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Skies of Arcadia Sequel On The Way?


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From 1up.


A little out of left field, however, is news of Sega reviving Skies of Arcadia. The sky pirate RPG was criminally overlooked, despite releases on both Dreamcast and GameCube, but apparently Sega been quietly preparing a sequel to the swashbuckling adventure.


I know it doesnt mention a format but it would make sense to release it on the Wii due to the 1st game being on the Cube. I really hope this is true as I have been praying for a sequel since I finished the 1st game. I know there are others on here who want it aswell ( points to Shadow :) )

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From 1up.




I know it doesnt mention a format but it would make sense to release it on the Wii due to the 1st game being on the Cube. I really hope this is true as I have been praying for a sequel since I finished the 1st game. I know there are others on here who want it aswell ( points to Shadow :) )


Oh god this would be awesome. I would love a sequal to the game and I have been desperate for one ever since I finished the first just like you.


I know that when the DC was still out the Sequal was in planning stages but haven't heard anything since. Would be amazing if this was true and there really is a sequal :D


I agree that the game is hugely overlooked. Every RPG fan should buy this, everytime I gave it a loan to someone they loved it and it makes sense to release it on the Wii since SEGA and Nintendo seem to be a bit closer now.


Please be true!!


You know me so well Hero :heh:

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I'm hoping this is true, because we need several more RPG's.


Fixed for truth. But really though Wii has been out for almost a year and there isn't a date for an RPG yet, which is really annoying since it could be interesting with the controls. And RPGs are popular in Japan so the Wii sales would go up somewhat over there if it's a good RPG.


But chances are we need to wait for a good flow of 3rd party games first, then RPGs. Wish they would hurry up with cheap cash ins...

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I know I say it every time this rumour pops up, but I need a sequal to the first game. It is one of the best RPG games ever made, and convayed a sense of adventure like most game cannot even possibly dream of acheiving. Please make this game. Shame stocka isn't around anymore, i'd love to see his reaction.

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Oh man, I would kill for a sequel (they have videogames in prison, yes?)


- A much bigger overworld would be nice.

- A bit more activity on the ground (though most of it should take place in the skies, obviously).

- More control of other characters (like how they let you control Aika for a while)

- More ship customisation.

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wow this has been a good week for announcements. Im not even bothered about which platform it goes to, sooner or later im gonna need all 3 of them.


As much as i loved the cast of the original, i hope this takes place in a different world with different characters, since theres nothing left to discover from SoA1.

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If that's true the Wii would overload with awesomeness.


The Wii, the shelfs and pretty much anything that enters contact with it.


I wouldn't mind, but they would need to have a different world. Not a different setting (the skies make the game), but just a different world.


A new world to explore and new dangers to face. I don't want the same Arcadia world. That world is pretty much saved and explored. Any new bad guys or discoveries would pretty much be overkill. I'm talking something new here.


Of course, it could work if the game is 5000 years into the future or something to that effect.



Still, I'm excited to know what can come out of it. And don't let Sonic Team near it!


EDIT: Just saw Pit-Jr's post. Yeah, what he said.

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I've heard this rumour so many times, and each time its failure to be realised leaves me feeling as if I've been on the receiving end of Pirate's Wrath.


And yet a flicker of hope remains...


As it happens, I was watching the latest Zack & Wiki trailer earlier today and the airship parts made me yearn for a Skies sequal. Then I saw the latest rumour, and it got me thinking about how a second game on the Wii could work really well. I know a specific platform wasn't mentioned, but Nintendo's console just seems a natural fit.


Anyway, I better go and get some duct tape for my inevitably broken heart.

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Lol, this rumour makes a habit of popping up. Ever since I finised Skies on the Cube I've been hoping for news on a new one at every subsequent E3, but it never happens. I remember that the only thing I've ever seen thats been close to giving official hope of a sequel was that Sega said they were planning one years ago... where is the proof? :cry:


If it happens I'd love to see it on the Wii cos thats likely the only way that I'll ever get to play it - lest it comes to DS a la DQ IX.

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I think it'll happen at some point no doubt. the GC version was pretty successful and SEGA don't seem affraid of bringing every single franchise they have to the Wii.


My one worry would be if they tried to make this Wii and PS2, but I can't see that happening considering the GC got Legends as an exclusive.

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My only worry is that it'll be rushed and there'll be problems with it. I want them to take there time with this and make it a quality game, assuming that this will turn out true.


We really need good 3rd party games like No More Heroes, Zack and Wiki, NiGHTs to the Wii cause most of them are just crap.

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