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Its fucked up. Oh man I kinda want to watch it while talking to J7 on msn lol. Its on tv shack that's how I watched it do you guys have the dvd?


nah, I watched it about 6 years ago, it was one of my friends dvd I think, can't really remember who's tho :smile:

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Guest Stefkov

Hate it when people add my msn then don't say who they are in a message when adding me.

Other than that I've been levelling up some pictures today in photoshoop.

Also playing Spore.

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Good to see it made your day Daft. :)


Seriously, not just my day. There are some tracks that when I listen to make me feel just insanely happy and I start bopping my head uncontrollably and this is one of them. All 17 minutes and 38 seconds of it. :D


You've made my day, week and (this being a conservative estimate) the next couple months!! Thank you! :yay:


Annoyingly my speakers can't take the base at the volume I play it at (Damn loud and then some :heh: ) but my new headphones come this week and this is going to be the first track that gets played through them. I cannot wait.

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Are you talking about this music?


Or the happier title music?


Both bits of music are going to give me freaking nightmares from now on.

Roffles! Totally forgot the themetune. it's the first one that usually gets me. Yeah we don't have a copy, and that needs to be sorted out. Mwaha!

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I remember my sister had The Essential Calvin & Hobbes and I loved it to death. I must have read it a million times. Almost everyone I've talked to about it at least knows of it.


My favorite ones are when Calvin & Hobbes just relax on a summer day and contemplate life. Or when Calvin starts fighting with his food and he runs around the house chasing after it. Or the snowman strips.




Ok, I love all of them. :D


If I ever want to remember what it was like to be a carefree child I just have to start reading the books. There are so many I can read them again and again. Just awesome.




I read them in bed with a hot chocolate perfect. In fact ive been feeling down today so I may do that now!

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Woke up at 12, out of bed by 1. Get a text at 2 asking me to work at 6 because the normal lass phoned in sick. Being the generous bloke I am I agreed to cover.


One of the most boring days ever. Passed the time by watching the Soccer Aid game. Tomorrow I'll be working once more and it's even worse. I'm buying a magazine to read.

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I read them in bed with a hot chocolate perfect. In fact ive been feeling down today so I may do that now!


lol, I'm off to read them now. :heh:


I'm so chuffed I got the Complete Collection. Found them for £40. Every Calvin and Hobbes ever in a 3 volume hardback box set. :D


Hope you're feeling better!!

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i am also of the "not feeling awesome" school today...

if only there were some online archive of calvin & hobbes... *sigh*



so.. brutally.. true O_o

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What is calvin and hobbes? *serious question*


Its a comic about this 6(?) year old who has a stuffed tiger and a huge imagination. He imagines his tiger comes to life and they go on all sorts of adventures.


I've got 3 of the books, and I imagine I've read them each at least 10 times each. I've really got to pick up a few more of them.

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Aha! All this calvin and hobbes talks made me go and find my "Authoritiative Calvin and Hoobes Collection" =] i'm gonna spend allllllllllllllll day reading that now.


I got to build 2 cabinets with the most fiddley things in the world on them, and then enrol =O

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Been a mixed morning here. Went to bed last night with a sore knee, hoping it'd be fine in the morning. Unfortunately, it was the same so I couldn't do my morning run. So I've been sitting playin Viva Pinata all morning (the first one). And im surprised to say it's not actually that bad.

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Spent much of the weekend getting drunk, Friday spent about £40 on booze and a disco at the Measure (costs £2.70 a pint) Saturday same but at a cheaper pub so got more for my money (£2.10 a pint). Also had a show for entertainment which was an excellent band who didn't put a foot wrong with singing and playing instruments at same time.


Sunday after cash count wanted a day to chill out, so planned on watching Rocky. Never did finish watching it because everyone called me for help with things. Then had a pool match as well that night against Two Brewers. Beat them 5:3 and i won my game which was excellentei considering my opponant stitched me loads of times.

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Today has been amazing. Not really. Up at half 8 and watched one and a half episodes of Frasier before going to the job centre, posted a camera back to amazon for refundage, then deposited my monies in the bank from work pay.


Now remixing my Dr. Doom mask before work, which will be so boring I've bought Edge to pass the time.

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