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Dan you are hereby decreed the title of MUSTBUYJAYSEVENABOOKFORXMAS. Accept y/y? No spelloristakes there. DO IT.


My day has been full of big fat laaaaaaaaaaze. Watched a bundle of Supernatural. Two episodes left, eep! Had a nice chat to nami for a bit about how humans are odd and shit like that. Basically figured out what I am good at, and now I have to figure out how I can get paid for it in life. Verdict: Not Gonnuh happen. Written a few ideas down for stories and poems and shit, but not really done any proper work. Started on the cans now.


Bought some Wot? Not in a Pot Noodle. Tasty. And cheap! Also had a nice cheap pizza and bought lots of baked beans and nonsense like that. DEAD INTERESTING I CAN SIGN THIS POST FOR YOU IF YOULIEK.


My night ahead shall be filled with One Piece! Woo! Getting midly hyper. Pwnd ashley in text form. He says lies, I say... a song about eyeballs.

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Got up late, had to go see some old friends of my my mum and aunts, who were doing a reunion gig. They were ok, but really, nothing that interesting. Left, as I had to pick up my friend from the bus station for her first official night living with us.


So much work to do, should have stayed at home, but instead I did half of 1 essay (2 to do) and my mum's gonna explain to the teacher that I actually had no time blah blah.


Debating whether I want to go and see P!nk live or not. I mean, it's no less uncool than seeing Gwen Stefani, which I did last year.

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Man, I miss this place. It sucks not having the internet at the moment... Ah well, I'm thinking of you guys! :(


Wow...barely noticed you were even...


I mean...we missed you too.



No we do really. Well I do. A bit. You guys were actually part of an "in-joke" a few days back. Spenno said to Molly, (in ear shot of everyone we were with) "Yeah well...Jordan and Letty" just as a like ~We know what that means but no one else does~ kind of thing.



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I played Singstar alot this weekend with the missus, and i'm not ashamed to admit it! Although the Abba stuff is better left unmentioned. Ahem.


Apparently "mechanically" Lips > Singstar from what i've heard.


Apart from you know, the whole music selection is HUGE on Singstar.

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watched the last two episodes of flight of the choncordes, tried to set up a gym seshion with mates, but a combination of work, prior arangments and illness ment they were unable to go, i, only haing a £10 note decided id wait, rather then be inundated with change.


seeing if im doing owt tonight, its possible.


i need to sort out photos for my provisional drivers licence, ive finaly got time to do it, and the money i got for my 21st will help pay for it. just realised ive had that money for over a year and havent touched it. hopefully driving will help me get a job.

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24 Redemption is tonight.


I'm working.


I hate life.


WhoawhoaWHAA?! Oh you've got to be kidding me. I need to see this...and I don't have a fracking television. Shit, shit shit. I don't think Freewire has Sky either..


*is doomed*


Sup yo? tenchar


Combination of stuff. Won't be making it past the first year, have decided to quit after the year is over. Mainly due to the course and problems I have with self motivation and such. Money isn't so much an issue as I knew I'd get in to problems there so that doesn't bother me.


But yeah.

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But everyone will spoilerise it tomorrow if I don't see it tonight.


This calls for drastic illegal activities action and a late night.


See, that's the beauty of having friends who like to criticise me and say that 24's shit without having ever watched it.

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