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But more, much more than this - You did it YOOOOOOOOOOOOOUR WAAAAAAAAY! (In a weird mood, sorry :heh:)


That remuibsds me of soulga boy whuich meand my friend danced to tonight YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU crank thatsoulja boy!¬!

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rtofl man thart made me laufgh sdpo much, coolness berarts response too rofl





SHIt i was closer!






Well, you got there in the end, well done. :p


That remuibsds me of soulga boy whuich meand my friend danced to tonight YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU crank thatsoulja boy!¬!



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I had one of the funniest nights of my life last night. Comedy gold :D


We went to our friend Stuart's house for drinks and we've been playing a game recently of making up weird, stupid tales to bullshit Stuart as wildly as possible. Last night took it to a whole new level, however.


Our first plan was to convince him that a friend of ours currently residing in France is shacked up with an older woman. Good story, when you know who it involves. but that was just the start.

Our friend Misha came over with a friend from uni and, upon hearing we were telling our tales, promptly decided to tell Stuart that he and his friend Peter were, in fact, lovers.


oh, the carnage! The rest of the night was spent making Stuart as uncomfortable as possible with everyone in on the joke. It was so, so funny. I think my young life has peaked early.


Oh, and we also convinced him that another friend in Cambridge has taken up getting high by eating live toxic ants. That is, to date, the biggest crock of shit I've ever told anyone. Whhheeeeee!

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Woke up a bit past 1pm after going to bed at 5 am again I think. Not having to wake up in the morning is niiiiice.


Anyway, didn't really do much so far but have a shower and lunch. I actually lost a tiny bit of weight again though, hooray. Though I wonder where I keep losing it, as so far I don't notice a difference in my body... maybe my brain is slowly getting smaller or something.

Plus I had a croissant filled with gooey chocolate and with chocolate sprinkles on top, so I bet I've already gained what I had lost. X3


Just watched the first episode of 'Californication' thanks to Aimless. Not sure yet what to think of it.

And now I get ready for work. Yay.

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haha poor Dyson!


Today has actually been another good day! Got up, dressed etc and went to farmfoods with mum, so basically everything now in the freezer are all my favourite foods <3 yum.


We also went to a petrol station so mum could show me how to fill the tank...go on laugh, but that's one of the silly things they don't teach you when you start driving, it's very odd and I didn't like it xD.


I'm excited to get my car, apprently I might be driving to my grandads with mum next sunday...even though I've never driven that far. hehe ^_^


Other than that me and mum cleaned the freezer (the ice stuck to it was horrible!) and am now relaxing ^_^ yay for busy days.

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I hd the best time at the traction rally last night. The rides were awesome, the people were awesome, such a fun night. Some of the rides were bluddy scary, but I went on them. I'm not sure why, I wouldn't usually, I think it must of been the booze. Still, it was such a good laugh, finally got back to a mates house about 2am.


Oh, and the fireworks rocked, it was really odd seeing them whilst upside down on a ride.

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Tell a lie about relaxing the rest of the day, I've just spent the last hour getting rid of about half my clothes.


15 pairs of jeans I've either given to the charity shop or thrown away xD, it makes it alot easier to find things when I want to take them away with me to uni.



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Tell a lie about relaxing the rest of the day, I've just spent the last hour getting rid of about half my clothes.


15 pairs of jeans I've either given to the charity shop or thrown away xD, it makes it alot easier to find things when I want to take them away with me to uni.




15? crumbs. I only own 4 pairs of jeans- one of which i should replace pronto and 1 pair of smart trousers for my suit.

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My last 36 hours > yours.


Went to lagoon, finished off my gin to a few games of chess and cards. Bought a can of cider on the way to a mate's gig, had a couple of bottles of cider at the gig and stumbled into an old colleague. Then it got to about 10pm and I was like "donwannagohome" so called my mate and met her the other side of brighton, bought some more cider and went to a free party down on the beach by the marina! Hundreds of people raving the night away. Mental. Anyone who knows brighton might know the Volks railway - the rave was at the marina station end. Awesome. My mate's friends had a rig set up, so we got to max it out at the speakers!


