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Bah! I'd just switched on my PS3 and was all ready to play MGS3 for a bit but nooooo! got to wait for this rubbish update which does nothing. >< Phail...


At least 360 updates are mercifully short... >>

Stops the HDD from corrupting.


It does? I didn't know it was in any danger of corrupting :/ but ok... if the update is to prevent that then it's valid, I was just kinda dismayed cos I wanted to play MGS3 and now I have to wait. T.T


Hmm I might play on my Wii... cept I really can't be bothered :/ I could switch on my 360... but I don't want to play it atm... >> meh I'll just watch Family Guy for a bit, the update will finish soon enough I'm sure. :smile:


Anyone know if these are actually worth it? from comments I've read they seem better for some games than others, feel better than the original triggers but make light presses more difficult? :wtf:




I thought they seemed like a good idea, was just wodnering if anyone has any and what they think of them.


Here's some FF news which is a little disappointing to be honest.


Square Enix's grandiose plans for a Final Fantasy XIII three-way appear to be a bit stalled. The action oriented spin-off known as Final Fantasy Versus XIII may be coming even later than expected, which should come as a surprise to absolutely no one. According to an interview with Versus XIII director Tetsuya Nomura in the newest issue of Famitsu, he explains that development is the side story is currently "on hold," with development staff of that game now tasked with getting FFXIII out the door.


Given that it's been over two years since Square Enix first showed off its FFXIII offerings and we're still getting trailers devoid of gameplay, we certainly don't expect to see Final Fantasy XIII until well into 2009. We'll pencil in Versus for 2013 or so.


Let's give it up for ten-year console life cycles!



DISSIDIA: Final Fantasy? 50 percent done. So says the game's character designer Tetsuya Nomura in the upcoming issue of Japanese game mag Famitsu. This shouldn't come as a huge surprise as only half the cast has been revealed. That, and Square Enix does like to take its sweet time putting out its games. There's no rush, we guess.



Source: Kotaku

Stops the HDD from corrupting.


In that case i welcome it. I turned my PS3 on about 3 month ago and had to reformat it, good thing i had my saves backed up.


Yay, my FF PSP arrived today, is so sexy! <3. Shame I messed up putting the screen protector on, one annoying air bubble in the center xD


Just wondering, which component cable should I get so I can play it through my TV?

Guest Jordan

Screen protectors suck i find. Just use a carry case when you're not using it. Simple.


Component cable... The offical Sony one works quite well. But you'll have to import it, as afaik it isn't out here.

Yay, my FF PSP arrived today, is so sexy! <3. Shame I messed up putting the screen protector on, one annoying air bubble in the center xD


Just wondering, which component cable should I get so I can play it through my TV?


Wooo! Am jealous :P


My order for FF Crisis Core went though, i was gunna send it back but my mom said she'd pay for it. Nice of her to do that, just hope the game is actually worth £29 now.

Screen protectors suck i find. Just use a carry case when you're not using it. Simple.


Component cable... The offical Sony one works quite well. But you'll have to import it, as afaik it isn't out here.


I got this awesome thing which is like a frontal case/see through, you keep it on, can still access all buttons fine and it protects it. I used to have to leave it out (as couldnt find a decent carry case) but now I can put it away without fear of it being scratched. :bowdown:


I have my PS3 linked to my PC through the Media Server option. How do I copy music files over though? Only a very few actually let me copy them over. What's the deal here? I mean they're not protected files or anything so surely there should be no problem?

Nice of her to do that, just hope the game is actually worth £29 now.


Trust me it is. I imported the US version when it first came out and it is easily one of the best games I have played this year, the ending is so emotional :cry:

Here's some FF news which is a little disappointing to be honest.








Source: Kotaku


lol that was proved to be false mate.

lol that was proved to be false mate.


Indeed ( its over on eurogamer peeps ) but the PSP title news wasnt. I have been waiting for that game for ages now. Hopefully the wait will be worth it though.


Ratchet and Clank is indeed AWESOME! And the shooty-shooty parts are the closest thing to a REAL Star Fox title since 1998.


Where is Dafts PS Store update? I miss it :(


Hm according to this info, Crisis Core isn't actually random in levelling up, hmm.


First of all,

it's NOT RANDOM. The game has an internal, invisible EXP counter, and Zack needs

to reach an amount of EXP in order to level up. Even though the EXP isn't

shown in-game,


Time for me to play ^_^

Guest Jordan
Hm according to this info, Crisis Core isn't actually random in levelling up, hmm.


Time for me to play ^_^


Meh, that was my observation. I don't get how its not random, when you can level up several times sometimes during a battle and then go forever without leveling once...


Well if it's like some RPGs, newer enemies might give you lots of EXP and you'll level up pretty fast, then after that limit is reached the same bodies/area won't give you bugger all, LO on 360 used this type of setting to level up.


LittleBigPlanet Dev Talks


For the latest episode of the PS Nation podcast, we chatted with Media Molecule founder, Mark Healey. He previously worked on Rag Doll Kung Fu, before moving onto the hotly anticipated PS3 exclusive, LittleBigPlanet. In our 40 minute chat, we covered a number of topics. For example, did you know LittleBigPlanet will have a story mode? Did you know that you'll be able to share "risque" levels privately amongst your friends? Finally, we have confirmation that Sackboy plushies are being made. Yes! Read on.


LittleBigPlanet has been evolving at every show. For example, enemies were introduced in the most recent build. How is Media Molecule staggering these features? What's the schedule and why are certain things only being shown at certain times?


