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You'l be shitting green before you know it.


They did a Pepsi Blue in the states a while ago, completely bombed and stopped selling it, but leave it to the Japanese to embrace the weird flavoured Pepsi varieties *cough*Cucumber*cough*


Haha, Pepsi Cucumber. :heh: I wonder what was going through their heads when they created that. An unsafe concentration of cocaine? Maybe.


Got a jo0b!"!!!!! WOooooooo Woooo WoooOoooOOooo. Extatic as you can tell. Best thing is its for the competitors of the people who made me redundant and its £500 a year more :P




Heck to the YEAH! Congratulations buddy! : peace:

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Guest bluey

hehehehehehehheheeeeehhhhh.... *BURN*


Jackie says:

hey sorry about last night.. :(

becky says:


Jackie says:


becky says:


i dont give a crap what/who you do (haha i made a joke) but when you do it so late (and for so long what the hell was he ON i nearly started a timer O_o) it really effects everyone else in the house..


and trust me i mean everyone.... /umm

Jackie says:

I know.. I'm sorryyy

Jackie says:


becky says:

kinda why i suggested the blankets on the FLOOR jobby..

Jackie says:

yeah that would havce been better

becky says:

these bed...BOXES we have to sleep on are creeeaky.

Jackie says:

yeahh.. i noticed :(

becky says:

so did ama and acupuncture guy :P


and poor masa! things on MY wall were shaking he must have been scared for his life O_o

Jackie says:

that's not good

ok ok

it wont happen again

becky says:

what i mean to say is that its not gunna take adrian long to work things out if he goes home with more than he came here ith if you catch my drift... but, again, thats not my business ~ i'm just giving you a heads up w/ that one

Jackie says:

yeahhh i know

becky says:

what bothers ME is how well you know these guys, jackie... they could do anything to you...

or worse

ME!! O_O

Jackie says:

i'm not being the smartest

becky says:

we hardly live with bodyguards either... i HAVE actually screamed for help before and got no response

...freakin giant sneeky crows...

Jackie says:


Jackie says:

very true

becky says:

seriously tho

these people are what, internet friends?

its like the beginning of one of those e-mail horror stories where the innocent room mate gets chopped up and fed to GIANT CROWS

its always the innocent room mate dammit!!

Jackie says:

lol well hopefully that wont happen

becky says:


Jackie says:

dont worry beck, it's over

becky says:

so i can put my shelves back up?

Jackie says:

yes you can.





*sigh* that, my friends, is as serious as i get. :indeed:

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I would of thought you'd be happier than that.. atleast this happy.






Another day in work without anything to do except twiddle thumbs and wait for stuff to do as per usual, which came in thinner than Victoria Beckham

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I think there is something wrong with me... I think I'm addicted to Jaffa Cakes. I'm currently at work and I have a double pack hidden in my bag that I'm slowly eating. Even though I've only had three of them, I'm thinking about the other double pack waiting at home for me to devour.



hehehehehehehheheeeeehhhhh.... *BURN*

So Adrian is her boyfriend's name? If she starts up again just slap repeatedly on your bed whilst screaming, "Oh, Adrian!" Problem solved¹.




¹Results may vary.

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