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South Park - season 13, episode 3


Really? Are the creators die hard Republicans or something? I know it's common place in the show to make fun of people or constantly berate them but really the whole Obama beratement is getting old now. Watching the show you'd think the man hasn't done anything since getting power when in fact he's probably done more in his first 2 months in office than any other president.


Anyway, a biblical tie-in with this episode, Kyle being the jew who is and does save the economy. It was alright but nothing great, and not as good as The Coon.

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Dollhouse 4-6


Episode 4 was pretty crap not much happened except Echo did her job of the week.

Episode was 5 was a step up but still kept to the same formula, Echo becomes a new person and the overall plot teases us more.


But finally on episode 6 we get some decent plot development while I would not class it as amazing but it shows that this series is moving upwards.


I think the whole sleeper agent bit with the neighour is kinda like the secret word the handlers use to take them back for the treatment



The only thing that is dragging this show down for me is Eliza Dushku.

Her acting is unbelievably average

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Newswipe with Charlie Brooker


pr0 pr0gramme. With some choice quotes and tells the modern news how it is. Everyone should enjoy.


Get yo' ass on iPlayer now. Doo eet.


And even though I don't have much of a problem with Gordon Brown, the Epic Fail t-shirts they had on the programme look very temptedings.

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Desperate Housewives- (dunno what it's called so I'm calling it) Dave gets owned!


Loved this episode, but then again, I love DH altogether.


Death Note: Episode 30


Since Episode 25, it's lost it's awesomeness imo. It was a fantastic programme but now it's just great


South Park- The Ring


One of the funniest South Park episodes I've seen. I loved the fact they made fun of the Joey Brothers since they irritate the living crap out of me

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Spectacular Spider-Man Series 2


Love this little show. Quietly very good, if you get me. Love that it's one long story, more than purely episodic.


Some of the most awesome action setpieces in a comic toon In recent memory too.


Love the "human" side of the story too. I actually way prefer Liz to Gwen. (Maybe because I always thought Liz deserved more recognition outside of comics)


Mary Jane is still pointless. She literally brings nothing to the table, they blatantly had to incude her for her fame.


Still lovely. 10 episodes at 20 mns each. Brill.



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Final Episode was inconclusive and I didn't feel satisfied with the plot/general events. Didn't seem dramatic enough for a final episode.


Still, overall it was a great series and there will no doubt be another one that will feature a few of these same characters. Last weeks ep was the best I think.

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Well it was just a bit shit wasn't it? It's like they've purposefully made it a bit crap but I can't figure out what their point was. The Cook stuff was fairly interesting, and it was good to see Superhans, but where were the rest of the cast? Where was any sort of a climax? And why was the episode so self-contained, and not really building on previous episodes?

6 / 10


Overall Series 3 - 7 / 10


Not quite finished Newswipe but it's looking pretty brilliant so far :) Very similar to Screenwipe, but that's no bad thing I guess.

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so it turns out me and Ashley talk about telly a fair bit. Read! stoke our egos!


I've just finished reading your look at Dollhouse, and I have to say you pulled a lot of punches. The article could benefit a lot from being actively eyeing-up e06 as a review specifically.


I mean, you mention in the earlier part of the article where the show's been going wrong but you didn't re-address them in any positive light -- the talk of dushku being the primary focus for the "Fox-orientated episodes" doesn't earn itself a rebuttal in the form of the promising storylines that were unwrapped for us last week.


I like the cultural comparisons you made, and I'm very thankful there weren't too many because usually reading so many contextual references just makes me sad about how ignorant I am.


Good stuff - I'll keep on reading.


But I still don't like the header :P

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And even though I don't have much of a problem with Gordon Brown, the Epic Fail t-shirts they had on the programme look very temptedings.

I believe I said something to Dan Dare last night as we watched it on iPlayer very similar.

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Spectacular Spider-Man Series 2


Love this little show. Quietly very good, if you get me. Love that it's one long story, more than purely episodic.


Some of the most awesome action setpieces in a comic toon In recent memory too.


Love the "human" side of the story too. I actually way prefer Liz to Gwen. (Maybe because I always thought Liz deserved more recognition outside of comics)


Mary Jane is still pointless. She literally brings nothing to the table, they blatantly had to incude her for her fame.


Still lovely. 10 episodes at 20 mns each. Brill.




Did you see the entire season? Cos theres 13 episodes. But yeah they're amazing. Opening Night/the Operah one = practically a masterpiece of a cartoon show episode IMO.

