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aww, what's the matter *hugs*


Know the feeling raining, I can't even get into debt with the card I was using!


I also forgot how tiring drawing can be, I'm doing a storyboard thing for halloween type things for my games and drawing this crow (for the evil witch boss person) is tiring, easy enough, but bah! I'll do this page and then go play games for abit...must.work.


I hate coming home from holiday and liverpool rocked my socks :)


Krazy House = best nightclub ever!!!

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Stoopid disappearing post.


Got home to discover my face going itchy/numb/explodey. Annoying partly because of all the things I ate yesterday, I had to eat 'all-u-can-eat', thus probably sampling every type of food that could set-off an allergy that there is.


I really want to get shitfaced now. Problems; not everyone is going out, and I have low funds, and swollen glands, and might get killer rash later. Staying in; I have two cans and a litre and a half of cider, but nobody to come drink with me and my internet doesn't seem to want to play along.


But I do want to go chill/manic with dan and his uni pals. A mate I've not spoken to for a bit asked if I want to go for a drink, as she's had some times to stew alone with her (cheating-wife-beating-)boyfriend and the advice-she-never-takes that we all gave her, so it's time for an update.


Perhaps I xbox-it-up? Tum-ti-tum.

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Those are quite epic tits... lets be honest. Man... If only such things were real.


Anyway, today has been boring. Found out how much poor i'll be next month though (Hint: VERY FUCKING POOR).


I shall start November with around £2200... at the end there will be nothing left.

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Feeling pretty down today (actually have through most of the week), so much so that mom even noticed it. That normally never happens.


Haven't done much. Stayed in my room all day, trying to work for school but failing as my angsty thoughts won't leave me alone.

Makes me wish I could erase parts of my past so I wouldn't have to think/worry about them anymore.

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Feeling pretty down today (actually have through most of the week), so much so that mom even noticed it. That normally never happens.


Haven't done much. Stayed in my room all day, trying to work for school but failing as my angsty thoughts won't leave me alone.

Makes me wish I could erase parts of my past so I wouldn't have to think/worry about them anymore.


I know exactly how you feel. I suppose all we gotta do is move on and hope for something good to come round the corner. =(


Poor Eenuh, forum hugs! =)

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I just had the bizarre experiance of practicing the Cha-Cha with my Latin & Ballroom partner over the phone. We both remember it, which is nice.


Unfortunately, we need a room at least 50m long to practice the Foxtrot... Curses...


And you still reckon you're straight?

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Feeling pretty down today (actually have through most of the week), so much so that mom even noticed it. That normally never happens.


Haven't done much. Stayed in my room all day, trying to work for school but failing as my angsty thoughts won't leave me alone.

Makes me wish I could erase parts of my past so I wouldn't have to think/worry about them anymore.


*big hugs*






I went to Bournemouth University Open day today. :D which was good, I liked the feel of the place and the weather was really nice which makes a huge difference on how you feel about a place. I'm a bit concerned that they haven'y been doing straight Psychology for too long but it did look good!


I felt like an absolute penguin all day though, for some reason my blue anorak turns me into one and I'm not sure why I wore it as it was hot!!! And up against all the other people applying for Uni I always look about 14...


and I'm 18 in 6 days! MADNESS! :p


I'm cleaning my room at the moment which is in the stage of being messier than before! but at least I had a Tofee Muffin to keep me going. :)

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Thanks R_A.


I don't know why I feel like this. Life just seems so pointless. I think of the future and I can't see any point to it.


Yeah it really does at times.. Thought of going out and trying something new, if maybe you are feeling a bit stuck? Change of pace etc..?


I hope you feel a better soon =)

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Don't you hate that feeling of emptiness, pointlessness, unimportance etc.


I've felt like that before. You just have to get through it as if you think about it too much it will get you down. When I try to comprehend the future I start to think what is the point? which is why I mainly focus on the present which helps :)


We love you Moogle. :heart:

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I went to Bournemouth University Open day today. :D which was good, I liked the feel of the place and the weather was really nice which makes a huge difference on how you feel about a place. I'm a bit concerned that they haven'y been doing straight Psychology for too long but it did look good!


I wouldn't worry too much, my course was/is relatively new (a year old I believe now?) and it's actually really good! Except the one hiccup with a tutor I won't be having long who doesn't understand flash very well!


Bah, trying to think of a name for my game, it's similar to the mickey mouse and donald duck adventure games on sega? You know the ones with the magic carpets and cards used as weapons. But god knows if I can think of a name for it, the kids remind me of the goonies, but obviously I can't copy a copyrighted film!

