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Majora's Mask


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Not to mention that I even ordered your avater:laughing:


Good work, I still envy those that get to experience LKS for the first time.


I have been tempted for a while to restart this and Twilight Princess. Majora's Mask is just too cool. :)


I love all the buildup before the second dungeon. :D


I did start another playthrough of TP in the run up to last Christmas but didn't get very far at all, partly due to not quite feeling it and also because I picked up the 360 at that time so I got sidetracked.


I am planning on giving it a go again, once I am done with MM. Although I do feel that playing that after this will lead to another 'not quite feeling it' experience.

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I might do the bits leading up to the 4th temple sometime tonight, but theres something about after the desert bit that just always puts me off. I think it was the annoying reptition of that song that makes statues, but I guess I'll see later on.


Yes, definitely. I think there's something about the last dungeon that doesn't suit the time-limit gameplay.

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So my internet was well dicking me about this morning, I decided to kill the time by busting back into this bad boy, turns out there was a shitload more to do in Ikana as part of the story than I had realised! I've not even ascended the tower yet, but I should have to next time I play. I also realised...it's REALLY fucking hard to win the dog races! Anybody know if there's a surefire way?

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Just at the great bay, searching for Zora Eggs and about to break into the pirate hideout. .Loving it so far, and now I have the Zora mask (which was always my favourite) it can only get better.


Keep making stupid mistakes like opening chests and getting 100+ rupees then ending the day without going to the bank, or forging my sword on the last night, then warping straight back to the first day (I thought it would stay as the razor sword and then I could make it straight into the gilded sword. For reference - do not try this. Such a waste of 100 rupees it's untrue.)


Still loving it though! Probably won't beat you unless I'm lucky Rummy, but I'm certainly gonna try :)

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Put the truth mask on and pick up the dogs to read their thoughts and know if they can win.:wink:


Ahhh, but I kept trying! WHICH ONE IS THE WINNER?! I just kept getting one of the top 5 dogs! Not even top 2, just top 3-5!!


It sure is a brilliant game, I'm gonna be a tiny bit reluctant when it comes to having to finish up and complete it. For some reason it always makes me feel a bit...sad, I guess, refinishing an old game. Just having to lay it all to rest again, it's not so bad first time cos you're excited and don't know what's coming, but this time I doooooo!

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  • 4 weeks later...



So I'm well over 75% through this, I am in Ikana Canyon and getting ready to enter the stone tower. That's awesome.


HOWEVER I am currently trying to get all of the masks, and I have all but one. That means I have done a LOT of side quests including Kafei's quest like 3 times, plus a load of other complicated shit.


Then, as I was waiting for 11pm to meet Anju on the first night for the final Kafei's quest thing, I decided to go play some arrow shooting. I go in, play a few times until it closes and leave.


If people haven't played it the arrow game puts the bow on the B button and you are just shooting in first person. But when I left the shop, I realised that my sword was no longer on the B button, replaced instead by the fucking ocarina!


Something must have happened while I was playing the game, because when I went in the sword was on the button, it changed to the bow for the game, then when I left the ocarina was there.


I tried all sorts - putting on masks, fast forwarding to the next day, playing the game again then leaving... none of them worked. Then I made a horrible mistake. I thought taking it back to the start of the first day might solve it.


So I played the song of time.... SAVED *cries*... and went to the first day, just to find that it didn't work. I turned it off and on again hoping it would be solved but I'd saved, cause I'm a nob, and it was still there.




I don't want to have to start over because I've put a LOT of hours into this, but is there anything I can do to fix this? I strongly doubt it but I thought I'd ask you guys :)



PLEASE HELP! I'm so angry/sad.

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Fear not - use something that may pass for damage dealing (arrows, bombs) in the meantime and mop up all the faeries in the Stone Tower dungeon. You'll get the great faery sword (which works as an assignable item and not as a defined sword). I used this for the rest of the game.


You could also see what happens by letting the bird outside of Milk Road mug you (let it touch you to steal something). If it steals whatever is assigned to B, there's a possibility it could fix itself after you play the Song of Time.

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I had once heard whisperous rumours of this happening, I think a similar(but slightly more useful for something) glitch was in OoT too. That's pretty crazy though, try Sheikah's suggestions and let us know if it works, cos I'm intrigued!

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You could also see what happens by letting the bird outside of Milk Road mug you (let it touch you to steal something). If it steals whatever is assigned to B, there's a possibility it could fix itself after you play the Song of Time.


Good idea. In fact, it's just possible the bird has the sword anyway.

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Good idea. In fact, it's just possible the bird has the sword anyway.

Probably not - if the bird steals it, you get it back automatically by going back to Day 1. But the bird may somehow fix the bug, if getting the Great Faery Sword doesn't sound tempting.

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Ah thankyou for the tip! I'll try it tomorrow. The only issue is that the thing assigned to B is the ocarina, so how will I play the song of time to go back? Can the bird even steal the ocarina? Or will it just steal the sword?