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Drawn Together - Unrestrainable Trainable


Ok, the show is known for being very immature and disgusting at times but this episode takes the cake. Got a princess imprisoning another housemate by constantly feeding him drain cleaner and making him ill and a whole load of incest with Captain Hero and his sister. South Park is like the teletubbies compred to this episode. Yet, while maintaining some gruesome ideas and images, there were some funny moments, noticeably Spanky becoming a father only instantly take his new born son and grind him in a mincer to make pork sausages which Toot buys. Like I said, yes it's very immature and disgusting but there are some good laughs in it.

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Did you see the entire season? Cos theres 13 episodes. But yeah they're amazing. Opening Night/the Operah one = practically a masterpiece of a cartoon show episode IMO.


EHBJIwjh kjewt kjrkbhjrkjbhr nkjr




My lord i've been fooled. *goes to check*


EDIT: My lagan love...I HAVE been a fool.

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EHBJIwjh kjewt kjrkbhjrkjbhr nkjr




My lord i've been fooled. *goes to check*


EDIT: My lagan love...I HAVE been a fool.


Dude I was technically foolish too, the only reason I looked further is cos' I read the season finale was Venom and Carnage, (which it isn't)


(Lol I was like)


"Yep...Carnage....annnny second now"


*End credits*


"Annnny second now."


Anyway yeah on YouTube it likes stop dead on 10 and you have to hunt for the remaining three. Didn't even find 11 in good quality.


But yeah...the finale is....seven shades of awesome.

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Dude I was technically foolish too, the only reason I looked further is cos' I read the season finale was Venom and Carnage, (which it isn't)


(Lol I was like)




Anyway yeah on YouTube it likes stop dead on 10 and you have to hunt for the remaining three. Didn't even find 11 in good quality.


But yeah...the finale is....seven shades of awesome.


Just watched the Mark Raxton/Allen/Allan one. Lovely. Though I can't help feeling that if it were an episode of Batman The Animated Series, it would be brilliant. Like...similar to the Clayface/Mr.Freeze ones.


Oh well.


I think the animation gets better these later ones..? Anyway. Half way through Opening Night.


I love that characters aren't treated as though they have to dominate the episode or they can't be included. Like how the villains are in tonnes of episodes, often doing hardly anything. And when Black Cat was in Ganglnad at the start, then left.

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It's loading now. :D


I love how it promotes Shakespeare too. I've never done Midsummer Night's Dream, but still. Lovely. Though the costumes Glory and Hobie (I love the joke that he's never allowed to speak) were a bit too obvious paralells. Oh well.


Also, I assume Carnage WILL appear at some point. Cletus was with Octavius in Ashley Kafka's psychotherapy thing near the start of the season.

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It's loading now. :D


I love how it promotes Shakespeare too. I've never done Midsummer Night's Dream, but still. Lovely. Though the costumes Glory and Hobie (I love the joke that he's never allowed to speak) were a bit too obvious paralells. Oh well.


Also, I assume Carnage WILL appear at some point. Cletus was with Octavius in Ashley Kafka's psychotherapy thing near the start of the season.


Yeah hopefully season 3. I orgasm'd HARD when he was teased.


Also loved John Jameson! And "Ricochet" and Ox. So cool.


Although I thought it was Speed Demon at the beginning of that episode, which got my hopes up. :(

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Yeah hopefully season 3. I orgasm'd HARD when he was teased.


Also loved John Jameson! And "Ricochet" and Ox. So cool.


Although I thought it was Speed Demon at the beginning of that episode, which got my hopes up. :(


I squeezed my balls so hard during the finale. I did think it might be

Mrs. Osborn

but then thought ":NO! THAT's TOO RADICAL!", then it was actually going to be, like they even said it could be. Then the big-yet-understated reveal in the helicopter (I came at this point). Then it turns out we were all semi-right last seasoN!!!!!!


It's kinda obv. that Pete and MJ will get together next season. No Liz, no Gwen (sortof) and no Molten Man to get in the way.


Blatantly something's gonna go down in Florida.



I want Jackal to make his animated debut! With Warren no working with Gwen in the lab...:bouncy::bouncy::bouncy::bouncy:


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Finished Friday Night Lights :(


Overview: I still don't really understand some decisions they made in-between seasons; they'd hack away half of the secondary cast with no explanation whatsoever, as if they were retconned out of the universe entirely. Entire relationships would shift and change for no reason besides the fact that clearly the writers thought it would set up for a more interesting season, and in the third season the whole 'house' mini-arc was over way too soon, leaving is very much street-deprived over the last four-or-so episodes.


... But I'm sure we can all blame the writer's strike for at least some of that.


It's actually surprisingly hard to talk about the show without spoiling anything. I can definitely say, though, that it is an above average show. I showed an episode to two friends and they, too, were surprised that they liked it. You will laugh. You most probably will be holding back some tears, and you will certainly be begging for a fourth season, that we can but dream of.


(Oh yeah - this means I'm on Big Love now, with some West Wing lined up and waiting :P)

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