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Haha nearly of the people in my year did that (there's only about 20 though). It shows how much we actually pay attention or care.


I didn't even go to the lessons and i did it correct, then again i did only get 25/90. To be honest i think i deserved more. I wrote a pr0 section on the right and wrongs of abortion, i may have strayed off from the subject a bit, but i thought it was a good read.

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A huge pile of shit, thats how shit my day has been. Its like someone just came along, saw my day and then shit all over it. My day has just been a big pile of utter shit.


Haha, well you made me laugh with that so, it cant be all bad :)

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I didn't even go to the lessons and i did it correct, then again i did only get 25/90. To be honest i think i deserved more. I wrote a pr0 section on the right and wrongs of abortion, i may have strayed off from the subject a bit, but i thought it was a good read.


I also wrote a pr0 section on abortions. And one on euthanasia, and on the other 4 topics. :P

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First of all, congrats to people and their good grades! =D


When will the t-shirts be in the shop? I might manage to visit it and get a picture of it in the front display and buy one :o

No idea really, could be a couple of weeks before they're in the shop. I honestly have no idea how long it will take them, haha.


Where in London is their store? I've been wanting to get one of your shirts for a while, and if they're 2 stops North of me on the fast train, count me in!


Oh, and of course, congratulations! Keep thinking positive, and you'll go far!

You've won this, been published a few times, had a 'work of the day' thing (is that my imagination?) ... Aimless is right. You're simply not allowed to put yourself down again until you have a year like the rest of us - unsuccessful and sad.


I would say tell us where and we'll buy them but it's probably better if we buy them from you via redbubble and let word of you spread to the noobs in london!

Well only been published twice (no pay, haha) and won this. Not really had anything else happen yet. But it's always a nice start. =)


I don't really earn anything on the shirts that are actually sold in the shop itself, they buy them from me, then sell them on (and keep that profit of course). =P

But it'll be sold in the Demo store near London’s Carnaby Street or something. =)

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Wow, go you. Hit da comic thread with impressions yooooooooou[/soulja Boi]

Haha, trailers before watchmen, fast and furious comes on ''Ah, I see they've continued with the theme of car racing'', also spenno 182 and that line from peep show, I won't say it, most unladylike, baaahhhaah.

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School's just rang, got no lesson tomorrow. I was gonna go in hawaiian shorts for comic relief (don't know why they chose that theme) but my car's broken so getting there/back would be too much of a hassle.


Bu..bu...but what about the carvery? Who will i play footsie with? :shakehead

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Hmmmm. Potentially might get a bit told off. I'm sorry she was a fucking cunt though. This woman from a branch rang up, had a query, I explained the query, and said it will be double checked by a manager, she then said "We're going round in circles" which I found irritating, because she had a really annoying voice, she then said "Can you not just do this?" I immediately said "Yeah okay, we'll do that." She then continued to talk, repeated herself several times, all this time I was saying "Yes, I'll get that done" "Yes" "I'll do that" she then said "Will you do that" which pissed me off immensely, I said Yes and she went on AGAIN I then lost control of my speech and said "I've said multiple times now yes" and then...(lol)..."You're still talking" she went on about 1 second more then said ".....What did you just say?" I'm physically unable to lie so said "I said You're still talking" she said "Yeah I'm explaining the query" (Not entirely sure she appreciated the sarcasm I shot at her) and then got awkward/tense. She then asked for my name, lol.




Could be funny. Think I'll monitor this one.

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Guest Captain Falcon
Hmmmm. Potentially might get a bit told off. I'm sorry she was a fucking cunt though. This woman from a branch rang up, had a query, I explained the query, and said it will be double checked by a manager, she then said "We're going round in circles" which I found irritating, because she had a really annoying voice, she then said "Can you not just do this?" I immediately said "Yeah okay, we'll do that." She then continued to talk, repeated herself several times, all this time I was saying "Yes, I'll get that done" "Yes" "I'll do that" she then said "Will you do that" which pissed me off immensely, I said Yes and she went on AGAIN I then lost control of my speech and said "I've said multiple times now yes" and then...(lol)..."You're still talking" she went on about 1 second more then said ".....What did you just say?" I'm physically unable to lie so said "I said You're still talking" she said "Yeah I'm explaining the query" (Not entirely sure she appreciated the sarcasm I shot at her) and then got awkward/tense. She then asked for my name, lol.




Could be funny. Think I'll monitor this one.


Maybe your sense of humour got her pulse racing and she wants to have further dealings with you?

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I'm happy :) Today also included going shopping for board shorts for tomorrows hawaii/beach day. :D


Dude... I'VE got a hawaii day tomorrow!! And congratulations on the general studies mark. If you had gotten any higher I would've frowned upon thee.


School's just rang, got no lesson tomorrow. I was gonna go in hawaiian shorts for comic relief (don't know why they chose that theme) but my car's broken so getting there/back would be too much of a hassle.


What is this hawaiian thing? My school is doing "wear something funny for money". So lots of men in dresses. I personally am going for this tshirt:




Very slightly more original.

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The entire 6th form in my year have to dress up as movie characters or something like that. So I'm off as the fairy guy from fairly odd parents with a mate of mine going as the women one. Should be awesome. We've got our own "Da Rules" and crowns etc. I'm not looking forward to spraying my hair green though, it goes all rock hard/itchy.


A few are off as smurfs too, which should be hilarious.

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