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Guest Jordan

Pretty shit so far, found out my laptop has been delayed AGAIN, another day. So now its the 8th July. Fucking PC World. Cunts.


Totally bored, totally lonely, hungry (can't really be arsed to get food i'm feeling that lazy), really missing Letty.

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Pretty shit so far, found out my laptop has been delayed AGAIN, another day. So now its the 8th July. Fucking PC World. Cunts.


Totally bored, totally lonely, hungry (can't really be arsed to get food i'm feeling that lazy), really missing Letty.


I thought Northern Ireland's delivery service was bad o_o Unlucky mate.


EDIT: I've just thought of something that really fucking gets on my nerves... I got a n00 external harddrive, and it came bundled with some software. Now it's all decided to bloody well expire on me.. Gone are the days when you actually got a FULL copy of the software with something you paid well over a hundred pounds for :(

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Fucking idiot people!


I'm about to leave my house to catch my train, and somebody from works rings (a new starter) to ask me what the work number is, because he wants to do overtime...


And then I don't have the number because my number is one the same phone that he is ringing me on. So, I have to hang up, look at my number, right it down and ring him back.


Whilst at this point there's a slight glimmer of hope I can still catch my train, he rings again...


So, now I have missed my train. My next one is not for an hour, and now I have to go through London, which means it'll take me longer, it's more hassle, and very inconvenient.


Thanks a fucking bunch!

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I went to my nan's 80th birthday party last night. Nothing much happened apart from a few laughs, the realisation that my cousins have all grown up and started families and that one girl who did Karaoke and should go on X Factor (She was good). I had a couple pints, which is actually the most alcohol I've drunk in one night. Sounds rubbish, I know, but I don't drink that often.


EDIT: I forgot to mention that I also got Rickrolled whilst there.

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Guest Jordan

This is me stressed out and extremely worried.


Either my bank has cut my overdraft in half or some how i've lost £300. What the fuck has happend.


I don't have internet banking, i haven't spent that £300, telephone banking is fucking useless with my bank. What the fuck do i do?

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This is me stressed out and extremely worried.


Either my bank has cut my overdraft in half or some how i've lost £300. What the fuck has happend.


I don't have internet banking, i haven't spent that £300, telephone banking is fucking useless with my bank. What the fuck do i do?


could you have been double-billed for that computer you bought? Maybe check yer online receipts and whatnot?


If not you'll maybe have to wait for your statement, or bite the bullet and ring them?


PS I don't know how anyone survives without internet banking. :heh:

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Treck to town and get a mini-statement. Faff but the only way I can think of that will ease your mind at the moment.


Day has been alright. Helped out with the carnival my grandad runs so been selling programmes (I can still charm the pants off anyone it turns out. Yay.) taking photographs, being a spare hand and such. Been okay.


Doctor Who later then sleep. Exciting night eh?


Oh wait no turns out we're going for a meal instead of cooking.

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Guest Jordan
could you have been double-billed for that computer you bought? Maybe check yer online receipts and whatnot?


If not you'll maybe have to wait for your statement, or bite the bullet and ring them?


PS I don't know how anyone survives without internet banking. :heh:


Treck to town and get a mini-statement. Faff but the only way I can think of that will ease your mind at the moment.


Day has been alright. Helped out with the carnival my grandad runs so been selling programmes (I can still charm the pants off anyone it turns out. Yay.) taking photographs, being a spare hand and such. Been okay.


Doctor Who later then sleep. Exciting night eh?


Okay so. Rang the bank, finally got internet banking set up. Turns out they've changed the withdrawal rules. I still have my overdaft, but i can only take out a certain percentage of my money per day. So i'm still fine.



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Went out with the parents early morning, even got a free lunch too. Shame the weather is crap.


Just been watching I am Legend, I have to say it's very good (although when the dog died I nearly bawled my eyes out..) definately worth buying considering it only cost me £4 off amazon.


Now looking for another film to watch, maybe occupy my time whilst waiting to go uni.


edit: On another note I've started to notice how pathetic humans are. I give up, I don't see why I should have to fight against such pathetic creatures.

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edit: On another note I've started to notice how pathetic humans are. I give up, I don't see why I should have to fight against such pathetic creatures.


Thank god someone else has noticed. I am at my wits end with my best friends. I can't believe I'm having major issues with my best friends >_< Stupid humans they should all die.

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Thank god someone else has noticed. I am at my wits end with my best friends. I can't believe I'm having major issues with my best friends >_< Stupid humans they should all die.


Its not my best friends it's everyone else. I go on another forum and I swear half of them are just there to date somebody and have the brain the size of a pea and never think outside the box ever.


I'm getting to the point where I want myself banned so I don't scream at them all first.

