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Haha! Fine, generalisation I know. I hate some of them at college. Seriously, when a guy talks to a girl, does that automatically mean they're having sex? No.


We were in one of the study rooms earlier today, and she was sat on my lap whilst she quickly looked at something on the pc I was on (There was no other seat!). One of them walked in and goes "I'll leave you two to it". Seriously, It's not like we were naked and having rampant sex is it?


(Rampant is such a great word!)


You'd blates stick it in though, wouldn't you? Or would you take the more subtle popcorn approach?


Think how good it would be if it did though.

I lol'd :D


Another boring and pointless day at Uni. Had a psychology tutorial which turned out to be 'How to write a scientific report.' Duh... I've written them before but I couldn't leave. So I ended up starting a tribal catfish drawing on my notepad (I've already got one drawn in my sketchbook. I'll see about posting it here although I'll get flak for it being tribal art).


Had a psychology lecture after my tutorial which wasn't too bad. Last lecture with that specific lecturer, so we ended up giving him a standing ovation. He couldn't stop laughing. And I finally found a girl in my psychology class who's preferred music genre is rock and not dance/r'n'b/hip hop. Was so taken aback when she started talking about Thin Lizzy (I like them but I prefer Journey/Boston).


Tomorrow will be another uneventful day. Another lecture on fluids in biomolecular whatsit and an english tutorial on King Lear, which I should really get round to finish but won't because my drama essay is going to be on Twelfth Night. Need to think of some way in which to liven up the day. Hmmm.... I feel some dastardly deeds coming on


What...what do you actually even study?


As for me and my day, it's been uneventful, got a constant train of thought in my head about previously mentioned matters and it bugs me that I do because I don't know why I do, I am so bored out of my nut all I can do is think. Damn all my friends going back off to uni and places and being busy right when I need them! I have no one to do anything with and it's well crappy after having spent an entire summer being busy. On the plus side, I've been otherwise distracting myself with some old school Donkey Kong Country(I actually died alot playing it today, it's been ages since I properly died constantly in games) and then had an hour's Brawlage with a mate, though he was dissappointingly not on form. Then had a shufty on the Nintendo site for jobs, and am possibly contemplating trying to get something with them for a few months, as I'm all degreed up and completely at a limbo in my life. On which note, I have no idea where to even start looking for jobs and stuff, but I'll post me a thread on that later.


Buuuuut...it'll have to wait, because if the mountain won't come to mohammed, then mohammed will come to the mountain! And so aforementioned friends around the country are getting visitations from me(I was in hatfield two weeks ago) and I'm heading up to Birmingham tomorrow til monday or tuesday, who knows! Should any cool forumers live in a place called Selly Oak, I shall be there this weekend, wooo! I gotta start packing my shit up now though...*goes to make tea instead*

^ I'm majoring in Psychology (a BSc over 4 years) with minors in English Lit and Biomolecular Mechanisms.


Oh, cool! I'm hoping to do Psychology next year at Uni. I'm just wary that most places I find that I want to go to seem to say "AAA". If so, I'm screwed. "BBB" would be easier.


^ I didn't need A Levels to get into Uni for Psychology. I applied through Clearing to get onto a Psychology course and with my GCSEs, 2 highers and 3 AS levels they gave me an unconditional offer straight off. But then I had taken a year out of high school and another year to work towards a HND in Architectural Technology (Yes I am aware moving from that to psychology sounds strange but it's what I wanted to do and I'm enjoying it much more although it may not seem like it from my posts in here).


So don't worry about A level grades for Uni's because in most cases they'll accept below what they want unless it's the really popular ones (such as Newcastle and Cambridge/Oxford).

^ I didn't need A Levels to get into Uni for Psychology. I applied through Clearing to get onto a Psychology course and with my GCSEs, 2 highers and 3 AS levels they gave me an unconditional offer straight off. But then I had taken a year out of high school and another year to work towards a HND in Architectural Technology (Yes I am aware moving from that to psychology sounds strange but it's what I wanted to do and I'm enjoying it much more although it may not seem like it from my posts in here).


So don't worry about A level grades for Uni's because in most cases they'll accept below what they want unless it's the really popular ones (such as Newcastle and Cambridge/Oxford).


I'm hoping to god to get into Leeds, because it's the perfect location, and I like the city. Basically, as long as I get a degree at the end of it, I don't care what course I do. But if I can, I'd love Psychology. It's just so interesting this year.


Today we had a silent evacuation (ie no fire alarms, but people shouting...'Get out, evacuate' etc) from work to prepare for bomb and other such threats. Just another example of our country going health and safety mad. Sorry but it was ridiculous. And Rez missed it due to... being at thorpe park for fright night live, damn it! In other news, i had a Wispa, and that was good.

Today we had a silent evacuation (ie no fire alarms, but people shouting...'Get out, evacuate' etc) from work to prepare for bomb and other such threats. Just another example of our country going health and safety mad. Sorry but it was ridiculous. And Rez missed it due to... being at thorpe park for fright night live, damn it! In other news, i had a Wispa, and that was good.


I had a Wispa this morning. Rofflez. But yes I missed it...I was really annoyed when I heard I was gonna miss it, but I feel much better because ;


A) Found out I would have missed it anyway, as it occured before 10am and I was on 10 to 6 shift this week.


B) Some of my friends also on 10 till 6 also missed it.


C) I had a fucking awesome day.


D) I got interviewed about MP3 players and photo taken and will hopefully be in local paper next week. Which is amazing, massive ego make.


E) Yeah.


I can't be bothered to write up my day yet, but I will do. It was massively EPIC though.


Really really funny video I should have to upload later too!


