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Bah sounds like so much effort, I don't know why I worry because my local cinema is day during the day, but I just like somebody being there to chat too.


It's day during the day??? My god that must be so wierd.


Well, sorry guys, i did create a topic, BUT THERE'S NOTHING WRONG WITH IT...


Stop creating threads just for the sake of it.

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Bahhhhhh, sometimes I really don't like my mom. She's having one of her pissed off moods again where she takes offence to anything you say and then gets all angry about it. For fucks sake, I only corrected someone's name she got wrong. Gahhhhh. *angry*


Another thing that pisses me off is the fact that the guy from work who likes me (but I don't like him) will probably be going to Spain as well, as the same time I am there. He will be going with my aunt, uncle and cousins as he's friends with them. Which means I'll probably have to see him quite often as it's normal for the two families to meet up there.

This vacation all of a sudden seems a lot less fun. =(

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aw that's lame.


I went to Australia once, only to run in to a family who live on my road. Pure chance- how weird is that?


That's odd! o____0


I had something like that happen to me in New York!


We were on a Tour Bus and it broke down and so we had to get out of it and onto another bus were we heard someone shout my mum's name and it was someone we knew who lived about two roads down! :D

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aw that's lame.


I went to Australia once, only to run in to a family who live on my road. Pure chance- how weird is that?


Haha, awesome.


My neighbours Dad works in Australia, and they go visit him for a month during the summer. My neighbours friend is moving to Australia.


Guess who are going to be living next door to each other, by complete, 100% coincidence?


Small world :bowdown:

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i havn't yet dared to go to the loo to see if the tampon has been removed. It better be gone.


Mu job hunt is taking an interesting twist - i'm thinking about a job with the RAF as a laboratory technician. I'm going to call them tomorrow to find out more, but it certainly looks interesting. i would love to work in science rather than financial services.

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i havn't yet dared to go to the loo to see if the tampon has been removed. It better be gone.


same thing happened to me about 18 months ago, except the bitch left it on the ground wrapped in toilet paper. never been so disgusted ever before :( thank god shes moved out

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Bah, woke up right now, SHIT!!!


My biological clock is still messed up :'(


Im screwed, just one more month left for school.

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Day has been good so far, had a show down my local last night was brilliant. Great talented singer as well, disco was included in the price of the ticket (£3). Got annoyed with my mate as well who ordered me to be down the club at 10:30am today and to stay in the function room when i am on duty to check the tickets and hand out prize money in the bingo.


What really ticks me off about this is the fact that there are 3 jobs to do on a Wednesday duty night, 2 committee duties and a bingo caller. My mate does the calling at gets paid for that, then claims 3 free drinks for the top table duty which he does up until 8pm when i arrive and take over as well as doing my tote duty which is 3 drinks for that as well. Basically putting, he gets paid and gets 3 drinks for doing the bingo calling and doing top table duty until 8pm. I should get up to 3 extra drinks and my usual 3 for tote duty. So if he wants to be arsey and follow rules to the tee, i will counter him and demand those 3 extra drinks for my extra duty i do. Otherwise it is unfair on me doing 2 duties and getting 3 drinks and him doing the calling getting paid and getting 3 drinks for a duty he does not complete.


I could be more rule following and just do the tote and go wherever i like in the club as tote duty does not include optional staying in function room checking bingo tickets, thats a top table duty.


Any advice?

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haha Moogleviper, trust you to pick that up.


Today has been quite productive. I went to see my grandad (my step-mums dad) by driving my own car. It was easy enough there, but the way back was pretty annoying. I stalled at a junction because of some bike tearing around another corner. Embarassing.


I also nearly crashed because two stupid old people were trying to walk over a hump-back bridge, when there was a path on the other side, so as I pulled out slightly for them a bmw driver zoomed over the bridge, twat.


-.- Other than that I'm doing pretty well to drive to manchester and back with only being in the car for three days.


I now plan to watch 10 000bc and relax. ^_^

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Guest Stefkov

Today has been productive. I think I can safely say I know Hiragana now. The basic, the Dakuon, Handakuon and the Yōon. Took me only a week or two. I've known the vowels for a few months so I thought I'd carry on whilst I worked those 9 hours days.

I think a bag of carrots is a good enough reward whilst I revise.

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Today has been productive. I think I can safely say I know Hiragana now. The basic, the Dakuon, Handakuon and the Yōon. Took me only a week or two. I've known the vowels for a few months so I thought I'd carry on whilst I worked those 9 hours days.


I'd like to learn Japanese, but all those Kanji and Hiragana...can I really be arsed to learn all them?


I mean, only learning Romanised Japanese won't be of much help, will it?

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Guest Stefkov

I've wanted to learn hiragana for ages, like I said I knew the vowels months back...actually years back, when I was in high school. I remember sitting in English and writing them in my book.

I've had this book for a year or so now which is like a workbook. I just decided to take it to work with me. I found a good website that can help you learn, and another to help revise. I learnt it in a few weeks. It seemed daunting but it's awesome to know a third alphabet. English, Ukrainian and now Japanese hiragana.

Next maybe katakana but I can learn then when I got along with other learning I think.

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Sounds cool that you know three alphabets. :awesome:


I suppose I could give learning Japanese a proper go. I did intend on learning another European language first, but I'll go with Japanese for now.


If anybody knows of any decent websites that I should use, just PM me. :smile:

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Guest Stefkov
Sounds cool that you know three alphabets. :awesome:


I suppose I could give learning Japanese a proper go. I did intend on learning another European language first, but I'll go with Japanese for now.


If anybody knows of any decent websites that I should use, just PM me. :smile:

I do like knowing the Ukrainian alphabet. It's great that I can read it aswell but I can't understand it.

This time I'm not being forced to go to a Saturday school and have a load of pressure on me to learn it. This way I can go at my own pace.

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Today: First day back from Cornwall, the way back took about 7 hour due to it being a saturday and very busy.


This morning my dad insured my car so i have been driving around this afternoon. I was crap the first time i got in, not having driven for 6 or 7 weeks although it's all good now. I also managed to lower the biting point and make the clutch alot smoother thanks to the MG-ROVER forums, a bottle top and tie wrap.

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Today: First day back from Cornwall, the way back took about 7 hour due to it being a saturday and very busy.


This morning my dad insured my car so i have been driving around this afternoon. I was crap the first time i got in, not having driven for 6 or 7 weeks although it's all good now. I also managed to lower the biting point and make the clutch alot smoother thanks to the MG-ROVER forums, a bottle top and tie wrap.


Congrats on getting back to driving ^_^ I was the same as you thursday night. Although it was the handbrake not the clutch I had issue with. :awesome:

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General information on languages and writing systems: Omniglot.


Information on Japanese: The Japanese Page, Tae Kim's Guide to Japanese grammar, Jim Breen's WWWJDIC.


Information on Ancient Greek: Ancient Greek Tutorials.


You can find various things on other fun writing systems like Hangul (the Korean writing system), the Cyrillic alphabet (Russian, Ukranian, etc.), Indian writing systems (Hindi, Sanskrit and so on), Arabic, Hebrew, Thai, and all the millions of other scripts by searching on Wikipedia and the like. I love writing systems. :smile:

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