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Big Love - Next Ticket Out


Imma steal someone else's comment as, to steal a Chairspression, it feels so essential.


"I swear, every scene seemed to have an upheaval of some sort. By the end of the episode I was almost dizzy from getting yanked in so many different directions."


Nicki is hot when not in gingham dresses. I've always known Chloe Sevigney is hot, but seeing her in "streets" just...wow. Just...just. Everything. I'm so confused, but I love it. What's up with JJ? WHERE ARE HIS FINGERNAILS!?! (okay, lost to inbreeding but whatever). When will Bill stop being such a fucking moron? etc etc. Nicki and Alby's relationship has gotten quite sweet recently.


Next week is the finale. I can't wait...but then I have to wait 9 months til the next season. 9 episodes in a season? Really HBO, WHY!? 80s Nicki is not impressed!



Edited by Ashley
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Damages Season 3 - Episode 1


A solid start to what will hopefully shape up to be a decent return to form for the series; Season 1 was still > Season 2 in my mind but this lies somewhere inbetween.


It was an enjoyable episode which lay down the solid foundations for what's to come; by showing events out of sequence within a six month time-frame it basically shows you how it 'ends' but it also doesn't... because you then need to watch the rest to find out what happened up till that point and inevitably beyond, it's an interesting mechanic probably used to better effect elsewhere but it still serves this series well and it's good to see that they aren't abandoning the familiar format.



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Ooh just watched The lost episode of Hannah Montana from Season 2 that tackled diabetes ! :) They re shot some of the scenes and stuck it in Season 3.


Good Episode. :p Nice to mix it up in the middle with Miley/Lily time. (back before Lily and Oliver were going out) which was lolbears at the disco. I was getting bored of Lily/Oliver tiems.


The comedy is not as tight. I watched some others as well. Almost finished Season 3. :D


Also continuing my Gossip Girl rewatch of Season 1 I'm on Episode 9.


Blair Waldorf Must Pie!


Is probably one of my favourite episodes. It's fantastically well made! The contrast between the present and the past is done well plus I love Blair now (unlike the first time round) She is hilarious and her facial expressions are unrivalled. sexy. :heart:


I'll have to rearrange my list for favourite character in Season 1 (yes I have a list)


Nate is still weakhats. No one cares. Not to fussed about his story still the second time.


Apart from that this show is incredibly Spicy. I prefer it this second time. Also it's in proper quality horns which just makes my eyes lactate.




If I had to give it a rating I'd use 73 because 37 is so ycips backwards. NAICE!


Coolness out.


*trips over*

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Big Love - End of Days




I won't go into plot specific details because nobody really gives a frak but urgh. So much. I don't want to wait til January. I hate how every year not even 1/4 has passed and I'm already hoping for the next. The next season should be truly interesting, with this game changer and everything.


Plus I love how the final shot was the above (but with different outfits). Such a brilliant touch. And the song; "we can be heroes, just for one day" indeed.


Oh and this line just hit so hard, about time someone said it:


"At least my sins are my own. I don't use God to justify them."


Gotta love Sissy Spacek. And the random Larry King cameo. Oh and the faces. The three main female leads (Tripplehorn, Sevigny and Goodwin) all do fantastic jobs at expressing so much with their faces, and that really eminated in the last scene.

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I am about to clamber aboard Ashley. I'm just too immersed in Buffy so I need to clear clutter from my mind.




More Season 4 Buffy

I loved the one about rhe sexually repressed poltergeist. Attack of the orgasm-inducing piece of wallpaper. And I loved the ugly ginger one cutting off her hair. Obvious moment of Pajdriver humour.


Yes Tara. You want L her V.


You And Me, Anya.


I just love the current line-up of the Scooby Gang;


Buffy - Yes.

Willow & Tara - Great Duo, really good at range

Riley - No, but technically good in close. He just takes away

Spike - Yes. Obvious Exploit Weakness against Demon keyword.

Giles - Yes.

Zander & Anya - Way worse than everyone else, but so tricksy.


And Oz and other such shites can be brought in when needed, but realist.

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What is Big Love? I discovered (through IMDB) that Randy from Sex Drive is in it.






True Blood Season 2, Episode 1.


Criminally underwatched. This show is FRICKING awesome. Multiple great storylines, adult themed, cool mythology. It rules! This was a great first episode. Anna Paquin has breasts.




Heroes Season 4, Episodes 2 - 6ish.


WTF. This isn't right. These episodes are GENUINELY enjoyable and....the....writing and plot is (for the most part) actually...really good. Like. What is going on. I gave up completely on the show last season, but very glad I'm back on board. Great acting and villains/complex characters in the form of T-Bag/Robert Knepper and Sylar. I love this show again.


