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dude! totally cramping my game!




In other news me and young Daniel here decided that the government should pay us to purchase and wear suits in public to teach young people about their powers of awesome.


Sounds like one hell of a plan to me.

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In other news me and young Daniel here decided that the government should pay us to purchase and wear suits in public to teach young people about their powers of awesome.


I feel offended I've been left out of this plan - I've been wearing a suit for almost all of the last 2 years!


The difference between Ashley, Dan and myself, and most other suit wearers is that we make it look good. :awesome:

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Blarg, spent just over 3 hours doing this, which was great fun but damn hard.


Kinsa hach'a challwa paya challwallampiwa challwataxa! :D


I did the first question, and then gave up, on account of the whole thing being fucking difficult.


To any phoneticists and linguists out there, I sallute you.

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I did the first question, and then gave up, on account of the whole thing being fucking difficult.


To any phoneticists and linguists out there, I sallute you.

Question D was my favourite, with E close behind.


Have a look at D, then have another look once you know it's:

Little red riding-hood.


Took me so damn long to work that one out.

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Sneaking onto the internet at work. It's really boring here, merf.


Last night was a pretty crappy night for me, but I had two people supporting me (thanks!). I didn't sleep too well though because of the headache I had given myself, so I woke up tird and with swollen eyes. D:

Plus they started working on our street and were making a whooooooooooole lot of noise. Didn't help my headache.


Ah well, seems like it's a hot day outside, but I don't notice anything of it in here. Not sure I should be happy about that or not, as I seem to miss all the sun. Anywayyyy, 3-4 more hours and I can go home! Yay!

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kind of annoying start to the day. Over slept and I'm trying to get a good sleeping pattern here... I thought my mum was working from home so, expecting a wakeup call, didn't set an alarm.


oh well- applied to two voluntary jobs today and about to apply for another Sheffield uni now.

Where is everyone today? this place is a graveyard.

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also hope you feel better soon Eenuh :)


Cruel fate, Daft. Gotta feel sorry for the guy.


I feel sorry for him but that's heavily outweighted by the fact he was killed by some fairy cakes.


I know, I'm cruel. Still, there are worse ways to go.

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Dam Guinea Pig just died in my arms! It was well dramatic it kinda fell on its side and did the death pose. Its now in a plastic bag and in the freezer waiting for my cousin to pick it up when she gets back from holiday.


Thank god the 2 other ones are alive.


Ah well its life experience im sure!

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'Nother hangover! Another day spent avoiding work by drinking rum, playing tennis(ish) and boogying the night away. Was looking at some pics of me and the pals from two years ago and damn I was way better looking back then. Need to lose the beer belly and start looking awesome again.


Plans for the day? AVOID MORE WORK. Maybe cry a little. Then paddle! Gleee!

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Dam Guinea Pig just died in my arms! It was well dramatic it kinda fell on its side and did the death pose. Its now in a plastic bag and in the freezer waiting for my cousin to pick it up when she gets back from holiday.

Remind me never to share a flat with you. :blank:

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Remind me never to share a flat with you. :blank:


"Hey gaggle what do you want for dinner?"


"I dont know Haden what do we have?"


(Opens Freezer) "Hmm well we have 4 hamsters so I could make a stir fry or a fresh parrot that ive just bunged in the freezer so we could have rodent bird pie again?"


Your missing out on those conversations and xpert 11 alliances!!


In all seriousness though. My cousin doesnt come back for two weeks it will have rotted by then so its in a sealed plastic bag in the top shelf of the freezer. The thing is its eyes are still open so thats kinda traumatic if anyone who didnt know opened that draw up. A kinda Eternal Darkness moment!

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haha ashley I can safely say that I haven't unfortunetly for you eh? :P.


Today I got myself out of bed at 9 and went to manchester, apart from some little bitch thinking she was cool and wanting to move onto the road for her it was pretty good. Spent abit of money and got the hair dye I needed and was home for about 4.


It didn't make me feel hugely great, but it was nice to be out the house and get that jacket I wanted too.


Saw way too many couples that turned my mood slightly sour.


edit: welcome back to england bluey ^_^.

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Two Headed Couple Beasts can fuck rightly off, ta.


day so far... volunteered for some work with Mind and a local cat shelter and found a job to apply for at Sheffield uni (again). Played some halo..


need to get out tomorrow- see about pestering the agencies in town with my sexy revamped CV.

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When I find out who designed and built the SAAS password system, I'm going to beat them, rape them, surgically remove all their bones while they're still conscious, mash their flesh into a toxic stew and use it to set fire to everything and everyone they once held dear. Then I shall use their bones to summon the dark one, and devout to him my own soul so I can travel to that dank place in hell where I sent them and rape them again.

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