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Oh. Fair enough. But why whole? Couldn't you have cut it up first?



And please tell me you took the shell off ._.


Course I took the shell off, straight out of boiling water, shell off, then in my mouth, was so hot just had to smallow it whole.

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I had the weirdest dream last night, woke up feeling like I had been drinking all night.


A thousand years ago, there were two beetles, and each had choice. They could choose to enter either the blue sphere of peace, virtue and compassion, or the red sphere, of pleasure, chaos and vengeance. In the end they choose different spears, and both died. The beetle that chose the blue sphere was reincarnated as the holy Buddha. The beetle that choose the red sphere was reincarnated as the devil, a being also of tremendous power and wreathed in fire that caused pain and mischief where ever he went.


Last night, I dreamed the daemon Buddha descended and threatened to set me on fire for a thousand years unless I trashed a free public art gallery. Eventually I begged him and convinced him to grant me one hour to look at the art first.



What the shit did I eat?

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Guest Maase

Well, not exactly "How was your day", more like "How was your night"


So, i've had my biologic clock bad timed, so i decided to maintain awake this night and then resist until this night so i could sleep, i do it...


Everything goes fine, i maintain here seeing old threads (i saw the 3 Christmas comics, they were funny as hell), and then its 8, i awake everyone, and guess what?


I fucking sleep in the couch till 3... URGH!!!!!!!!


So, yeah, i sleeped 5/6/7 hours and now it will be problably worse...


But anyway, maybe not, im still very sleepy, so if i resist this time to sleep, i think it will work out fine :P

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Did you dream the whole thing or just the second part? Sounds like a pretty good film tbh, if it was an action/comedy/with a deep message.


Dreamed the whole thing, but it didn't feel like I had a presence in the first bit with the beetles, I was just sort of watching it all. I think you're right actually, it did feel like a really surreal movie. Get Jim Carry on board, could probably make something out of this.

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Had such an awesome day in York. Just went shopping with a mate for the day, and it was nice spending time alone with the guy because usually I don't get too. Bought too much stuff, spent a little too much but meh. Also, I bought this Pink and black shirt from TopMan, wore it and proceeded to get called "Gay" by this group of guys. Wankers, it's a nice shirt. The funny thing being one of them was also wearing a pink (and a baby pink at that) chavvy top. Hypocritical much? Bitch, please.

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Get a job and stop using my tax to buy CDs!


My brother once begrudgeingly gave me money he owed me and seemed proud of himself for paying it back to which I rebuted; "you're on the dole and I pay taxes. I'm giving myself this money."


Anywho. Went to town. Twice. Trying to find a birthday gift for a friend but he's impossible to buy for. I bumped into his wife in town and even she didn't know. He's ended up with a Blockbusters giftcard. Although to be fair I've baked him cakes and buying stuff for the get together we're having tomorrow. Which is apparently going to be a game night, so I bought Disney Scene It.


Just had a phone call from a friend, he was confused by my text saying "Bitches ain't shit but hos and tricks" (uncultured swine!) and he's clued me in on where the house in looking at is on Tuesday. Some other company has arranged a viewing for me on Tuesday too. And I may have a date on Tuesday. Busy day!


But today, not so busy. Going to try and get through more of Kafka, wanna finish it tomorrow (and then either onto 'Hard-boiled wonderland...' or re-read 'Norwiegan Wood')

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Sooooo, another boring day at work is over, finally! And yay, two days of no work now! ^____^


I ate way too much today. For lunch at work I had a plate filled with salad stuff (lettuce, tomato, other things) and friessss. Really yummy ones. Seriously, a yummy free (!) meal like this is something you can't pass up on!

Got offered a cookie covered in chocolate by my uncle who was sitting next to me at work, and of course couldn't refuse that either.

And then just now for dinner I had lots and lots of spaghetti with veggie bolognaise, a sunny side up egg and about four pieces of delicious garlic bread. Mmmmmmm.


And now I'm going to relax a bit, yay! =D

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Guest Stefkov


It's the end of the wooorld, as we know it..

Speaking of which, I just read about a vault that's been built up on Svalbard (never heard of it either). A vault where all the seeds on the planet are stored just incase there is ever a really bad day and all agriculture on the earth is lost or summit along those lines. Reading it made me giddy, the thought of impending doom makes me excited.

Other than that a good days rest happened today. Plus watching pantsu.

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oh, yeah. Heard about that....


more than a little disturbing. The Russians are such cunts, they really are.


Wasn't it to stop a rebellion though? I thought they came in to help.


Days been boring. I got up and watched the opening ceremony of the olympics and then when that was over went for a quick bike ride before spending the rest of my day bumming around (doing some occasional work in flash).

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Wasn't it to stop a rebellion though? I thought they came in to help.


Days been boring. I got up and watched the opening ceremony of the olympics and then when that was over went for a quick bike ride before spending the rest of my day bumming around (doing some occasional work in flash).


To be really honest, I think the US really is trying to turn the west against Russia. I think the mass number of people in the area are being used as pawns by the rebel leader, the georgian president and the russians. Who to believe? When you see a video of armed soldiers escoring women and children down a road, does that mean they're freeing them or imprisoning them? That they've helped then avacuate, or that they went in and STOLOR DEM!


I choose to disbelieve.

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Blah. Sod my brother and sod his late-late-late-night/early morning stir fry addiction. So many dishes! I hate doing the dishes just before I go to bed, but I hate having to deal with it first thing I wake up to. Sometimes he's a really nice guy. Sometimes he's an ass.

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Wasn't it to stop a rebellion though? I thought they came in to help.


Days been boring. I got up and watched the opening ceremony of the olympics and then when that was over went for a quick bike ride before spending the rest of my day bumming around (doing some occasional work in flash).


No. There area is a separatist province with Russian backing that, since 1992, has been all but independent of Georgia. The Georgians moved in this week to re-establish their authority and Russia moved to stop them as they gave everyone who lives there citizenship.

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