And I want to bone the deaf chick. She's hot. And I LOVE her power.




Heroes is good again.


S1 > S4 >> S2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>S3

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What is Big Love? I discovered (through IMDB) that Randy from Sex Drive is in it.


Oh he's just in a few episodes, and in a completely non-comic way.


Big Love really wouldn't be your show ReZ. Its about a polygamous family in Utah and their interconnected lives and dramas, as well as that of a nearby fundamentalist compound. There's comic moments but its so dense it takes several viewings to understand what the fuck is going on (not least because of having to figure out the Mormon religious stuff first of all, then US politics, then US society etc).


Just watched Chuck vs the Beard. Was spoilt as to what will happen, but not with whom. Hmm.


Anyway, that's more your show ReZ. Geekorama.


Oh and I think we were watching different Heroes...

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I havent watched the episode yet but I think I know what your talking about, watched the Canadian trailer yesterday and they seemed to give a lot away!


Yeah apparently it did.


But I saw someone the other day say something along the lines of "so we know someone is going to find out Chuck's secret" umm...I didn't.



And there's a great Casey line which I'll mention later when I can be bothered to find it, but its Casey down to a t.

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Heroes Season 4, Episodes 2 - 6ish.


WTF. This isn't right. These episodes are GENUINELY enjoyable and....the....writing and plot is (for the most part) actually...really good. Like. What is going on. I gave up completely on the show last season, but very glad I'm back on board. Great acting and villains/complex characters in the form of T-Bag/Robert Knepper and Sylar. I love this show again.


And I want to bone the deaf chick. She's hot. And I LOVE her power.




Heroes is good again.


S1 > S4 >> S2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>S3

I agree with that ">" diagram. Although the second half of S3 was not bad at all.


Shame that you found it good again just as it got (possibly) canned :heh:

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Heroes Season 4, Episodes 2 - 6ish.


WTF. This isn't right. These episodes are GENUINELY enjoyable and....the....writing and plot is (for the most part) actually...really good.


S1 > S4 >> S2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>S3



Don't worry, the latter bunch of episodes are pretty piss poor.


Heroes is great at hype but never fails to disappoint.


I think Season 2 (and the entire show to some extent) really got fucked in the ass by the writers strike. The original plans for that season looked awesome, the heroes were going to fail to stop the Shanti virus from being released and the latter half of the season was going to follow the effects of that. Looked really great. Alas, they had to halt production mid season so we were left with a sloppy 'saved the world at the last minute' ending. If only they'd had the balls to end the season on a massively pessimistic note (which was the original mid-season finale), we might not be quite where we are today.


I also fucking loved David Anders as Adam Monroe. Great Villain. I bummed the actor previously from playing Sark in Alias though. Was rather shocked to find out that he isn't actually English.

Edited by SPAMBOT4000
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Angel Season 1 Episode 1 (most of it, fuck you webz)


Seems intriguing and I already prefer him here than on Buffy. Plus Cordelia. Yes. I never saw the very end but I assume all ends well.


Buffy Season 5 Episode 1


Really "..." for a season opener. Just bizarre and felt like a straight to video thing (probs becuase the tradition of "VS Dracula!" things to be so), but yeah. Just felt really strange and not good.

The ending was also "...". I knew she'd appear at some point, but I never knew how she was introduced. Obviously this is a "WTF!?" inducing bit, but yeah. I'm not screaming.

I just want Anya to do more with her life. She feels the most underused.

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Angel ftw.


And Boreanez love continues with Bones season 2 and the first part of Season 3. The whole Bones/Booth thing is allegedly being focused on this season (as well as some sort of illuminati-type weird series of deaths spotted throughout. I doubt booth/bones will get it on. They'd waste so much ammo for future seasons.


House's 14th ep was pretty much a patient of the week filler with some amusing set pieces for Wilson and Chase. I must say it wouldn't surpise me if the latter got it on with 13... Cuddy was remarkably abscent, and the episode's commentary on the rise of the blog and the faltering of privacy was largely 'duh' and 'i don't care'.

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House's 14th ep was pretty much a patient of the week filler with some amusing set pieces for Wilson and Chase. I must say it wouldn't surpise me if the latter got it on with 13... Cuddy was remarkably abscent, and the episode's commentary on the rise of the blog and the faltering of privacy was largely 'duh' and 'i don't care'.


Yeah, definite filler this week. Was hoping to come back to a better episode after the gap really. Yeah, totally noticed Chase and 13 too. Definite chemistry there. Would certainly be interesting if they did get it on. House would fucking love it. Tons of potential there for him to piss the lot of them off.

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