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Should we stick with our glasses? or are contacts the way to go!!!

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I've actually slept entire nights with my contacts in before without a problem, though my eyes were really dry afterwards. Of course you shouldn't do this at all, and it was stupid of me to do it back then.


Only problems I've had so far: the first week I was wearing them, I had to start with two hours the first day, then add two hours every following day. Well, the first day I got to wear them the entire day, I managed to put them in inside out and go to school like that. My eyes were killing me all day long and I didn't know why. =P


Also used to have problems taking them out at first, cause they wouldn't stick to my fingers. Now I get them out in one second (for each). =D

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Guest Stefkov

If you're clumsy enough to let them fall off, what's to say you're not clumsy enough to stab yourself in the eye to hard when putting contacts in..

Stick with glasses. Some glasses can make you look good.

If you've gone to long with glasses then go to contacts I think you'd just look wierd. And I know, I look wierd (and blind) without my glasses on.

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I love my glasses. Have worn them since I was 4. not because i'm long/short sighted, purely because one eye was stronger than the other! My glasses are very weak! (and very dirty all the time!)

Although I havent been wearing them since tuesday, because I broke them.

Might not need glasses when I go for my next checkup.

Will feel very weird without them. Might just get some plain glass ones just to wear for fun.

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I wouldn't mind wearing glasses, so I would look smart with them, and I could adjust them in cool ways:








I couldn't find my favorite one, that you do it with the middle joint of your pointing finger.


I do that all the time in attempt to look cool with my glasses on! :) It usually fails...


Thanks for all the suggestions Guys! Never knew so many of you wore glasses! :grin:


Stefkov your right i'd probably end up poking my eye out knowing how clumsy i am. :heh: I reckon i would look out with out them now as well.


I do enjoy wearing my glasses (when they stay on my face) and have no worries of being called a Nerd (as i am..) It just gets a bit annoying.


I don't think i'll be getting lazer eye surgery either, Ouch!! sounds painful, Unless things get really bad!!!


When you first get contacts do you have to get the scary eyeman to put them in the first time?


Letty what do your Cool glasses look like? :D


Edit: 1 second Eenuh!!! that is INSANELY QUICK!!! :awesome:

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I did try contacts for a while, but I'd never go back to them again.


I just didn't like having to poke myself in the eye to get them in all the time, plus the solution, that I had to put them in to keep them clean, stung my eyes like hell. If it isn't replaced frequently it can lead to eye infections. Getting them out was also a major problem, as the bastards didn't like coming out. As you can't wear contacts all day, when I reverted back to glasses my vision went really strange and I went extremely dizzy.


So, in my personal opinion, glasses are the way to go! I used to get called a 'nerd' foe wearing them, but I really don't give a damn what people think about me.


Plus, when I head bang to heavy music, my glasses somehow manage to stay on and I don't know how. So there's another good advantage for me. :heh:

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I did try contacts for a while, but I'd never go back to them again.


I just didn't like having to poke myself in the eye to get them in all the time, plus the solution, that I had to put them in to keep them clean, stung my eyes like hell. If it isn't replaced frequently it can lead to eye infections. Getting them out was also a major problem, as the bastards didn't like coming out. As you can't wear contacts all day, when I reverted back to glasses my vision went really strange and I went extremely dizzy.


So, in my personal opinion, glasses are the way to go! I used to get called a 'nerd' foe wearing them, but I really don't give a damn what people think about me.


Plus, when I head bang to heavy music, my glasses somehow manage to stay on and I don't know how. So there's another good advantage for me. :heh:


Maybe you were using the wrong solution but it's not supposed to sting. Or you were supposed to use another one in addition before putting your contacts in. Mine don't sting at all. And yeah, you should change the solution every day before putting away your lenses. Don't see that as anything negative though. =P


And I wear my contacts all day and I'm fine? *shrugs*


Also, glasses get in the way, especially when I want to lay down on my side with a book or to play DS. Or when you want to hug or kiss someone. =P

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Well, I've worn glasses since I was 5 or 6, and I don't think I'll be abandoning them anytime soon, unless I really need to. Most people think I look kind of psycotic without them.


Also, I have to wear glasses because I'm extremely short-sighted (about -6).


You can fix that with contact lenses too though? I have -3.75 in one eye, and I had a friend who probably had worse eye sight than you (her entire family was like that) and yet she still wore contact lenses. =O


But each to their own. Wearing glasses just pissed me off. =3

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You can fix that with contact lenses too though? I have -3.75 in one eye, and I had a friend who probably had worse eye sight than you (her entire family was like that) and yet she still wore contact lenses. =O


But each to their own. Wearing glasses just pissed me off. =3

Yeah, I knew that, but, glasses definatly suit me more than what contacts would. Without them, I look... weird.
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Yeah, I knew that, but, glasses definatly suit me more than what contacts would. Without them, I look... weird.


