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Mafia Game #3 - Stranded in Mushroom Kingdom


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Okay, we can calm down a bit down, the games back under control.


Since we don't have any real leads i'm going to Vote:My Buttons are Magic. She doesn't post, which is suspicious and kept her out of the limelight (intentional?). Granted its a guess, but she doesn't really help in any way, so losing her won't be any big deal if she's good.


I still hold my case against Coolness Bears, but until I can get some more support I leave it.


There's also rokhed.


But I'll Vote:My Buttons are Magic for now. Still, your persistence over Coolness Bears is starting to get suspicious.

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There's also rokhed.


But I'll Vote:My Buttons are Magic for now. Still, your persistence over Coolness Bears is starting to get suspicious.


Didn't Rokhed go like in the first round?


And i'll drop my evidence against Coolness as so as someone shows me some evidence to the contrary. However so far everyone just seems to take his and ellmeisters word for it.

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Didn't Rokhed go like in the first round?


And i'll drop my evidence against Coolness as so as someone shows me some evidence to the contrary. However so far everyone just seems to take his and ellmeisters word for it.


well to be honest, i read over the first however-many-pages there were after I got brought back, and it seemed fairly clear from the write-ups and teh geneal goings on who three, maybe four characters were.


I haven't seen any sign of your evidence though. Link and PoP have been attacked nearly every night because their identities aren't raelly of the secret variety...

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well to be honest, i read over the first however-many-pages there were after I got brought back, and it seemed fairly clear from the write-ups and teh geneal goings on who three, maybe four characters were.


I haven't seen any sign of your evidence though. Link and PoP have been attacked nearly every night because their identities aren't raelly of the secret variety...


Well I don't have any evidence, i'm acting on pure suspicion and logic. Here we go. The first we got against coolness was Eunuh's remarks. So far her power is not fully understood, or proven wrong.


Secondly was the response from Domjcg and Ellmeister that CB was innocent of the very same day. This was still very early on in the game, so it was wierd that they both knew CBs indentity. Also darksnowman testified that Ellmeister and CB had been talking (I think over MSN). In my opinion its more likely they know CB because they are in the mafia, and are protecting him.


The only evidence to counteract my claims have been those three testifying CBs innocence. Should we really take it at face value.


All i'm asking is for people to look at it again and consider it. I've also withdrawn my vote now so that I can wait to see if more evidence pops up, but if more people come to the same conclusion I will vote for CB again.

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Well I don't have any evidence, i'm acting on pure suspicion and logic. Here we go. The first we got against coolness was Eunuh's remarks. So far her power is not fully understood, or proven wrong.


Secondly was the response from Domjcg and Ellmeister that CB was innocent of the very same day. This was still very early on in the game, so it was wierd that they both knew CBs indentity. Also darksnowman testified that Ellmeister and CB had been talking (I think over MSN). In my opinion its more likely they know CB because they are in the mafia, and are protecting him.


The only evidence to counteract my claims have been those three testifying CBs innocence. Should we really take it at face value.


All i'm asking is for people to look at it again and consider it. I've also withdrawn my vote now so that I can wait to see if more evidence pops up, but if more people come to the same conclusion I will vote for CB again.


Actually, CB is most probably Link. Proof? Ever since he revealed his identity, he's been targeted during the night.


Second, Eenuh always gets wrong results. Mundi was "good" per Eenuh, but he ended up being the grim reaper.

If CB is "evil" per Eenuh, he most certainly isn't really evil. Maybe Neutral, even, but not evil.


Third, weirder things already happened. In the last game, The Stalker found the Mafia's leader on the first night.

If two investigators targeted the same player, I'm not surprised.


Point is, we need to turn our heads in a better direction.


Besides, didn't Domjcg die already? Who was he?

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Okay, we can calm down a bit down, the games back under control.


Since we don't have any real leads i'm going to Vote:My Buttons are Magic. She doesn't post, which is suspicious and kept her out of the limelight (intentional?). Granted its a guess, but she doesn't really help in any way, so losing her won't be any big deal if she's good.


I still hold my case against Coolness Bears, but until I can get some more support I leave it.


lets just say if i get lynched off - there might be consequences!


but to be fair - i dont really have a role in the game, i cant provide information as i am never given any which is why i never post!..

tho i do have a few tricks up my sleeve which could prove important when the time comes

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Lazyboy persists in thinking me and domjcq are backing Coolness O.o *sigh*


Don't we have further proof from someone else that Coolness is good?

I won't reveal any information backing if I find someone is good anymore because obviously it just looks suspicious.