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Its not my best friends it's everyone else. I go on another forum and I swear half of them are just there to date somebody and have the brain the size of a pea and never think outside the box ever.


I'm getting to the point where I want myself banned so I don't scream at them all first.


Is it a dating forum you're on? :p That might be why!


I was abused at work again today, I accidentally brought down the wrong colour shoe and this woman staring laring at me so I should stood there with a blank face and she just got even more annoyed. Luckily my boss jumped in and saved me, what a legend.

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Is it a dating forum you're on? :p That might be why!


I was abused at work again today, I accidentally brought down the wrong colour shoe and this woman staring laring at me so I should stood there with a blank face and she just got even more annoyed. Luckily my boss jumped in and saved me, what a legend.


Last time I checked it was a body modification website, instead it's been turned into a boohoo life sucks and dating forum, pisses me off.

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On Friday I went to school for the final assembly and all that jazz then it was straight into the car for a 5 hour journey to Wales. :)


Having got little sleep from the night before I actually managed to drift in out of sleep not knowing whether we were in Wales or not. Eventually we stopped at a Little Chef where I had a Belgium waffle (which was tasty!) to discover I was in Wales, I was still a little confused at this point and it wasn't until half an hour later when we past some grazing Sheep that I exploded with excitement shouting



deafining my parents in the front.


I was going to Bangor University Open day which was today but we were to spend the night in halls to get a feel for the place. They were really good halls and I'd be happy to stay in them, they were single en suit which I would most definately prefer and the kitchen had the most essential thing which is a Microwave. (for Pitta Bread) :heh:


After that we went about for a bit of a wander to find something to eat. We ended up in Morrisons buying stuff we didn't need or use. (a bottle of wine and some Tea Bags) I think my parents thought they were going to Uni! :p


Anyway the town/village? is a peaceful place and everything is compact with in walking distance so that was great. We ended up in a Pub where I ordered a Burger which came with a Welsh Flag. (which I later stuck in a box of pringles)That's pretty much it then we came back and went to sleep.


This morning we woke up after a goodnights sleep and had a solid breakfast. (even my eyes were TOO big for my stomach.)


I wasn't meant to get back until tomorrow but we decided that it wasn't needed for us to come back tomorrow and so came back after the Open Day this afternoon. :yay:


The Open Day itself was excellent and the Psychology department looks wonderful and everyone was really friendly. :D


Overall I've had a good few days and a great start to my summer. :awesome:

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Anyway the town/village? is a peaceful place and everything is compact with in walking distance so that was great. We ended up in a Pub where I ordered a Burger which came with a Welsh Flag. (which I later stuck in a box of pringles)That's pretty much it then we came back and went to sleep.



Glad to hear you liked Bangor (my nearest town)! Dated a girl who did Psychology there for a while, who along with her friends, praised the course highly, so sounds like you're on to a winner if you decided to go for it. Was the pub called The Black Bull? Sure I've seen flags on Burgers there.

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Glad to hear you liked Bangor (my nearest town)! Dated a girl who did Psychology there for a while, who along with her friends, praised the course highly, so sounds like you're on to a winner if you decided to go for it. Was the pub called The Black Bull? Sure I've seen flags on Burgers there.


I was only several miles away from you! :o:yay:


It was called the Black Bull!!! :grin: not a bad little Pub.


Awesome, it does sound like a great course and I'm definately applying to the Uni just have no idea I will get accepted or not. :)

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You do realise we have sheep in England? In fact I can often see them from my parent's bedroom. (Although I can only see cows at the moment. I can see them more in autumn/winter when the trees have no leaves.)

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You do realise we have sheep in England? In fact I can often see them from my parent's bedroom. (Although I can only see cows at the moment. I can see them more in autumn/winter when the trees have no leaves.)


Yes. :p


But I rarely see sheep. so whether I was in Wales or England the same reaction would have occured. :) Also I was half asleep and so most logic was thrown out the window and the fact that sheep are in England too got thrown out the Window!


Also that is awesome I'd love to have Cows and Sheep from my bedroom. :D


All I see out my Windows are fat Pigeons and Crows which I'm sure are playing on attacking the house at some point hobbling about the garden on their one working leg trying to balance their excessive weight ocassionally glancing at the house with a strange glint in their I that says to me "soon it shall be ours!".....


*drifts off into paranoia*



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I feel... restless. Agitated, perhaps. It's almost as if a part of me is missing, but I don't know where to search or even what it looks like.


Inexplicable moods aside, my day's been alright. I have a DS once more, which is nice, and I got rid of my Xbox 360 before it burned the house down whilst I slept.


Other than that I haven't really done anything, namely because my family seem compelled to watch Wimbledon indefinitely; they don't even play tennis. I'm not sure why they're so surprised to find me gaming with my headphones on at 3AM: it's the only chance I get for uninterrupted 'me' time.

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