowing how much money they're supposed to accept in exchange for info, and with J. Ames' hotel sign-in name, etc etc... Hard to tell where it'll go just yet, though no-doubt it'll be a season of situational mishaps, subtle digs and winks at the genre. Good stuff. Yeah I suck at reviews.


Though I do that that Ashley may well enjoy the show. Dunno if you've thought about watching it or whatever

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I intend to but it only aired last night in America and you know, I occasionally have a life to lead. Nearly beat you for forgetting Danson though :heh:


Watched Entourage this morning however, more fun and games with a dash of serious. Same old, but in a nice way.

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You should, excellent show :)


Bored to Death - Pilot

It was okay. Danson has grown old so quickly. Just 20 years ago he was this young buck in Cheers and now... Anywho. It was entertaining, although I'm curious how they plan to carry this on for a long time? Is he eventually going to become a licensed PI (although I know in Cali that requires 3 years experience, not sure about NYC)? I think it could be interesting if he just changed his 'occupation' on a whim based upon whatever novel he happens to be reading. The comic book guy bored me though. I'd rather not see him again.


How I Met Your Mother 5.01 - Definitions


Yay multiple timelines and set ups which are returned later and stuff. And a whip! I love how Lily is a mother to all of them really. Her "no, they don't know that they weren't" line at the end sums it up nicely, and probably the best way they can handle Barney and Robin.



Gossip Girl - The Freshmen


Blair and Georgina fighting is always good. And the return of the OMJC shirts! The use of 'Good Girls Go Bad' (featuring Leighton) was amusing. Serena I still can't stand. I just can't comprehend how she never really knew her father (she must have been quite young when he left) but is acting out trying to get his attention. Makes no sense to me. And the way Rufus handled her not going to Brown. Stupid. Hoping what Blair said to Chuck at the end means she has left or will be leaving dorms soon. The show is about NYC, not college. Hopefully they'll put it in the background.


And they referenced BSG, which may beat their reference to 300 for the most unexpected reference.


Big Bang Theory and Heroes later. I said I wasn't going to watch Heroes but I'm ill and have nothing else to do :p

Edited by Ashley
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True Blood Episode 1 - 8 or 9 I think


William/Bill bites into the helpless chick in front of the guy from Heroes.




Well I'm really enjoying it. Sex + Vampires + Other Stuff = awesome.


Dude how sweet is it when we get hit with chick from Mean Girls tets. Niiiiiice.


Jason FTW. He gets himself wrapped up in trouble though.




PS where do I know the red-headed-chicks fiance from? Ugly Shitty Betty?

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How I Met Your Mother - Defininitions


Wasnt sure how the whole Barney/Robin thing was going to work but so far its pretty good, especially Lillys reactions to it. Loved some of Ted's mistakes as a Professor aswell.


Big Bang Theory - The Electric Can Opener Fluctuation


Always great to see Sheldons mum back on the show, very funny. Progression aswell with Penny/Leonard, not sure what I think of where they are heading though. Hopefully next week will explain that more


Castle - Deep In Death


As usual I think Fillion is brilliant in this show. Probably not the strongest murder story this week though and I still dont like the forced inclusion of his mother and daughter, especially when they give him the insight he has been missing.

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How I Met Your Mother - S5E01


A decent enough starter for the series. Ted's first day was classic and while I had a feeling something like that was going to happen, it still felt like a well done idea with him being unable to spell 'professor' being one of the funny bits. Nice work T-Dog :p


The whole Barney/Robin thing... it's a little early to tell how that is going to pan out in terms of it being enjoyable to watch. The thing is that they could end up metaphorically neutering Barney by hitching him to Robin, and by that I don't mean getting married but just the general fact he is in love with her.


So yeh, not a bad starter. Looking forward to seeing the series as a whole and of course finally meeting the mother because surely they couldn't hold that one off for another season, could they?

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I dunno, I think it would be revealed in the last episode. Or maybe the build up to the last. Apparently for the time being she is going to be like Jaws; you see the occasional 'fin' but that's it.


Big Bang Theory - The Electric Can Opener Fluctuation


Okay. Although I'm not particularly interested in the Leonard and Penny relationship. Her and Sheldon's interactions are always more fun.



Heroes - Now Without Annoying Voice-Over


Yup. Definitely not watching for the rest of the season. Just so dreary and I don't care about any of the characters any more. If season four is the last I may do a catch up session at the end. As it stands, I don't care.



Guys and dolls! can we please remember to use spoiler tags for shows that have just aired in America, afterall not everyone is as....up to date.

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House Season 6 Episode 1 (&2?)

Freaking phenomenal episode. Seems like House could be back on track after a dreary Season 5. Great change of pace from the usual ill patient, YAY WE'VE CURED THEM!!!, oh no we haven't, OH YES WE HAVE - YAY, oh hang on though... etc... repeat.

I absolutely adored the mental ward, kinda sad to see it go so soon. I didn't really miss any of the old other characters but I know I'm gonna miss some of the guys from the mental ward.



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You should, excellent show :)


Bored to Death - Pilot

It was okay. Danson has grown old so quickly. Just 20 years ago he was this young buck in Cheers and now... Anywho. It was entertaining, although I'm curious how they plan to carry this on for a long time? Is he eventually going to become a licensed PI (although I know in Cali that requires 3 years experience, not sure about NYC)? I think it could be interesting if he just changed his 'occupation' on a whim based upon whatever novel he happens to be reading. The comic book guy bored me though. I'd rather not see him again.


Yeah I was initially hoping for that job-frogging idea. Still might happen. I think this'll be a sleeper hit, and we'll all grow to love comic book guy.

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A middle-aged man whose incapable of looking after himself, whose holding onto a dream that's never going to happen (his drawings were nice but its clear he's never going to apply himself to anything) and has a drinking problem. STOP TRYING TO MAKE US LOVE YOU JAYSEVEN.


But nah seriously, I can't see myself even pityliking him. Just loathing him. But we shall see. Although I'll probably wait until the season is over then session it. Presume its going to be a 12-epper.

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House Season 6 Episode 1 (&2?)

Freaking phenomenal episode. Seems like House could be back on track after a dreary Season 5. Great change of pace from the usual ill patient, YAY WE'VE CURED THEM!!!, oh no we haven't, OH YES WE HAVE - YAY, oh hang on though... etc... repeat.

I absolutely adored the mental ward, kinda sad to see it go so soon. I didn't really miss any of the old other characters but I know I'm gonna miss some of the guys from the mental ward.



Just finished watching it....freakin awesome! And yeh, gonna miss some of those characters but i'm sure they'll make more appearences!

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Castle - Season 2, Episode 1


It hasn't really changed much, but it doesn't need to. While not brilliant, it's still a very enjoyable show. I especially loved the comment suggesting that Ryan Reynolds would star as the Triangle in the Asteroid film.


How I Met Your Mother - Season 5, Episode 1


It's like Friends but funny and interesting. Although I have a feeling that I've started a bit too late. NPH is awesome, though.

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