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Just take a nose dive. Fucking gay gossips (literally, not using gay in a derogatory manner) have potentially ruined something between me and someone I really like. I am actually phsycially shaking out of anger and misery.


What have they said to potentially ruin it?




Fish, you're making me jelous of the fact you can have driving lessons, and I have to wait untill next july!:(

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Guest Stefkov

Had a laugh in Photography with jokes. Harsh jokes.

Came home and did a bit of Graphics. Had a korma for dinner, *drool*, and then played Assassins Creed for the night.

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Fish, you're making me jelous of the fact you can have driving lessons, and I have to wait untill next july!:(


It's not as fun as it sounds (Well in my case it isn't) It gets boring and like i make my self go instead of actually wanting to... and this is only after 5 lessons.

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Pretty good day at work. We translated english songs into the welsh language during the afternoon which was very amusing, as they sound totally diffrent to how they're meant to sound.


Been watching Prison Break with my evevning. Good stuff, and my friend also has Season 2, so I'll be paying him a visit soon.

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What have they said to potentially ruin it?


Seems things just got out of hand. The guy I like before they met me met and rejected someone who seems to have caused all this drama, and coincidentally I know a friend of his. Things seem to have settled down a bit (could be the G&T...) but at least the guy I like understands and doesn't hate me, which I was worried was going to happen.

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Oi, busy day!

I arrived in school this morning to find the first/bottom floor to be flooded! =O

Turns out a water pipe burst or something (at least I think so) and the water came down through the lamps on the ceiling and one wall. Luckily they had it all cleared up at noon; classes still happened like always though. Four hours of model drawing... I don't know who in school ever thought that would be fun to do for four hours, but I'd like to punch them sometimes (I don't hate the class it's just too long).

Then three hours of illustration where I got nothing done. Hooray!


At home I worked on my painting and I got it finished! Woohoo! Now I still have to write a motivation and stuff and put it all in a map, but I should hopefully be asleep in an hour or something... (printing I'll do tomorrow)


So happy that thing is finished, even though it could've been better. =D

And boooo to me being killed in the mafia game. =(

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Get off this forum then and go complete it :D Then come back on and exclaim your happiness at finishing it :D:yay:


i finished!!! it only took me a bloody year too!!! :yay:

i gotta say - the ending is AMAZING. this is gunna sound strange, but what the hell, i've never been so totally satisfied after a boss battle O_o i was running around gannon with ONE HEART left, hit a skull and out came a fairy - i was SO happy!! and then BAM! :awesome:

i held my wiimote and nunchuk above my head in victory and then fell back onto my bed. crazy good.

so that makes TWO whole games i've actually completed now.. :smile:

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It was all going fantastic.


Till a college of mine TAINTED MY EYES with an iPod Touch. I literally saw it and ran out of the room.


Tru Faks.

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Finally got my hands on one of my former mates who kept threatening to kill me. I let him hit me once, to provoke me then i smacked him straight back in the face in self defence. Got him arrested for assault while i got away with it as i hit him in defence. Just got to get his parents and girl friend off my back now.

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