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well, shit start to my day.


let me draw you a mental picture. there i am in bed (11.00) recently awake and just having a nice streach, when i hear a yell from outside, then a clatter. look out my window and see my parents in a heap on the ground, mam with her leg caught between the rungs of a lader, father curled into a ball, and from were i was stood, not moving.


grabbed a dressing gown and ran down to see what the fuck was going on. found my mam struggling free, right arm hanging usless by her side, my dad was grimacing but conshious. i asked if they were ok, they said they didnt know. helped me mam get to a sit and got her to check her arm was still working (make a fist) before turning to my clearly worse off dad. he mamnaged to get to a sit, then shuffle to the wall for some support. my mam was walking now, and stumbled into the house, and found some were to lie down and try to work out what was wrong with her.


im stuck with dad, notice the number of cuts and bruises on his arm. i ask what i can get him, he wants water so i get a glass for him. while im doing that me mam goes out to check on him, playing down her injury. i had to hold the glass for him, his arms were shaking like crazy. he was starting to drift off so i tried to keep him talking. at one point he started to convulse a little, i thought he was going to puke but i think he was struggling to stay awake. after a bit he managed to strugle to his feet, and i had to support him into the house. hes a big man, 6'2" and 16 stone, im 5'11" and 12 stone, so he was a bit of a weight. got him to a seat in side and adressed his wounds. cleaned as much mud of his cuts as i could, helped him take his wet shirt off and into a clean one. he drank more water and i kept him awake, he wannted his boots off so i heped him with that. he said he thought he may have cracked a rib, and things his leg might have been broke. he didnt want an ambulence, but relented after trying to move his leg.


so me mam phones an amublemce, i throw some clothes on and wait with him while mam changed her shirt. ambulence arrive and i take em through to see my dad. hes a bit better now, more colour in his cheeks, talks a bit more like normal to them. they check his leg but think its mucle damage. still decide he needs an x-ray, me mam is checked for her arm, they decide to check her out too. i was expecting top go with em, but no room in the ambuilence. im stuck at home it seems. grab my dads phone so my mam can keep me in the loop. off they go leaving me here to deal with the situation.


we have family over tommorow, the house needs cleaning and looks like im the only one fit to do it. not looking forward to 2 days off hoovering and ironing, nor cooking and cleaning, but needs must. what worrys me is that the whole time, i just wanted to laugh. i mean, my dad had fallen off the conservetory roof, taken out the ladder and me mam. they were both in a situation that should of fucked them beyond belife but they were both pretty much ok. stubborn bastards aint going down to somthing like gravity.

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stubborn bastards aint going down to somthing like gravity.


I'm sorry to hear that about your mum and dad, but by fuck did that last sentence make me laugh!


Good luck with the cleaning and such.


My day was comparatively boring... Work, and went to the clinic. Finally getting round to ordering meds - yey.


Found a job in the local library I might apply for, its similar money (a bit more actually) but with less hours. 30pw rather than 37pw I'm doing. Would be good to get a little more time off. I don't think I can cope with a full time job forever.


I'd stay with the one I have if I knew there was permanent jobs coming up. My job is temporary ongoing, which basically means I have a job until the dept closes down, or I really fuck up. I'm one of the hardcore "there since the beginning" workers and I think I'd be one of the last to be fired tbh :heh:


Just if ever I want to get a mortgage or apply for credit or whatever, I wont be able to get it in a temporary job. And the job security would be pretty nice.


what to do....what to dooooo, tell me KNEEEEE!

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You can get a kit from Apple. You could also remove the hard drive in the old one and get a case for it, then just hook it up to the Macbook. If all else fails, just buy a USB flash drive and transfer them in smaller groups. If you have an iPod, you could also set that up as a mountable disk and transfer them that way.

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Or that.


Here's the official guide to doing it from apple's website:


Direct connect

To move files by connecting your Mac directly to your PC:


Connect your Mac to your PC using a standard Ethernet cable.

Make sure that both computers are turned on.

In the Finder on your Mac, choose Connect to Server from the Go menu to open the window.

Type your PC's network address in the Server Address text box using one of these formats:



Click Connect.

Follow the onscreen instructions to enter your PC's workgroup name, user name, password, and the volume or folder you wish to access.

Your PC volume should appear on your Mac Desktop.

Open the volume and drag and drop files directly from it to anywhere on your Mac.

When finished, drag your PC volume to the Trash to unmount it.

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You can get a kit from Apple. You could also remove the hard drive in the old one and get a case for it, then just hook it up to the Macbook. If all else fails, just buy a USB flash drive and transfer them in smaller groups. If you have an iPod, you could also set that up as a mountable disk and transfer them that way.


I have an iPod, and have my whole music library on it.


How do I transfer that music to my new laptop? When I plug in my iPod it asks me if I want to sync to my new computer (which has no music on it) and obviously I don't want to do that. It won't let me transfer the music over...

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My working week is over, can now enjoy a relaxing 3 day weekend for a change, got a party over the weekend as well as the parents are away as such. Expect drunkenness and excessive swearing etc. May get some pics sorted out for show and tell.

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Guest Stefkov

My day just became excellent because of this:


I'm more happy about this than my results to be honest. It turned out perfectly fine after the first time.

