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Fucking cunting banks.


OI! Yeah...pretty much true.


Heh, I was put on the "query headset" at work today (ie, taken off answering client calls, and put on as support for colleagues) for the first time, and my mate rang through and we had a little giggle before I went onto help him, so I got taken off it and told off a bit.


Quite funny really.

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I've been at dan_dare's yesterday and today, it's been pretty awesome, got some bish done on his camera and he made me realise why him and dyson play geomtry wars so much, it's ammmaazzzinng.


It's done nothing but piss it down and it took me nearly 5 hours to get to sheffield yesterday, that's dedication.



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Ohhhhhhh yeah ;) Dan and Nightwolf sitting in a tree, doing things they shouldn't be! :)


My head hurts. Today I remember waking up to find this little girl constantly telling me to play mario kart wii, apparently I said I'd play and then fell asleep in the middle of a race. Then I woke up later and pretty much collapsed on the floor because my legs couldn't support me after sleeping in an awkward position or something.


Onto Colchester tonight woo!

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OI! Yeah...pretty much true.


Heh, I was put on the "query headset" at work today (ie, taken off answering client calls, and put on as support for colleagues) for the first time, and my mate rang through and we had a little giggle before I went onto help him, so I got taken off it and told off a bit.


Quite funny really.


Turns out one of our colleagues dobbed us in. Yes she grassed us. I can't believe someone would actually do that. Meh shes hated anyway. People always take the piss out of her and tell her to fuck off...I previously thought they were doing it as a joke, but I realised they weren't today. Fucking retard.


Also a Pokemon I ordered off ebay is fake. Seller has zero negative feedback. He must be a good negotiater...or a lot of stupid customers.

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Bull shit. Utter bull shit.


I went to the bank to give them some (online) bank statements, note these had all my full details (name, account number, sort code etc.). They refused to accept them.


Whats the fucking difference? I moved house, my bank didn't send me any statements for some reason. This is going to mean that i have to add another 2 weeks of faffing and sorting. Fucking cunting banks.


(I'm making an assumption that this is some mortgage thing.) I'm going through the process of remortgaging and I used print outs of online banking for verification of finance stuff, but I had to go to my actual bank and get the manager to stamp it and sign it. My new mortgage bank then accepted it.

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I've been at dan_dare's yesterday and today, it's been pretty awesome, got some bish done on his camera and he made me realise why him and dyson play geomtry wars so much, it's ammmaazzzinng.


It's done nothing but piss it down and it took me nearly 5 hours to get to sheffield yesterday, that's dedication.





true story :heh:

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Ughhhh. I started my job for the summer today. Maybe it's just me, but I think it's the shittiest job ever. I work in a frozen vegetables company. Most of my day has been spent standing in front of a conveyer belt putting bags of peas into boxes. Maybe I'm a pussy, but my back now hurts like hell.


Tomorrow I have to get up early for my driving exam, and then from 1 to 10 freaking PM I have to go to my shitty job again. I'm quitting on Friday.

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Gah pissed off. Why is it when you buy something people instantly wish to copy?


I can understand certain people wanting it, but when I post myself wearing it why do two girls suddenly go and buy it..thanks girls...I must get myself banned from the bloody forum, the lot of them are selfish inconsiderate barstewards who plague the picture thread because they have nothing better to do.


God damnit.

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Female fashions terrify me. You keep waving at random chicks in the street thinking it's someone you know, and then you realize that every 20-something female in town looks exactly the bloody same. I keep thinking we're under attack by an army of clones.

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Indeed, most of my items I never see anybody else wearing, which is nice, but when somebody balantly goes and copies just as you've got the item, it grates my skin somewhat.


Was there any need to do it? No. I don't mind having the same taste as someone and it is a nice jacket, but that just pissed me off.

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Is that ours or some other one? cuuuuuuuuuz i bought said panda thingy (jk)


Anyways, was watching BBC News and they did a results special on grades gone wrong or something, and 2 of my former chums were on it, sarah and laura for anyone who saw, and it was about their grades being far worse than what they expected..was funny.

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Saw Alanis Morissette last night. Was awesome divided many ways, so it would be spread over several plates.


Went to dentist, literally for a 2-minute check-up. And that probably cost my dad like £50. :o


Went to my aunt's house with the rest of family. My oldest cousin (11) is actually so annoying and childish. I hate when idiots sulk becuase they were (rightfully) told off.


I have to do more art tonight.

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