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I went to Bournemouth University Open day today. :D which was good, I liked the feel of the place and the weather was really nice which makes a huge difference on how you feel about a place. I'm a bit concerned that they haven'y been doing straight Psychology for too long but it did look good!




My Music and Audio Technology course at BU has only been running for 1 year so far! But the new studios and everything and the passion that the tutors have are great, it means we're getting loads of brand new equipment. The mac labs are so shiiiiny :heh:

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I wouldn't worry too much, my course was/is relatively new (a year old I believe now?) and it's actually really good! Except the one hiccup with a tutor I won't be having long who doesn't understand flash very well!


Yeah I think this is a new Course about a year old as well. :) Okay that is good, thanks. : peace: I think there are advantages of it being a new course as well as it has more to offer in terms of different psychology! :D




My Music and Audio Technology course at BU has only been running for 1 year so far! But the new studios and everything and the passion that the tutors have are great, it means we're getting loads of brand new equipment. The mac labs are so shiiiiny :heh:

OH MY GOD! :o I totally forgot you went there. :(:(:(




Weasel Cakes!!!! >______<


*Hugs Dyson*


Ooh well that is reassuring, So a newer course seems like a good idea. :)


Well I don't know whether I'll get an offer yet! I even applied before I'd seen it. :heh:


So do you like the Uni Dyson?

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Yeah I think this is a new Course about a year old as well. :) Okay that is good, thanks. : peace: I think there are advantages of it being a new course as well as it has more to offer in terms of different psychology! :D



OH MY GOD! :o I totally forgot you went there. :(:(:(




Weasel Cakes!!!! >______<


*Hugs Dyson*


Ooh well that is reassuring, So a newer course seems like a good idea. :)


Well I don't know whether I'll get an offer yet! I even applied before I'd seen it. :heh:


So do you like the Uni Dyson?


I love the University itself, though as you might have seen I've had...mood swings lately :P My halls of residence (Cranborne House ftw!) are nice enough, my flatmates are good (if they do the bloody washing! :heh:) and the rooms are of a decent size.


The only downside to where I live is it's a 30 minute walk, or a 60p 5-minute bus ride to campus, but it's not much of an issue at all. The campus itself, while small, feels modern and new, as it should do - it's quite new for a university :)


I love the course and the atmosphere of the place, and the facilities open to students are really good. They have an open access computer room, so if you feel like you want to work on the campus at 3am in the morning, you can, 24/7 (except xmas!). My course also gives us open access to the studios and equipment which is absolutely amazing - I've yet to utilize the facilities in the early hours of the morning but I am sorely tempted!


Overall when I came to see BU I was just certain it was the place I wanted to be, and I'm fairly certain that my instinct was right. :D


Let me know if you come down again! :yay:

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I love the University itself, though as you might have seen I've had...mood swings lately :P My halls of residence (Cranborne House ftw!) are nice enough, my flatmates are good (if they do the bloody washing! :heh:) and the rooms are of a decent size.


The only downside to where I live is it's a 30 minute walk, or a 60p 5-minute bus ride to campus, but it's not much of an issue at all. The campus itself, while small, feels modern and new, as it should do - it's quite new for a university :)


I love the course and the atmosphere of the place, and the facilities open to students are really good. They have an open access computer room, so if you feel like you want to work on the campus at 3am in the morning, you can, 24/7 (except xmas!). My course also gives us open access to the studios and equipment which is absolutely amazing - I've yet to utilize the facilities in the early hours of the morning but I am sorely tempted!


Overall when I came to see BU I was just certain it was the place I wanted to be, and I'm fairly certain that my instinct was right. :D


Let me know if you come down again! :yay:


I most certainly will! :heart:


Yes I saw your post! (and yet it still didn't register... SLOW!) It looks as if today things are going better. :)


I didn't get to see the Cranbourne Houses today we got on the wrong bus. :p But I did see the student Village on the actual talbot? campus which I didn't mind!


I do love the fact that there are facilities Open 24/7 I'd been in there at 3 O'clock in the morning just for the sheer hell of it. (and I'm a bit of an insomniac, though a selective one it has to be said.)


30 minute walk or bus ride doesn't really bother me that would be know problem though I wouldn't mind just rolling out of bed! much less effort needed there. :heh:


I had a great Campus tour and I did love the modern feel to it and I definately got a good vibe from the place but I have done from 4 others I visited not so much from Glasgow, not thatit was bad just not what I was looking for. (not that I could even get it in I found out.)


Also I've realised I do not do enough sitting cross legged on the floor it is underated as an activity. :grin:

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