Some people do look really strange without glasses after they've worn them for a while, it's wierd. On of my friends tried contact lenses, but had to change back because he just looked so strange without them. He's got ultra thick glasses so I take it his eyesight must suck.

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Letty what do your Cool glasses look like? :D





tada :p


Plus, when I head bang to heavy music, my glasses somehow manage to stay on and I don't know how. So there's another good advantage for me. :heh:


I had the exact same problem, but the opticians fixed it for me, by bending the legs a bit so the were right on my ears! :)

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tada :p




I had the exact same problem, but the opticians fixed it for me, by bending the legs a bit so the were right on my ears! :)


Those Glasses are Too Cool!!! for School...


AWESOME! :awesome:


At the moment my glasses keep slipping off my face as i accidently sat on them bending the arms out so they don't actually fit under my ears...

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I've had glasses for about 12yrs now. I hate them because I used to swim all of the time. And I was a lifeguard & swim coach and splashed water on the geggs all the time peeved me. I remember doing lifeguard training and trying to win at finding pound coins on the pool floor and it took me 15mins. I'm sure I could have had a case against the company when I look back!!


Indeed I despise having glasses yet I've had contacts numerable times and never truly felt comortable with them. When I lived abroad contacts were ideal as I needed to wear sun glasses most of the time and glasses were just too awkward (and those light refractor ones look stoopid when grey). Indeed I recently went back to contacts and discussed the nightmares I've had in the past with them (sticking to my eye, falling out, causing red rings around my eye). And the optician said there is a super-sensitive solution (literally) and so it's on order now and I can't wait. I've tried everything else and it just hurts :(


I love contacts and I agree that people have IDIOTIC preconceptions of gorgeous glasses wearing folk. And I HATE it when people say you looked better with glasses (like having metal frames on our faces makes people look better). But if you're an extremely active person...CONTACTS FTW! It makes things a lot easier.


But it's a matter of taste. So ignore me.:indeed:

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Guest Stefkov

I dropped my glasses and they broke. Had to go and get them fixed. While there, they dropped again and the lens popped out.

Morale of the story. Don't buy Specsaver brand glasses if you want to keep them intact.

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I've had bad eye sight since about 6 and it's gotten progresivly worse. When I was 14 I switched to dailys, 15 I switched to monthlys (taking them out every night) and now I wear weeklys, which are by far the best. I sleep in them and keep them in all week, have one night a week where I sleep without them. I haven't worn my glasses in a year. I'm also second nature at putting them in, often having to do it in complete darkness (again, China thing). In fact friends i've met in the last few years don't know I have bad eyesight (unless i've told them).

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Maybe you were using the wrong solution but it's not supposed to sting. Or you were supposed to use another one in addition before putting your contacts in. Mine don't sting at all. And yeah, you should change the solution every day before putting away your lenses. Don't see that as anything negative though. =P


And I wear my contacts all day and I'm fine? *shrugs*


Also, glasses get in the way, especially when I want to lay down on my side with a book or to play DS. Or when you want to hug or kiss someone. =P


The solution I was given was the only one my opticians gave to me, and they recommended it, so it's their fault if it was the wrong one. And I know changing the solution isn't a bad thing, but it is when you forget/don't have chance to. I've known of other people that have had eye infections because of this. Mind you, it's their own fault I guess. :heh:


And glasses only really get in the way when I'm lying down on my side. I have no problems with them when I'm hugging or kissing my g/f.


I had the exact same problem, but the opticians fixed it for me, by bending the legs a bit so the were right on my ears! :)


Ah, so that's why. Glad you got that sorted though! I actually just remembered an incident that happened to me at a gig the once. Someone accidentally knocked into the back of me, and my glasses flew off, fell onto the floor and the lense came out. Luckily, I managed to find it and I got them fixed. I haven't had that problem since though.

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My eyesight is 100% a-ok, but I do know a little about such problems from my girlfriend. On one hand glasses give her red marks on her nose where they sit. On the other hand contacts dry her eyes out and make them a little bloodshot by the evening. Another problem with contacts is that you need to have contact solution with you. She once ended up at my house, but couldn't stay the night and had to go home as I had no contact solution........... :sad:

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ooh!!! my glasses are like those! but with blue in the middle, not orange (god i'm randomly obsessed with blue and never realized till i chose this screen-name....) but i expect they're a different brand 'cause my "shopping-for-glasses" method is to tell the guy "whatever's cheapest... and then can i have a random discount??"


frames are so expensive :nono:

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