To be honest, because we showed the game at GDC originally, so early on in the development process. Really, we've been showing things as they go into the game. People have been seeing the game evolve. Quite often, people show the game much nearer the end and are very careful about what they show and what they don't show. It's literally as we're designing the game that we're showing things. There wasn't one big master plan. At some point, we decided "we need enemies," so we put enemies. And then it was shown to people.


YouTube video uploading has been discussed for games like PixelJunk Eden and an educational title in Japan. Is it something that's being considered for the game?


We haven't made any plans to do that yet. But, like we've always said. We really want to listen to the community. Really, whatever they're most hungry for, we'll make every effort to feed them with what they're hungry for. Like the fluid, with YouTube -- I'm taking a guess, but those are going to be high up on that list. I don't really know what the logistics are, who you have to talk to at YouTube. If there's a huge desire for it, and it's possible, then I'm sure we'll have a go at doing it.


How were the Killzone Sackboys introduced into LittleBigPlanet?


Alex, one of our technical directors, he happened to know one of the people at Guerilla. That particular thing came about over a couple of beers. It's a really small world, the games industry, really. We're definitely interested in getting first party game elements into the LittleBigPlanet universe. I don't want to say too much about it, really. As things unfold, we'll definitely make them known. And, I have to be careful ... Brandon (SCEA PR) might snap some legs if I go any further.


What's the breadth of content we can find in the final game, considering it's been taking so long?


"There's a whole game there you can play through ... strung together in the form of a story."

First of all, out of the box, there's going to be a whole heap of example levels. Last time I counted, there were fifty plus. We put a lot of time and effort into those. We wanted to kill a few birds with one stone. A, we wanted to show what's possible with the tools. B, for people that don't want to be creative, there's a whole game there that you can play through, basically. They are strung together in the form of a story. A very loose story, but incredibly funny at certain points. There's elements in those levels that will satisfy a lot of different type of gamers. So yeah, there's definitely going to be enough content to just play.


We've seen levels that scroll from the left to the right. Will levels be able to go from the right to the left?


When you create a level (or scene, as I like to call it), you can place an entrance anywhere you'd like. You've got a huge area you can build your level in ... so yes is the answer to that.


Some people will want to build more risque content for the title. How are filters being implemented and can people get away with putting more ... adult content on the service?


First of all, I can tell you that you can make private levels. You can publish a level and make it locked and give away keys to friends. But, I personally wouldn't put risky content in there. We have a post-grievance system. The way that works is ... pretty much at any point in the game, you can press a button and effectively take a screenshot. That screenshot knows lots of information of where that screenshot came from, what players were there, etc. You can send that screenshot to the powers that be ... If you want to make a private level, give keys to people you trust. You can do that, I suppose.

"Maybe in the future, we'd like to explore other areas outside of games."


Why the name Media Molecule?


I remember we had lots of arguments at the time about what we should call ourselves. I think we settled on that on in the end. Well, all of us here are interested in various forms of media. Music, video, computer games ... and we clustered together to form a molecule. It sort of makes sense in a way. I remember one of the things we talked about is that we didn't want to have the word "Games" in our company name. Maybe in the future, we'd like to explore other areas outside of games. Who knows? It's a name we'd like to go forward with our global empire.


So "LittleBigPlanet: the Movie" confirmed.


Absolutely. Via YouTube, of course. [Ed's note: this is a joke. We think.]


Can we use the Playstation Eye to customize our characters?


Absolutely ... For example, you can wear a cardboard box and put a sticker of yourself there. And presto, you have a little creepy version of yourself walking around in the game. So yes, you can absolutely do that.


Can we expect more quirky music (featured in the trailers) in the game?


Absolutely. We've got some real gems in there. I won't name them now and spoil the surprise. But we've got ... well, I forget the number. We've got several really cool tunes in there from bands that aren't necessarily very well known. In addition to that, we've got a whole set of interactive pieces of music. So, things like the Go Team track are effectively licensed track that you can place into a level if you like and they just play. But we've got some other pieces of music where you can actually tinker with a virtual mixer, so you can alter what they sound like. You can alter the drums, or the bass, or change the vocal parts. You can sequence that and have different mixers throughout the game. Hours of fun just messing with that. I'm not going to say more about that ... but that's very cool. There's some exciting things related to that in store. It's something that's never been done before, I don't think.



They're coming.


Are there any plans to sell Sackboy plushies?

I hope so. I want one. And everyone I know wants one. I think it'd be silly not to really. I don't know what plans have been made to start the process, but I think it's a no-brainer, really. I need one to give one to my newborn child, to start. [Ed's note: check the podcast for more details on that!] So that's got to happen. Do you know anything about that Brandon?

Brandon: It's on the way. Details will be emerging shortly.


Did companies other than Sony try to get LittleBigPlanet?

Well actually, Sony were the first people we showed it to. They just got it straight away. They loved it, really. They said all the right things, and they really went out of their way to establish us as a new studio. We didn't even feel the need to go to show it to anyone else, really. It was pitched exclusively to Sony. They said the right things, so good Sony!




The team behind Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare are rumoured to be making a new sci-fi title.


Speaking with TalkPlayStation.com an insider said “we are currently working on a new sci-fi title, we cannot release any more information as of yet, we may or may not announce it at E3″.


So what sort of sci-fi game will this be? Most likely a first person shooter, maybe its something that will rival Halo.


Infinity Ward are famous for developing Call of Duty 4, they have no part in Call of Duty 5 as Treyarch are in control of it


my gorgeous white dualshock 3 turned up, the best £32.92 I have ever spent.


When are we getting the MGS database like japan and the US? I may have to create a US account just to get it.

my gorgeous white dualshock 3 turned up, the best £32.92 I have ever spent.


When are we getting the MGS database like japan and the US? I may have to create a US account just to get it.


Yes. MGS database is next thursday for us.

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