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Going back to the uni stuff a bit. My uni seems to be the only one in the world that still marks on grades (rather than percent) which is a pain. Particularly when trying to figure out how im doing as a first is like x amount of As, x amount of Bs. Weird. Although so far I have gotten, that I can remember, four A's in assignments, and one A overall for the overall module (unfortunatly a first year one).


Anyway. My laptop survived. Huzzah! Joyous. Backed up all my uni work now as that was my main concern.


In other news; started at Blockbusters yesterday. Tidying and alphabetising shelves for 3 and a half hours. Fun. Back there tomorrow afternoon. May try and stick with it until end of Januray (i.e. before second semester) and see how the money sitch is. Plus 10 free rentals a week, can watch all the stuff I can't afford.


Went to see my nieces today, always nice. They enjoyed their presents and I was not made to sing karaoke. So good all around.


And when I got home Samba de Amigo was waiting for me so I had a little go on that. Not bad, although the Wii remote seems a bit non-responsive sometimes.


Oh but downside; my ipod appears to be breaking. One ear started playing up so I presumed it was the headphones but did it on another set of headphones. Going to try same headphones with a different source (laptop) and see how that fares.

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Lol. Wait...you're kidding right?


Actually, to be fair to him I do like Edward Scissorhands.


To be fair, you have too many flawed opinions to not take anything you say without at least 3 teaspoons-worth of salt.


I'm not one of those crazeds who have like Nightmore Before Xmas all over their room, but I love his style, esp in Edward Scissorhands and Batman Returns.


Planet Of The Apes (2001) felt really random, since It wasn't at all stylised in his way.

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You could quite easily do that if you stopped going out. But that's the thing can you cancel going out for 33 days? Why 33 days anyway? I'm sure we don't get another payment til january.


Heh, I don't go out much as it is. Dunno where my money goes to be honest. Meh I'll be alright I'm sure, hopefully I'll get the student account finally sorted out this Thursday. Previous attempts have resulted in failure.

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The thing that annoys me about this, is that it's dubbed. The tight fuckers.


It might be time for another topic...


God that pisses me off, they've just pulled it off a dodgy French TV channel and stuck bad voice acting on it. The whole thing is just shoddy, I don't see how it's an effective marketing strategy at all?

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made cookies, so feelt exceedigly gay, then went for a pint with a mate, so felt exceedingly hetro. the things in balence now so i feel like my normal self. exceedingly bored.


Mmmm, can I have some cookies please? I won't mind taking some of that gayness away from you by eating cookies. =D



My day has been super boring, just spent it all working for school basically. Not even any tv or gaming or whatever! D:

Hmmm, might stay up late and just watch some X-files to make up for it all. Don't care if I'm a zombie in school tomorrow, haha.

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course you can have a cookie, catch!


*throws cookie*


sorting the gym out for tommorow, might aswell get a manly work out. plus, can't hurt to get more in shape, seems like girls notice me more now i have a set of adult male shoulders and the hint of pecks. plus, i totaly love it when im on the tredmil and outlast several groups of people who go on the machine next to me. stamina!

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Lol. Wait...you're kidding right?


Actually, to be fair to him I do like Edward Scissorhands.


Do you have downs? Burton is incredible? Have you seen Beetlejuice? Have you seen Ed Wood? Nightmare Before Christmas? Vincent? Sweeney Todd? GET OUT!!!!!


PS Sorry to anyone who has Downs in their family.....I do if that makes it okay:wtf:

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course you can have a cookie, catch!


*throws cookie*


sorting the gym out for tommorow, might aswell get a manly work out. plus, can't hurt to get more in shape, seems like girls notice me more now i have a set of adult male shoulders and the hint of pecks. plus, i totaly love it when im on the tredmil and outlast several groups of people who go on the machine next to me. stamina!


Haha, I love it. Not just a work out, but a manly work out! Hardcore. :p

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I'm really, really hating my placement. It's just not the school that I want to be at, and I'm finding it a struggle to please my mentor at the moment, and all I'm constantly getting is "things I need to do." I'm really not a secondary school teacher, and this placement is just teaching me how Primary I actually am.


I sat in the head of department's office earlier, sat there for a good half hour just listening to her talking, when I was blatantly feeling crap already. I taught 3 lessons straight today, and after the second, the class teacher told me how I hadn't really done a great job with the class. I had to teach another class straight after, so I went into the last class feeling pretty crap.


I dunno what the fuck they want me to do.

Much like your students, you're at the school to learn. And much like them, you should say something if you're having trouble. If you don't feel your mentors are being suitably helpful or clear in their advice then tell them that; you'd hope, being teachers, they'd know a thing or two about giving instructions.


Again, you're there to learn, so don't get so down about not being perfect. Excellent secondary school teachers are few and far between, and maybe you're not one of them. Or maybe you are and just lack the confidence is so needed to survive such a position. In either case, your placement isn't going to last forever and all the lessons you teach, and those that you learn, only take you closer to doing what you want to do.


Every journey has hardships and it's easy to let the bumps in the road obscure the path before us, so at these times we have to remember why we travel at all: to get where we want to be.

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I found that I mostly got firsts in presentations (Uni actually made me a confident public speaker, woo) and also group projects where everyone pulled their weight. With essays it was just me, loads of journal articles, books and a laptop...often dull and a bit overwhelming.


Uni was a bit weird for me, I scraped through GCSE's and A Levels and when I went to Uni everything clicked! and I averaged 76 for my whole degree, with most of my practical work being around 80 (did writing and drama). I was expecting a 2:2, 2:1 at the most! Fucking gobsmacked to be honest! Though the degree played completely into my hands and I had no dissertation :yay:

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I'm getting tired of helping people with their work. I have college students in their 3rd year asking me for photoshop favors and writing advice. I've even had some ask me to write their English 101 essays for them. I haven't even STARTED university, so why are you asking me to do this for you when you're in your third year? You'd think that by then you'd be able to do stuff on your own, but no. You have to ask the freshman for help.

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I'm getting tired of helping people with their work. I have college students in their 3rd year asking me for photoshop favors and writing advice. I've even had some ask me to write their English 101 essays for them. I haven't even STARTED university, so why are you asking me to do this for you when you're in your third year? You'd think that by then you'd be able to do stuff on your own, but no. You have to ask the freshman for help.


Do you help them?

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I've been trying to work out aswell, as I have the physique of a 14 year old with skinny arms. Which isn't good for a nearly-18 year old. Anyway, it's goina alright.


In other news, I always find it amusing when facebook gives me a notification like this one


In the past day you were compared 2 times. Your friends didn't think that you are a winner comparing to their other friends


Honestly, not something to cheer you up. Why would I want to be told this! Keep it to yourself you crappy application.

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Do you help them?


I help them with little bits and pieces, like "what not to do in _____" and "why using _____ would be better than _____". Just advice, you know? I'd do less than half their work on tiny assignments, but not they're trying to take advantage of me and force me to do everything for them. They've clearly crossed the line.


In an unrelated story, I was told the following joke this morning:


"Why does the computer keyboard work 24/7?"

"I don't know. Why?"

"Because it has two shifts! AHAHAHAHAHA"


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