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3 hours is only two words....


Oh dear...*slaps forehead*


Edit: 'Is it reasonable to imagine the possibility of an egalitarian society?'


No. Bad person!!


I think I've started to come off as a bit of a Nazi in this essay. :hmm:


Days been good. Decided on not doing the cash count today mainly because i am on holiday and can't be asked really. Spent much of the afternoon in the pub before coming home and browsing Youtube.


Just finished watching the Vietnam Top Gear special. Pretty good i thought, nice of each other to buy a present for each of them.

Personally I see anti-depressants as the medical equivalent of hitting something to get it working again; they might work, or they could make things worse. Depression itself is very hard to pin down, so you can't expect to be prescribed some kind of magical panacea that will make everything better. I'm sure they've helped some people a great deal, but to my mind they're something to turn to when you've run out of options or you have no idea why you feel the way you do. If, however, you can easily identify the aspects of your life that you want to fix then it's a case of turning those things around, not popping pills.


That's easier said than done, of course. But the trick is to not let yourself be daunted into inactivity. Break things down, start off small; chip away at the problem instead of bashing your head against it. It can be really frustrating to take things one step at a time as it feels like you aren't getting anywhere, but that's where other people come in: find someone that can pick you up when you're at your worst, that can give you another perspective that highlights all the progress you've made, or even just be there as a safety net.


At the risk of embarrassing her — sorry! — Eenuh has really helped keep me going. She always seems confused by that as she "hasn't done anything", but that isn't the point: I try my hardest never to trouble her with my problems, but I know that if I did she would listen. I never want to be a burden on anyone, but having her there is a huge comfort and helps give me the strength to not bother her. I know that sounds very circular, but it works.


Anyway, this is erring a bit on the lengthy side so I'll cut it short with some choice lyrics:


“We're so busy looking for a saviour,

we don't see the power in ourselves.

All our lives are precious;

don't let it pass you by.â€


Nah, you're not embarrassing me. Still, I don't feel like I'm really doing anything at all to cheer you up or anything, so yeah. =P






Typing on this weird QWERTY keyboard takes aaaaaaaaaages, haha.

Anyway, the day has been nice and relaxing. Planned to get up at 9, but because I didn't sleep well last night (I have trouble adjusting to new sleeping environments), it ended up being more something like, 1pm, heh.

But yeah, been playing a bit of Mario Kart, watching tv and eating croissants and pizza (though not at the same time, of course). =P

And in a bit we're gonna watch 'Three men and a baby'! Hooray for old films! X3


One of my friends from Uni keeps saying thing which could easily be...misinterpreted... I'm doing the mature thing, and, well, my currently copied "thing" is "that's what she said!"


ReZ would be proud. :smile:


I still have five weeks off. I don't go back until February.


But for now I have assignments. Done some reading for Godzilla. Just finishing off this step outline. Missing one scene. There needs to be something in its place but can't figure out what. After I've done that more reading for Godzilla and then more BSG.


I approve of all posts on this page.


I just found out that the (legendary) James Corden went to a school I used to pass every day when I was at college. This makes me feel warm.


In fact there were some....god just incredibly incredibly hot identical twins that went to that school. Wonder how they are now...

Your body gets used to having crap in its system, then your liver starts to fail, lol. I was taking two different medications and I had to come off them cause they started giving me liver damage. But day to day I didnt feel unwell.


Paracetamol really doesn't make you feel great at all. I took it when I had a bad reaction to a piercing and it was so bad i was sleeping most of the time! Its not really something you should take longer than a few days - made me feel groggy and shit.


Really? That might be contributing to me feeling like I am just now then. Groggy, lethargic, and no appettite at all. I'll not take them tomorrow and see how I feel. I suspect my muscle/headaches will come back a little, so it's probably six and a half dozen, but I'd rather not take them.


And by cope with pills I was referring more to the actual act of taking them. I've been having to take two pills about the size of a 5p every 4 hours for the last 10 days and it's getting tiresome.

Really? That might be contributing to me feeling like I am just now then. Groggy, lethargic, and no appettite at all. I'll not take them tomorrow and see how I feel. I suspect my muscle/headaches will come back a little, so it's probably six and a half dozen, but I'd rather not take them.


And by cope with pills I was referring more to the actual act of taking them. I've been having to take two pills about the size of a 5p every 4 hours for the last 10 days and it's getting tiresome.


