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No Masse the first on itv, even though the third mummy has recieved bad ratings I may con somebody to watch it.


Shame really, I need to get the courage to go cinema on my own, such a strange thing to not wish to go cinema on my own when it's not as if anybody talks within the cinema anyway.


Masse don't bother with annoying threads, they get locked pretty quickly and just clog the front page! Pssh.


I'm abit pissed off right now to say the least, it would be nice if flo talked to me once in a while :(


i hate going to the cinema on my own, i always sneak in late and go as soon as the credits roll. only done it twice though.

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Im thinking of creating a thread here so i can maintain awake waiting for answers, im trying to do something shocky but not enough controversial to give me infractions.


Yeah; what everyone else said. You have any idea how many red/yellow infractions you got? Ponder on that.


Also; it's not "maintain awake" it's "stay awake" :)

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I don't mind it. I went to see The Lives of Others by myself last year. It was the last screening in the city and I was never gonna miss it.

the trick is to find someone to talk about the film with after. My parents had already seen it so I was sorted.

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Guest Maase

lol, you had luck tonight, N-Europe, because i had a smash session which woke me up...


Oh, and jay7, Thanks for the tip in English.

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i hate going to the cinema on my own, i always sneak in late and go as soon as the credits roll. only done it twice though.


Bah sounds like so much effort, I don't know why I worry because my local cinema is day during the day, but I just like somebody being there to chat too.

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Life is starting to get very complicated again, only a month or so after i resolved the last major complication.


My mum is in hospital with her heart again, and they keep pushing back the date they are letting her out. Not likely to be till at least wednesday. She lives in somerset and i'm in birmingham, and I cant afford to visit her so on top of worries, i'm also feeling guilty. Luckily my sister is living at my mums again, so she is able to be there. Apparently they are talking about a heart valve replacement. last time she was in hospital they mentioned it as a future posibility, but she went on a big rant about not wanting any bits cut out of her. She's just not bothered about if she dies or not, so it's really difficult.


I'm starting to wonder if I should try an relocate to somerset to try and take the weight off my sister.


Which leads to the job hunt, which is going really badly. My confidence is low enough already, but now it's just getting lower. It seems like the only sort of job i can get is in sales, which i DO NOT want to be doing.


This is getting me depressed, which is making the other things i have been busy repressing come back up, so i'm just feeling really really down.

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That. Sucks. My gorram honest advice is to live your own life first. Shape the rest of the world around you as best you can, and considering you've just moved and are searching for a job, halting this for other stressful matters will just prolong them and make them harder to bare. Bear? Whatever.


The point is that your mother, your sister and the hospital-full-of-doctors-who-know-stuff already shoulder the burden and responsibility of the situation. Not that you can just forget about it, but the concerns you have are primary.


There were more words but I started to feel like this post might be considered harsh enough as it is.

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Not too bad of a day. Lounged around for a while this morning and then vacuumed for a while. Then I went for a bike ride and when I got back I sorted through a bunch of old computer cables and adapters ect. I realized I have tons of old RCA cables. I'm going to see a movie tonight, probably wall-e.

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@nightwolf - I'm good. Tired, but good. Had some real food for a change which was awesome (by real food I mean not chips, which with toast, is what i've pretty much been living off the last week)


Been at Bath Spa doing IGF so I'm totally bassed out at the moment, been playing near non-stop all week. Learnt loads aswell which is always good.



j7 - 7 hours is nothing, try 20 hours to south france. (Which wasn't as bad as it seems.)

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argh! i went to the bathroom for my pre-sleep pee, and one of my housemates has tried to flush a used tampon...


luckily there is a 2nd loo, as i didn't want to pee on it. it'd better be gone by when i get up tomorrow

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Guest Stefkov
Yeah, I've done the whole 20+ hours coach thing to france, spain and holland. This is going to be a solo trip, that's what sucks the most..

Meh, ever tried a day and a half from Munich to Lviv through 4 countries?

In a cramped mini van. Going to a fro I didn't get up once to watch the sun rise. Now I can see that whenever with this crazy sleep pattern.


My day, work 12-9. Learned more Hiragana. Gonna buy a PC soon.

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my birthday was fine.


Whoa, what the heck? Did nobody check the birthday's today or something? I didn't or else I'd have made a thread myself. Hope you actually did have a good day mcj, I don't think it's a fact of people not thinking you're not a major enough poster, I'd put money on it being the fact that nobody checked the birthdays today! :laughing:

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Whoa, what the heck? Did nobody check the birthday's today or something? I didn't or else I'd have made a thread myself. Hope you actually did have a good day mcj, I don't think it's a fact of people not thinking you're not a major enough poster, I'd put money on it being the fact that nobody checked the birthdays today! :laughing:


ha :) nah i'm only messing. Thanks though :)


my celebrations was really on thursday.. im just back from work now(i work in a cinema so was finished at 12. 6 - 12.. rough birthday hours :)

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Life is starting to get very complicated again, only a month or so after i resolved the last major complication.


What were you saying when we met up...:p


But something more sensitive. That really sucks man, sorry to hear :( At least you care and maybe you're not in a position to be able to be as fully supportive as you wish to be but you have commitments in Birmingham and at the end of the day your mom will appreciate that. Do the best you can, nobody can ask for more than that.


mcj happy birthday!


My day was okay. Lounged around for a fair while; watching Frasier and reading. Got a text off my brother asking me to chase up Sky which I did. Apparently we need an engineer but the last time I rang the woman fobbed me off and its going to be 2 weeks. I said "I know how to set up a router, just send it" and they said they can't. Shall ring them up tomorrow and be massive annoying to them.


Went to a friends for a game night. Good night, but dragged on a tad. And halway between asleep and awake right now.

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My mate is taking advantage of me. You know that feeling you get when yoy are betwen typsy and drunk. When you can type basically fine, but you'll say anything because you think "Why not"? Well, I'm there. Everythings almost spinning, but not. I can;t stop contemplating things. Had a good night though!

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Ooo I love that feeling, until the morning after, when you realise just what you've been saying. Not a nice feeling ._.


I too have had a good night. The discussion on here has been impressive, especially from some of our N-E forumites. It's been quite engaging actually :D


Time for sleeps though. Night N-E!

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Just to prove the current drinking theory, the one that says people are making it up when they type as they are drunk. I've went out 3 nights in row drinking with eh lads but (Hopefully) as you can see my writing isn't all over the place unlike a certain hoover.

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Just to prove the current drinking theory, the one that says people are making it up when they type as they are drunk. I've went out 3 nights in row drinking with eh lads but (Hopefully) as you can see my writing isn't all over the place unlike a certain hoover.


I'm impressed. Usually when I'm drunk and typing you can't notice it at all, with the exception of one or two typos - like there in yours ("eh lads" instead of "the lads" but that's something I'd typo when sober tbh).


But that night was insane. I've never been that plastered. Not sure how I came out the other side of it without a hangover. And able to remember the entire night, even the posting on the forum. I just lost my feeling of "giving a shit" about if people could read what I was typing. I'm sure I could have slowed it down and typed normally if I'd wanted to, I just didn't want to, for some reason.


If you think the forum posts were bad, you should see some of the texts I sent and received :heh: : peace:

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