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well, turns out my mam is fine, though her arm hurts a little. my dad has managed to crack a bone in his pelvis, and has to stay in hospital over night, to find out whats happening tommrow. most likly he'l just need cruches and to take it easy, though if he needs a few weeks bed rest it's gonna be hard, especialy when me mams back at work.


turns out i didnt need to do much cleaning in the end, cleaned the sitting room, gotta do the bed rooms tommorow, plus possibly help my mam with the food shopping, which means im cancling a trip to the gym with a mate, which sucks, and i wont have my own room, tomorrow, as my aunty and uncle are in my bed, which sucks, i have to sleep in my sisters room (she gets the tiny guest room) with my three large, heavy snoring, rugby playing cousins, which sucks.

saterday, a family party, which sucks. and cos of cousins staying, i cant go out on anight out with my mates, which sucks.

sunday, a family barbeque for reasons i havent worked out, which sucks.


all in all, life isnt looking to exciting.

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I was quite proud of myself, until my ex-housemate, who I had a fling with, txted me about going to her birthday on Saturday. I told her the truth, which was "sorry, can't, working." So now she's got a face like a smacked arse and apparantly I don't care for her anymore.


To be honest, I kinda wish a giant piano would fall on her head. Like in those Acme/Wile E. Coyote and Road Runner cartoons.


Seriously, she's having a go at me now. What a fucking bitch. I'm sorry for earning a living! I didn't realise the world revolved around your huge arse.


Well to be fair you clearly don't care about her :P She's upset because she is no longer a mate that would earn a "fuck! it's your birthday! I'll get the day off work, then" from you, and she is sad about that. And, she's female, so the only way she can communicate this to you is through some half-arsed guilt trip.


Yes, I am in a cynical mood. Sorry females!

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Umm got some house viewings booked. Saw a decent phone offer (Tocco) on Phones4U and went to check it in store but couldn't match so I ordered it online but it seems they've taken orders and don't have stock at present >_< Wanted it tomorrow gorramit!


Work was okay except the potwasher is leaking so it was wet everywhere. And umm yeah...about it really.


Also, awww :p


Also 2; All I've thought about all day is sex because of the dream I had last night. Gorramit.

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could be worse flinky, at least you cut ties with her. effectivly, its like the dr who birthed you being mad, you knew em once but its not like you need there approval any more.


im annoyed at my mam. she phoned me to tell me the situation with my dad/herself, i said "have you told rach (my sister) she said she would do it when she got off the phone. she never did. i mean, she has a lot on her plate, and its not been a great day, but you think she would keep her first born, and frankly much more successfull child in the loop. on top of that, when she got home she satered saying about how i was afraid. i informed her i hadnt been, id been anquious to mae sure they were ok, but fear didnt enter into it. she tried to tell me how i felt despite not knowing. said that me telling my dad he should go to hospital ment i was afraid. erm, no. it means i was the only one who was in a fit state to think about the situation, and thought it best that he get to hospital. truth be told i wasnt thinking will he be ok? (didnt enter my mind he wouldnt) i was thinking "oh shit, ive got a ton of house work to do!"

on top of that she keeps trying to do things that she cant with her arm. she just seems to buzz around, getting in the way, then getting angry when i tell her to pack it in and let me do it.

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Flinky's getting crazy in his old age...


*shuffles away*


haha Link, girlies eh? Just switch the phone/msn etc off and leave her to steam, she'll come round if she wants you there that much!


Well to be fair you clearly don't care about her :P She's upset because she is no longer a mate that would earn a "fuck! it's your birthday! I'll get the day off work, then" from you, and she is sad about that. And, she's female, so the only way she can communicate this to you is through some half-arsed guilt trip.


Yes, I am in a cynical mood. Sorry females!


could be worse flinky, at least you cut ties with her. effectivly, its like the dr who birthed you being mad, you knew em once but its not like you need there approval any more.



Heh, cheers guys.


I'm just gonna ignore her, to be honest. I don't really think that much of her as a friend, and I think she's just pretty selfish with the choices she's made and how she put our friendship on the line. So, fuck her, she's not worth my effort.


I've had a pretty decent day today. Work went ok, had some funny moments with my friends there. I feel like I belong there now, and its just a shame that I'll be leaving them all in a month's time, and a lot of them I may never see again. :(


I came home, been to the gym, and have put my Wii on and just played some games for a bit. Guitar Hero'd it up! And now gonna play some Super Mario Galaxy. :)


One of my best mates from Brighton rang me about half an hour ago, and I've just got off the phone with her. She said "ssssh! Jim! I'm drrrunk!"


Luckily she didn't make a thread, haha. It was a very funny conversation, and she made me realise how much I miss being around her, haha. At one point, we were like a doubleact, I kinda miss those days.

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My friends are retards, we're going to the pub tomorrow when it's gonna be shit busy. Instead of tonight when we actually have a reason to go and it wouldn't have been busy at all.


Tonight = A-level results...surely busy?

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WENT TO SHEFFIELD did an exam and an essay and an DRINKING lots with shorty and co. Didn't play any gears of war. 5 hour train home was put off a little by me kinda forgetting when the train was, and thus I ended up in Doncaster for two hours.


So no I'm touring those websites, y'know, like postsecret and overheardinnewyork and married to the sea and watching big bro, even though I've got to catch another train at - get this - LEET O CLOCK tomorrow. Awesome. Bishing that bitch right up.. Well I would but chances are I'll be on the train so it'll be trickier.


Lost mah juggling balls :( But! I am slightly prepared. Got tent, fork, tin opener, chili vodka, cup, chess board, a weird towel that makes no sense because it won't work unless it's wet, but surely a wet towel won't dry me?



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