Buzzcocks just made my day.


Amstell - "You should of been the singer Jack. Well, at least not Kelly (osbourne) anyway.."


Kelly Rowland - [Throws water] "THE POWER OF CHRIST COMPELLS YOU!"


I laughed so hard. :D Buzzocks could make any bad day awesome. Simon Amstell is just so damn awesome.


My day was okay. Diet is faring good so far. Had a panini with lots of cheese for dinner which might have been a bit naughty... But I had only cereal for breakfast and porridge for lunch. Its good mixing up my eating patterns a bit, I fell off the bandwagon this time last year because I ate the same food every day. Have to try new things etc. A boring diet is the fastest thing to turn into a "eat everything you see" diet.


Had to inject myself again, made my sister squeal. Its not really that sore when you do it yourself, nurses just jam the bloody stuff in, but when you do it yourself you can be as slow or fast as you want. So its relatively painless. ^^


My skin is a million times better, and most of my arthritis pains are starting to go away, yey ^^ But I feel new pains coming with the extra exercise i'm doing, so I have to kinda be careful that I don't overdo it.


Overall I feel like I'm in the process of turning my life around. And I can say that feels AWESOME, with a capital A :D


Did I say I lost 11 pounds in one week? FUCK YES. I r winrar!


I'm tempted to go to bed.


All I've had tonight is negative thoughts. Uni isn't right for me.. I don't have the self control to make myself go to my lectures, I'm getting ill from living here, I'm living with people that probably couldn't care less about me, the kitchen is a fucking disgrace and I'm tired of constantly pulling my own weight but don't have the balls to stand up for myself and demand that other people do their share, I'm eating unhealthily, and getting in to hideous amounts of debt, because I can't control my money like an adult. On top of that I've got a fucking horrible cold right now that's getting the better of me.


All I'm getting out of it is a sense of independance away from home but I can't do this. I miss the way things were with my friends and whilst I know going home won't change that and I need to face this future at some point..I don't think I can do this.


I dunno what to do. I'm seriously considering quitting University right now as a serious consideration, and have been for a few weeks now.


Lol! That was awesome. I've never heard you talk before, but you sounded just like I imagined. Also, the guy on the left looked attractive.


That is all.

Lol! That was awesome. I've never heard you talk before, but you sounded just like I imagined. Also, the guy on the left looked attractive.


That is all.




But yeah. Wicked video...if I do say so myself.


Yes yes the guys are attractive. Sheesh really stole the show. ;) Ellies not bad too though.

I'm tempted to go to bed.


All I've had tonight is negative thoughts. Uni isn't right for me.. I don't have the self control to make myself go to my lectures, I'm getting ill from living here, I'm living with people that probably couldn't care less about me, the kitchen is a fucking disgrace and I'm tired of constantly pulling my own weight but don't have the balls to stand up for myself and demand that other people do their share, I'm eating unhealthily, and getting in to hideous amounts of debt, because I can't control my money like an adult. On top of that I've got a fucking horrible cold right now that's getting the better of me.


All I'm getting out of it is a sense of independance away from home but I can't do this. I miss the way things were with my friends and whilst I know going home won't change that and I need to face this future at some point..I don't think I can do this.


I dunno what to do. I'm seriously considering quitting University right now as a serious consideration, and have been for a few weeks now.

Decent friendships don't form in a few weeks - it took me at least a few months to make any proper friends at university, and the best part of a year to establish a friendship group. However, you should be able to find people to hang around with easily enough - they act as a substitute for friends while you're settling down. If you enjoy your course and can get along with the people around you, then you should at least be able to survive - if you can't get past this stage, maybe try meeting new people. Either way, your first year has only just started, so it's far too soon to decide that university isn't for you. Stick with it a bit, and see where things go.


Mike I love your sister when she says things like 'what a magic moment this is' very dry... amazing. And yes they look like some underage hotties with good hair.


Holy s**t! I didn't realise they had one of those rollercoasters at Thrope park. I have to get my arse down there and on it (I'm a rollercoaster nut and I've mad it my life goal to go on all of the worlds fastest and biggest rollercoasters. Already got a few done, the Hulk in particular). How high is it? There's one similar to it in Paramount Pictures park or one of the six flags in America, can't remember which, that is twice the height of Nelson's column.

Holy s**t! I didn't realise they had one of those rollercoasters at Thrope park. I have to get my arse down there and on it (I'm a rollercoaster nut and I've mad it my life goal to go on all of the worlds fastest and biggest rollercoasters. Already got a few done, the Hulk in particular). How high is it? There's one similar to it in Paramount Pictures park or one of the six flags in America, can't remember which, that is twice the height of Nelson's column.


Kingda Ka is at Six Flags, which is more than double this one (Stealth)s height. (Which I nearly went on this year....long story for another time)


Anyway, yes Stealth is one of the fastest accelerating rides in the world. 0-80mph in 2.3 seconds, 200ft high.



Erm...Im a bit of a theme park nut too. Lol. :heh:


Congratulations Shavenwolf! :yay:


I've had a great Night! :D


It was my school's House music competition. (my last one) and it as excellent. Our Unison that we sung came 2nd! :grin: Which I'm really pleased with, though we should have come first or beat the people who did ho I didn't think were that good!


Last day before Half-Term tomorrow it could not come at a better time I'm all worn out of school for now!




That is awesome I want to do Psychology as well and it took me ages to find good Uni's that wanted grades below AAA as I was never going to achieve that now I've found good one that are BBC or BCC which is what I'm predicted at but I could be going as far as Wales or Scotland! But I don't mind moving about the place. Plsychology is a great subject! :)

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