If not I'll do what you say and try and get the other sword... I suppose it'll just make the rest of the game a little more challenging anyway :) it's just really really frustrating not being able to cut lots of grass real fast, but I can always transform and use the other masks powers for killin' :)

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Can you use C-items still then? I'd presume so if you're gonna get the great fairy sword? If you do let the bird 'steal' your sword and you see it fly off with your sword/your fairy says something about it taking your sword, then you play the song of time and it's still not fixed, try repeating but gather together a load of ruppees(or just use the bank dude over the road) and visit the curiousity shop that night or the next night, your sword should be in there for you to buy and that might fix it. He won't always steal your sword btw, it might be a bottle or your shield, and I think it can't steal more than one until you've recovered one, so try a few times until it actually steals your sword maybe.


I had another idea btw, have you tried riding epona? If the B-button changes to arrows, see if it changes to sword when you get off again?

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I haven't had a chance to try the bird thing yet... but I will


In regards to the other ideas - I've tried all sorts, no matter what whenever I return to normal form the ocarina is back on the B button. I've tried changing into other characters to have their moves on B but whenever I go back the ocarina is still there.


I still have the sword on the pause menu where the bomb bag, shield, arrow bag thing, etc. But no matter what I can't get it back on B. Hopefully the bird thing may work


The funny thing is I have all the C items as normal, I can put anything on there as normal (including the ocarina) but the ocarina is ALWAYS on the B button even when it is also on one of the C items.


I'm going to try and take a photo to show you exactly what's going on. Thanks so much for all the suggestions guys, I'll try them all out and get back to you. At least I can still have the other sword you mention if I have to.


The thing I'm actually most worried about at the moment is that I won't be able to hit any more statues for saving/transporting. I think I've hit most of them, but there is probably one nearer stone tower which I won't be able to hit :S - I have the one in Ikana canyon but none further in than that.


I'll get back to you as soon as I get a minute to go on the game. Again, thanks though guys!

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Ah shit yeah, there IS one at the top of the stone tower, and that's a pretty annoying place to have to scale more than twice. I'm most considering the Epona thing, as it's the only thing I can think of that transforms the B button(plus the bird stealing the sword, but I'm in two minds about that and it might steal something else instead), so it might fix it depending on how it works/is coded, though I'm just guessing really. You playing on GC or N64 or VC? I'm starting to get intrigued by this!

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I'm starting to get intrigued by this!


Starting to...?


I've been interested from the start! Its a strange bug to encounter in the game and its a fun challenge for Nintendohnut and everyone to try and figure out... well maybe not fun for 'dohnut as his game could be fooked. :heh:


Wish I could think of something to try out to fix things. :(

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I'm on VC incidentally. I have still had literally no time to do this today as my flatmates have been playing Sports Resort most of the day. I'll give the Epona thing a try (I'm not overly confident, because the transforming into Deku/Zora/Goron Link changes the B Button too and that didn't do much. I'll give that a try.


What I'm more worried about is the statue thing, as I said. If I hit it with this sword which I can apparently get later... will that still work? Or does it have to actually be the Korkiri/Razor/Gilded sword? If it's the latter, well that's gonna be fucking frustrating!

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What I'm more worried about is the statue thing, as I said. If I hit it with this sword which I can apparently get later... will that still work? Or does it have to actually be the Korkiri/Razor/Gilded sword? If it's the latter, well that's gonna be fucking frustrating!


Nope, you need the original sword you can't use the Fairy Sword. Maybe try deleting the game and re-downloading? Probably won't work though.

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I just rewatched the ending to MM.

I thought it was always thought the reason Link didnt return to save Hyrule in the build up to the WW flooding was because he stayed in Termina; but right at the end of the ending he is shown back in the Lost Woods of Hyrule.


I'm confused now... I guess he just went off and had his own adventures.

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I just rewatched the ending to MM.

I thought it was always thought the reason Link didnt return to save Hyrule in the build up to the WW flooding was because he stayed in Termina; but right at the end of the ending he is shown back in the Lost Woods of Hyrule.


I'm confused now... I guess he just went off and had his own adventures.


The people of Hyrule in WW were waiting for the Hero of Time to appear ( OOT Adult Link ) but at the end of OOT adult Link got sent back to his original time period so adult Link ceased to be in the WW future. Basically he wasnt around anymore as he was a kid again which is where MM picks up and the whole 2 different futures theories come into place.


I think thats what you were getting at :)

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I like how Twilight Princess carries on from the child Link timeline from OOT. And how Ganon is shown as apprehended by the Sages... all because of Link travelling back in time and warning the King about him.


The Zelda timeline can get very messy but there are 5 games that work together perfectly in terms of chronology.


OOT (Child timeline) > Majora's Mask > Twilight Princess

OOT (Adult timeline) > Wind Waker > Phantom Hourglass

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