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Fucking pissed off, turns out my referral to the gender identity clinic at Charing Cross was lost in the system, that's six months wasted, not only that, but because it was lost I wasn't informed that they don't take referrals directly from GPs and that I have to be referred through my local mental health department. It's just been one thing after another for me lately, the next person to give me any shit is really going to regret it the mood I'm in.

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Just taking a look into some new games for the Wii once i have aquired Mario Kart, Animal Crossing sounds promising as do some other games on the VC. Just need points and a SD-Card and sorted.


Currently the day is going fine, work is as the usual nice and steady workload. When i get back home, a bit of Brawl awaits and hopefully unlocking a few new characters and maybe a level or two as well.

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Fucking pissed off, turns out my referral to the gender identity clinic at Charing Cross was lost in the system, that's six months wasted, not only that, but because it was lost I wasn't informed that they don't take referrals directly from GPs and that I have to be referred through my local mental health department. It's just been one thing after another for me lately, the next person to give me any shit is really going to regret it the mood I'm in.


That's utter shit rokhed, I'm really sorry to hear that, annoying when these things happen and you have to go right back to the beginning!




Today I went into the town, got my rook piercing changed (yey!) bought some bleach, and a certain forumer's birthday present...


Its nice having a day off ^__^

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Just got off the phone to the Envy store in Reading which is where I'm going to go to university, they said they are hiring people for part time at the moment but if I'm available they said they would gladly hire me seeing as I won't need training or anything and I know what I'm doing. I'm happy :) it will save me having to compete with everyone else looking for a job when I get there :D


That was my one job for today, don't know what to do with myself now =/

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Fucking pissed off, turns out my referral to the gender identity clinic at Charing Cross was lost in the system, that's six months wasted, not only that, but because it was lost I wasn't informed that they don't take referrals directly from GPs and that I have to be referred through my local mental health department. It's just been one thing after another for me lately, the next person to give me any shit is really going to regret it the mood I'm in.


Sorry to hear that rok. Hope you get it sorted soon.

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That's utter shit rokhed, I'm really sorry to hear that, annoying when these things happen and you have to go right back to the beginning!


Sorry to hear that rok. Hope you get it sorted soon.


That's life I suppose, I've just had one bad thing after another lately, it's really pissing me off.

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rok rok! if your GP has records of the referral being sent then perhaps it can be taken into account when you have a referral sent from your mental health clinic too??

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Soo... More and more drunken escapades last night. Saynomore, saynomore. tonight gonna pizza meself up, then hit up The Usual (pav tav followed by club upstairs), tomorrow it's more pool and Wall-E, then thursday, weather permitting, some make-shift game of rounders and a picnic, then a mate's gig in teh eve!


i think my front teeth are fucking up as one is beginning to overlap the other quite a bit, probably due to wisdom teeth being pushy fuckers. I hate dentists but I really ought to sort that out.


I never really have anything interesting to say, i just feel awkward if I don't post in this thread every few days. Hm.

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Spent the night with a lass who may or may not be a girlfriend, it's still up in the air. After a rocking 40 minute trek I managed to make it to the train station, and in proper film climax style I jump through the doors as they were halfway closing. It was so epic I may see about getting the security footage, I shit you not.

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rok rok! if your GP has records of the referral being sent then perhaps it can be taken into account when you have a referral sent from your mental health clinic too??


Perhaps, I'll have to talk to my doctor about it when I go in next week, as the NHS is run as a beurocracy though I very much doubt it.

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Went to enroll at Sixth Form today, which went quite well, apart from the woman who was talking to me about Philosophy:


'Staff': "So... do you... erm... know much about Philosophy?

Me: "... -_-'... a bit?"


Now I'm worried my buss pass won't come through on time for Monday (why the hell does term start on the FIRST of September? That's never happened ever in history, I swear). I gave all the filled-in forms and photos in at reception, which they were supposed to just stamp and give me to get to the bus garage. As it happens, the lady at reception took it all off me, stuck it on a pile and said that they "should" be ready for induction day on Friday, where I should "probably" take to the bus station and "If I'm lucky", I "might get it there and then". Gee, thanks.


Sometimes, I wish I was more rude and impatient...

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The day flew by, for some reason I'm quite tired. Must be the weekend catching up on me. :heh:


My house has strangely been surrounded by cats... I like the one sitting in the garden. It just looks around in a vaguely amazed way except when I'm standing there, then we stare at each other in a kind of silent understanding; we know how awesome we both are.


The one at the front of the house is all fluffy, I don't like it.

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I went on a 10 mile bike ride round a lake today. :)


It was actually a good day! Much better than I thought it would be. The course was much easier than the last time I tried which was when I was younger and I think my imagination made the hills much bigger. :D It was not too tiring and the weather was great! with a gentle cool breeze blowing in my face as I sped along.


One slightly hairy moment is when going along the road. I'm not the most confident of riders and having a lorry half way up my bum doesn't help matters. :p


Then after that stopped at a near by Pub and had a tasty Hamurger with Bacon, for Dinner. :grin:

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