Yeah I suppose its like anything else, using it with caution is the best idea :smile:


Taking pills is rotten x( Thank god for the invention of a neeeedle ^^;


edit: 10 days - jesus christ! I was ready to fall on my face after a week of taking paracetamol. Hope you feel better soon!


Like I say, I've had more since I got this virus than the rest of my life altogether. Let's calculate;


Got this on the Wednesday evening before Christmas. So it's been 10 days (what a a guess that was then :p) exactly since I got it. If we say for arguments sake I was awake for 16 hours of each day to take pills (not counting naps, assuming that late nights and delays inbetween taking them due to naps etc balance) I'm taking 4 sets a day, so 8 pills a day. That's 80 pills. Bloody hell. Doubt I've had half that in my life before. Fun. Then again, I'm moaning alot about one virus, and you've had about a million problems before. Only thing I've ever had is broken bones or the cold.

Personally I see anti-depressants as the medical equivalent of hitting something to get it working again; they might work, or they could make things worse. Depression itself is very hard to pin down, so you can't expect to be prescribed some kind of magical panacea that will make everything better. I'm sure they've helped some people a great deal, but to my mind they're something to turn to when you've run out of options or you have no idea why you feel the way you do. If, however, you can easily identify the aspects of your life that you want to fix then it's a case of turning those things around, not popping pills.


That's easier said than done, of course. But the trick is to not let yourself be daunted into inactivity. Break things down, start off small; chip away at the problem instead of bashing your head against it. It can be really frustrating to take things one step at a time as it feels like you aren't getting anywhere, but that's where other people come in: find someone that can pick you up when you're at your worst, that can give you another perspective that highlights all the progress you've made, or even just be there as a safety net.


At the risk of embarrassing her — sorry! — Eenuh has really helped keep me going. She always seems confused by that as she "hasn't done anything", but that isn't the point: I try my hardest never to trouble her with my problems, but I know that if I did she would listen. I never want to be a burden on anyone, but having her there is a huge comfort and helps give me the strength to not bother her. I know that sounds very circular, but it works.


Anyway, this is erring a bit on the lengthy side so I'll cut it short with some choice lyrics:


“We're so busy looking for a saviour,

we don't see the power in ourselves.

All our lives are precious;

don't let it pass you by.â€


Personally, I second this post. Well, the idea of it anyway. I don't like antidepressants being so common place and common usage. I don't like how people get dependant on them either. I don't like the idea that we use a physical drug to treat a psychiatric problem, I don't think it deals with the cause. I'm also not massively educated in it all either, though(which is stupid, given I have a psych degree AND work in a psychiatric setting, I hated the biology side of the degree).

I know people who depend on their anti-Ds, people who don't seem able to come off them, or will come off them 'later', a later which never comes. They're not a long term solution, or shouldn't be, and the longer you're on them the worse you'll be coming off. Unfortunately as some people have said, it's a rather silly society in which we are living right now.

It's funny actually, I was talking about this with someone just the other day, and I told them about this time I was my mate's place at uni. It was me, him, our mate, his sister(we know her and shes at the uni, but a bit rubbisher) and his other friend. The two girls were talking about their anti-Ds and how they've been on them for time, and the guy had been on them but stopped. I asked why or how, he just said that one day he decided he didn't want to be on them forever and straight up flat out stopped taking them. I gained a massive bit of respect for him that day, espesh compared to the two who 'can't come off them right now'. My point? Well, it's not too well educated an opinion, but personally I'd say avoid anti-depressants at all costs if you can, last resort only.


just back from the pub, £3.85 for a pint of Hoegarden! But yeah the barmaid in the pub im certain loves me which is a shame because i've decided girls are all idiots and i've given up on everyone. Was a pretty good night though.

just back from the pub, £3.85 for a pint of Hoegarden! But yeah the barmaid in the pub im certain loves me which is a shame because i've decided girls are all idiots and i've given up on everyone. Was a pretty good night though.


I've never actually had the drink but it sounds like something I wish my lawn was.


Bloody good stuff is hoegaarden, and they come in fantasic glasses that make you feel like you're drinking way more than a pint. Not had it for ages though, in fact...I kinda wish I had some hoegarden now....:(


(though not for £3.85 a pint!)

Bloody good stuff is hoegaarden, and they come in fantasic glasses that make you feel like you're drinking way more than a pint. Not had it for ages though, in fact...I kinda wish I had some hoegarden now....:(


(though not for that price!)


yeah stupidly wide glasses, almost make you drink like a girl with 2 hands held firmly around the glass. It has a kind of citrus taste too. yeah probably worth £3.85

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