Then the sun came up, the clouds let loose and the rave moved into the undercliff thing, which was ace. Then we walked to some guys house, and kept drinking 'til 2pm. I played chess and took cocaine with some random people. I kicked ass. Then got high and talked more shit, then walked home and had a couple of kips on the hove lawns and at the lagoon. Some weird guy with a dog woke me up, came home and went to bed for a few hours.


Now I'm up! Whey!

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My last 36 hours > yours.


Went to lagoon, finished off my gin to a few games of chess and cards. Bought a can of cider on the way to a mate's gig, had a couple of bottles of cider at the gig and stumbled into an old colleague. Then it got to about 10pm and I was like "donwannagohome" so called my mate and met her the other side of brighton, bought some more cider and went to a free party down on the beach by the marina! Hundreds of people raving the night away. Mental. Anyone who knows brighton might know the Volks railway - the rave was at the marina station end. Awesome. My mate's friends had a rig set up, so we got to max it out at the speakers!


Then the sun came up, the clouds let loose and the rave moved into the undercliff thing, which was ace. Then we walked to some guys house, and kept drinking 'til 2pm. I played chess and took cocaine with some random people. I kicked ass. Then got high and talked more shit, then walked home and had a couple of kips on the hove lawns and at the lagoon. Some weird guy with a dog woke me up, came home and went to bed for a few hours.


Now I'm up! Whey!


Sounds like a time!

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15? crumbs. I only own 4 pairs of jeans- one of which i should replace pronto and 1 pair of smart trousers for my suit.


I used to be a very impulse buyer, I'd buy items that wouldn't even be worn.


I think out of the 15 jeans 5 I hadn't worn. lmfao! This has been over the space of two years I think anyway.


Just watched the second cardcaptors film, I love it ^_^

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I used to be a very impulse buyer, I'd buy items that wouldn't even be worn.


I think out of the 15 jeans 5 I hadn't worn. lmfao! This has been over the space of two years I think anyway.


Just watched the second cardcaptors film, I love it ^_^


What is it with girls and buying clothes they never wear. Mine get worn until they are completely worn out, then get worn a couple more times for good measure. Even then they don't get chucked out, they slowly move to the bottom of the drawer where they aren't seen for the next year before eventually being removed. :awesome:

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What is it with girls and buying clothes they never wear. Mine get worn until they are completely worn out, then get worn a couple more times for good measure. Even then they don't get chucked out, they slowly move to the bottom of the drawer where they aren't seen for the next year before eventually being removed. :awesome:


Oh trust me the rest of my clothes (like 3 pairs of jeans and a few tops) I wear constantly, it's just I then think oh crap I've only got 3 pairs of jeans and go and buy a pair..I then thought they were great, brought them home, didn't like them and was always too lazy to take them back. :blank:


I'm glad to be rid, hopefully I can get rid of this dress too.

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I had a nice day :)


My freinds were all supposed to come over this afternoon, but I wasn't sure exactly when. It reached about 3pm and still noone had showed, and I thought, 'Oww, no one loves me T____T' Then suddenly, they all arrived at the same time!! :D


Then I went to Jordan's, and played Geometry Wars 2.

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My day has been great. :grin:


I went to bed at about 5am and then woke up at 11 and had some breakfast. (weetabix)


Then I went out. I love going up to the High Street on rainy Sundays as there is no one around its hauntingly beautiful! (just like the word Karaoke in English. :p)


So I had a peaceful stroll up there and ended up buying a book, The Children of Hurin. I started that when I got back and it's a good read so far.


I got back and decided to watch more of How I met your Mother which is LEGEN


wait for it...


DARY!!! :grin:


After that I sorted out my pictures on my computer and then played Metroid Prime and watched Some anime!!!


And listened to a lot of music. :yay:

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Day has been good, started at 10am when i had a club meeting for the members of which 7 came along. The had the cash count, had a few drinks and came home after this afternoons quiz was canceled.


Decided to stay in tonight due to the fact i am tired and twisted my ankle last night due to alcohol. Watching When Nature Calls atm, and have played SC IV and GTA IV earlier.

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