I'm heading towards voting for my buttons, since she said killing her could have consequences...she never said it would affect us good people!


Vote:My Buttons are Magic

For now =]

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Well, things made a turn around it seems, not only are 2 of them dead, and we got Sprout back.


Does anyone has any information? What about Tellyn and Gizmo that were at that meeting?


I haven't been to a meeting with Gizmo. :s


And just to clarify, Coolness Bears is good.


And does Robotnik have the radio?

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Day 7 is now over


The warrior flung a handful of sand, again speeding up time.


There are 25 players remaining. 13 is a majority.


/ nando /


Coolness Bears














My Buttons are magic!

Paj Meen Ah






the fish


Night 7 begins now

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I haven't been to a meeting with Gizmo. :s


And just to clarify, Coolness Bears is good.


And does Robotnik have the radio?


I'm just saying that, according to what gaggle told us. What were you doing there?


I think Robotnik was just listening in on the conversation.


What conversation?

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Night 7 is now over


The surge of dark eco had finally died down inside Jak. He was back in his normal form now. "Thank your chosen deity that you aren't all kooky anymore. I wasn't getting just a tad scared when you started RIPPING PEOPLE'S HEADS OFF!"


"Jeez Daxter calm down!" said Jak, "It was a necessity."


"Whatever you say. But next time you think it's a good idea to kill a randomer, warn me first, so I can go run far away. Jesus, you'd think you'd have more control over that eco of yours now"


Whilst they were bickering, neither of the pair saw the giant beast tower behind them. A column of flame errupted from the beast's nostrels incinerating the pair.


Shorty is dead. He was Jak (and Daxter), a hero who had 3 sides to his character.




The Prince used the sands. He returned to the fourth night. He saw the murder of Zelda, but knew not to interfere. He had learned that dabbling in the fates of others could have very bad effects...




Crash Bandicoot was again out on his investigations. Although he was dumb-witted, his enthusiasm to fish out the villains was unmatched.


He ran, double jumping over a bottomless cravasse randomly placed in the middle of a pathway, on his way to the man he suspected.


Lu Bu took one look at Crash Bandicoot and flung himself to the ground. "Oh my great gods, why have you sent the signal of death becomst upon me?! Have I done so wrong that I deserve punishment such as this?"


The warrior knelt on the ground for several seconds. Crash eyed him with suspicion, but held his ground. Lu Bu then stood up again, twirling his long spear in a intricate manner.


"If even the gods fear my power, then so be it. I shall have to conquer heaven itself!"


And with one fell slash of the halberd, Crash Bandicoot was cut into two pieces.


Eenuh is dead. She was Crash Bandicoot, the hero who had trouble understanding the concept of good and evil.


"May the gods forgive me, and fear me. For I have slain the prophet of death."



At that moment, a motorcycle revved onto the scene, and a man with blonde spikey hair mismounted. He took one look at Crash's body, and pulled out his buster blade. He didn't need discussion, he could see when someone was evil.


Both men readied their weapons, their eyes meeting in glares. Then they both charged at each other. Their weapons clashed, causing sparks to fly.


With his strength of 15 men, Lu Bu pushed Cloud back onto the ground. Before the warrior could follow through and kill his foe, Cloud had flipped off the ground and landed behind Lu Bu. With one slash of his sword, Lu Bu's left arm was separated from his body. It fell to the ground, and Lu Bu screamed in pain.


From nowhere, a barrage of gunshot came. It hit it's target; several bullets going into Lu Bu's torso. Armless and wounded, Lu Bu did not fall.


Cloud could not defend himself from the spear that rained down upon him from the enraged Lu Bu. His body was literally diced and sliced.


Ellmeister is dead. He was Cloud Strife, spikey-haired protagonist who was battle-hardened and a good judge of character.


Tommy fumbled with his pistol. "Shit" he thought to himself. The warrior was running towards him, and he couldn't get the fucking pistol to load. He swore as he dropped the round of ammo on the ground, and before he could turn to run, the spear smashed through his ribs and lungs, protruding through his torso out the back of his body.


MoogleViper is dead. He was Tommy Vercetti, unlikely vigilante and hero whose arsenal of weapons could kill most of his foes.


Lu Bu fell in exhaustion. He must survive. He must. He was the mightest warrior. All those bugs that called themselves warriors had to be crushed...


My Buttons are Magic! is dead. She was the mighty Warrior Lu Bu, who killed anyone that targeted him.


There are 20 players remaining. 11 is a majority.


/ nando /


Coolness Bears











Paj Meen Ah





the fish


Day 8 begins now

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