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Tonight was awesome!


A pair of my friends and I went to a pub quiz at my local, in which me came last, and got the lowest ever score! In our defence, 90% of the questions were about stuff before we were born, and the two that were general history (regarding WWII, my speciality, and Michael Fish) had incorrect answers on the quiz master's sheet. However, as our reward for providing much amusement, we got a free round of shots. :heh: I plan to go back up tomorrow to find out what they were, as it's the only shot-able stuff I've ever had that I liked.


Oh, and a member of a rival team, consisting of 35-40 year old le femme asked one of my friends if he wanted a wafty crank, and kept winking at me, making it a memorable evening in all.


We're going back next week, hoping to rise up the rankings!

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Old = Gold ;)


Just make sure she doesn't take you home to her lair and her 18yr old sons are there :(


Ah, it was you who who that story came from! I remembered it, but couldn't remember the teller... :indeed:


Alcohol is the key here, for me. That and a drop in my standards...

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Guest Stefkov

Last night felt really hectic. Chatting to two people on msn at a time was tiresome work. I couldn't handle it. Plus going through some stuff important stuff kinda with this guy and my pc restarting wasn't a nice feeling.

Today though, I had to rush to get ready to get to work. Got there and there's work being done everywhere. Now it's Big Brother Ukrainian Club edition. Then I got home at 11.

A 12-11 shift. What a fun fuckin day.

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Don't worry, those'll drop as you get older and start to realise life isn't going to be what all them shiny Yankee shows promised it'd be.


Yeah, I wish my life was like Friends. I wanna go Red Ross!


Standards are there to be shattered! Only then can you see how far you're missing the mark you've set yourself!

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Well, i spoke to a friend called hannah, is trying to get accomodation at bath, and it seems like she may have to live with 2 girls and a guy, the funny part of this is that the two girls are also called hannah.


Oh the calamity! i said it was like a sitcom =D


And i just got my braces off, and my god it feels weird

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Woke up this morning to find one of my monitor cables (or DVI connectors) is fucked, badly fucked.


Thankfully the monitors are fine, its just the cables! So, be sorting that out asap.

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And i just got my braces off, and my god it feels weird


Haha, foreshore. I remember when I got (one of) my braces off. It was so weird, being able to like...put your tongue right up between your cheek/inner upper and lower lips and gums.




So lesse, Im trying to do my Venom costume asap, (Head/helmet is the only thing Im working on, the rest is easy/done/requires nothing more than buying) and its a weeny bit frustrating due to it being papeir mache (sp) I have to wait for X bit to dry before continuing. Hopefully hopefully I can get the main bit done tonight, ready for cutting, then teeth, then mechanisms so I don't die of de-hydration (ie a hinge) and various shizzle.


Even though Im going as Venom I made two Spider-Man movie goblin bombs (although light is wrong colour...and too small...and not quite right) but yeah they look pretty cool. (Venom could potentially be looking after them for Norman) :bowdown:





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Cheers Tapey. :)


Are you going as the pr0 Venom, or the abortion design used in the movie?


Also, what are you doing to make the mask? I made an amazingly sexy one with some paper eyes and teeth on a balaclava.


Niiice. Pffft, Eddie Brock comic Venom, not the movie version/or Mac. Basically my mask will hopefully be massive pimp.


At this previse moment in time it is a papier mached balloon, but it will be...


A full mask, opening at the mouth to reveal my head (hinged at the back). Interlocking teeth. Inside, a small device that will hold it open when I want it open (so I can breath) and red cloth seaming up the bottom so my head looks engulfed. The bottom part of the mask would be hinged vertically, so that my head fits in, and that it fits snug. Im still considering the viewing problem of the eyes, but either Ill make a tiny hole, or make the eyes cloth. Neither a big problem.


Im making a chest plate (which I started last night) with muscles on, so I look like a beefy Venom, and not a fat guy with a Venom hat on.


It should be good.


As an example, in the first Shindig I started my costume a week before, in the second 10 days before, for this one I started it a month ago, and its in like...10 days. Yowza.

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Went t'pub again last night. Starting to know and be known by some of the regulars. Good thing? probably not. Likely only go there twice more before i leave for sheff anyway.


mate up there wants me to buy him some speed as "I Know People Who Know People [sic]," and go with him to see Meshuggah (which Nami might go to as well, yes/no?) the moment I get back to sheff. Also bought some tasty weed, danced to all the bad music on purpose and had a better time for it, felt some more boobs, then had a weird dream where I was running in teh dark with a friend trying to help me see, and we saw what looked like body on the floor. She asked me if it was a dead body, and then I noticed it was crawling slowly towards us - some guy in jeans and a black hoodie.


We ran faster, and faster, headlong into trees, slowly realising we were in an enclosed space. We came to a house and were about to go down teh right of it when we realised it was a dead end, so turned and went left and as we did the hooded guy zoomed past us, clearly going soopah-fast so he couldn't stop/follow us immediately.


this freaked the shit out of me.


Today I go to lancing possibly. Or the lagoon. Or the cinema. Turns out the ladyfriend of mine has annoyed all the Cool Kids, and thus isn't coming out with the crew when we go out. Not sure if this bothers me or not.

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This morning: Went to sixth form to re-sign up, i decided that i'll be carrying on all 4 of my subjects to A2, i think i should be able to manage it. I also found out that i have a good day every Friday, ICT in the mornings and then nothing in the afternoon, hurray! I think that's the same for Wednesdays as well. The new ICT teacher has a really strong Irish accent, i couldn't understand some of the things she was saying when she was talking to me.


Now i'm home and i've been left to 'watch' my 10 year old cousin, he's down stairs watching Home Alone 3 (The first two Home Alone films shit on this one), thank god for DVD players.

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And i just got my braces off, and my god it feels weird


Snap! It was even weirder when I had a cap put on my discoloured tooth at the front, good but odd.


I went to both crewe and northwich today trying to get that bloody slipknot cd and both times they didn't have it, got soaked. Sigh. I really wanted it today, have to order online I guess.


Doctors later and send the game from blockbusters back.

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Snap! It was even weirder when I had a cap put on my discoloured tooth at the front, good but odd.


I went to both crewe and northwich today trying to get that bloody slipknot cd and both times they didn't have it, got soaked. Sigh. I really wanted it today, have to order online I guess.


Doctors later and send the game from blockbusters back.


ooh you've got a cap? I believe one of my teeth needs a similar thing. how much did it cost? how do they do it?

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ooh you've got a cap? I believe one of my teeth needs a similar thing. how much did it cost? how do they do it?


Sure have, I believe it's the same as porcelain but not porcelain, it's alot cheaper to have, although I got mine free through the nhs because basically my whole tooth was yellowy/brown from hitting it as a kid.


They actually chisel the original tooth down to a very thin fang, it's disgusting to look at and very upsetting (I cried when I realised) they put a temp on for two weeks and then make the real thing and basically just glue it on. They are supposed to last about 4 years, but can last so much longer if looked after. Somebody recently was looking into getting silver teeth, they found with a cosmetic dentist that the cap I have would be ablout £250-300 each, not cheap. :heh:

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I'm taking Maths and business to A2. I'm taking As physics but can't decide between Stats As or Finance As. Stats should be easy because I got an A in it in maths. but finance should be easy 'cos it's finance. And my mum works in finance. Decision decisions. Help me people.


I can imagine, sh*thole of a place. Great train station, but everything else...pssh.


Shithole? Crewe's like a palace compared to areas around me.

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