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I'm exhausted! :indeed::heh:


I've just got back from Sports Day where I had the very hard task of sitting down and watching people compete in sports. :p


Some good stuff this Year. One guy was winning at hurdles then completely stacked the last one but rolled over the finished line and came first, It was great to watch. :D


Also in the final relay ,which would have decided who won the overall cup, there was contreversy as someone went into the wrong lane and the person who was first place got obstructed and crashed into them and fell over coming last. :(


Other than that I ate Ice cream and had fun sitting in the sun. :grin: Also got to come home early and only a week of school to go. :yay:

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Apparently they are stopping those kinds of adverts. :(


Also, lol @ me thinking Halifax were racist because when seeing a picture of Howard and right clicking and it being called something like "Howard_Brown_Swan" lolz.


Howard Brown is the single greatest living being in creation.

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I just got told that a guy that was at the party I was at on saturday night died in a car crash yesterday. He was only my age, it's really strange thinking one of the people who I saw at the party isn't around anymore. It's pretty terrible. I'm trying to think where I knew the guy from, but I can't place him.




Had a pretty fun day, went to a theme park and made myself feel ill multiple times. :)

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Guest bluey

And he gets all the ladies...

he gives them ext- nah too obvious...



@haggis~ yeah it's really weird knowing of someone who died... i remember the feeling when i found out about a friend of a friend from school dying a few years ago... it's so strange to think of people just - not existing anymore.

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Yesterday I surfed the web and watched the football. Pretty much it. As well as watching part of the second Lord of the Rings film.


Today I had a very big Rock Band session, lasted for a few hours and played drums and guitar. Not at the same time, obviously, that would be stoopid.


trying to watch "anita and me" but their accents are doing my nut in - what is it ?


I'm certain that they speak with thick Brummie accents in that film, thicker than how we speak here in Brum.

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Had a pretty fun day, went to a theme park and made myself feel ill multiple times. :)


Which theme park. More info needed.




Far too many car crashs with young people. Either the tests need to be harder, or the age raised...or just dangerous people not allowed to drive.

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It's because people are in such a rush to book their test and instructors to willing to let them take it.


I don't think it's the age I think it should be more of a standard of how many lessons you should have and how good the instructor is, people just book their tests without consulting my driving instructor and he knows before they take it whether they'll pass or fail and if they do pass how dangerous they'll be.


It's such a shame, because he's a really good driving instructor and has been for the last 35 years.

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I think it's more the fact that people who pass their test seem to think that means they can do no wrong. False confidence leads to stupid mistakes.


My cat has lost her voice. It's far funnier than it has any right to be. She seems fine otherwise, though; probably just mewed herself hoarse.


Oh, and given that it's summer why is there always someone watching TV? I've so far managed to play Brawl for all of 15 minutes, what with Wimbledon and Glastonbury constantly taking turns to disrupt me.

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I think it's more the fact that people who pass their test seem to think that means they can do no wrong. False confidence leads to stupid mistakes.


My cat has lost her voice. It's far funnier than it has any right to be. She seems fine otherwise, though; probably just mewed herself hoarse.


Oh, and given that it's summer why is there always someone watching TV? I've so far managed to play Brawl for all of 15 minutes, what with Wimbledon and Glastonbury constantly taking turns to disrupt me.


Awwwh poor cat :(


I agree, people think once they've passed their test that they are invincible. If people actually stuck to the rules they did to pass their test, then there would be a lot less accidents. Or used a little thing called....wait for it.... caution on teh roads?

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Which theme park. More info needed.




Far too many car crashs with young people. Either the tests need to be harder, or the age raised...or just dangerous people not allowed to drive.


Lol, it was Flamingo Land, I'm only 2/3 miles away from it.


Well he was drunk when he drove (Everyone at the party was wankered, so how he even found his keys I don't know) and he's put his brother on life support. It's terrible, but why he was allowed to get in the car I don't know. I'd imagine it was about 3am when it happened, thats when people that weren't camping began to stumble away.

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I think it's more the fact that people who pass their test seem to think that means they can do no wrong. False confidence leads to stupid mistakes.


It's true. Statistically people who pass first time are more dangerous than those that pass second. Because they think they know it all whereas somebody who has failed realises that they aren't gods gift to driving.

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It's true. Statistically people who pass first time are more dangerous than those that pass second. Because they think they know it all whereas somebody who has failed realises that they aren't gods gift to driving.


I passed first time but I know Im pretty shit, so Im extra careful all the time.


Flamingoland eh? Jealous. Would be awesome to live only a few miles away from a theme park.

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My brother past second time round and he drives like a right prat. He hasn't crashed yet, but he has been pretty close. The last thing he did was to try and parrallel park at a fairly fast speed, resulting in him reversing into the BMW behind.


The book i got when passing my driving test has a good quote, "Passing your test doesn't make you a good driver; it means you are one of the worst drivers legaly allowed on the road." Although i'm sure there is afew exceptions.




My day has been boring as usual, although i'm on the last week of school. Hurray!


Just been out with my dad and saw the most peculiar sight. We were driving though a local national trust park which has a reputation for dogging. Anyway in an opening in some trees next to the road there was a teen in a bikini posing for an old guy in a wheel chair. I wouldn't really want to know what was going to happen later on. Just a very strange thing to see on a Monday night.

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Went to work. Started on an uber top secret DS project. I know some people who will be very excited.


I reported 2 A bugs, 1 B bug and 1 C bug (haven't even left the first section, I love buggy games :heh: ), in the first couple hours before the goddamn Americans started stealing my bugs!!


Got home, watched that runt Murray claw his way back into a game because of the peasant hordes around him not know how to shut their f*cking traps.


But worst of all is I have NO f*cking Jaffa Cakes. I mean WHAT is the world coming to. Instead I'm eating these rather tasteless scotch pancakes. Nowhere near an adequate replacement but they will do.


You can tell I'm in a better that the usual suicidal mood because of all the swearing.


How is everyone else doing?

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haha I still can't seem to tune my right, serves me right for buying an auto tuned one.


My day has consisted of a new car for my driving lessons, I love it and want to steal it off my instructor, but other than that I feel like absolute shit I can honestly say I want to scream and I don't even know why!

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Why a,b and c bugs?


I had a rather good day, had a nightmare trying to tune new tv. The excitement of new things still fills me with happy-happy. ^__^


A bugs are major bugs that will have Nintendo sending the master copy back to us faster than you can say "рентгеноэлектрокардиографического".


B bugs are obvious flaws.


C bugs are flaws that you might notice but aren't that big a deal.


A Nicholas bug, as I like to call them, is when I break a game that is apparently unbreakable or up for final submission. I do it quite often and it always annoys my boss. :p

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