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My days been pretty uneventful, went to college for two hours then went pizza hut with shane and matt.


Did abit of a clear up of the house because my sister had left it a state when she dog sat friday night.


Text my parents, apprently they are havin a miserable time away :( its all rainy and cold in austria and they didn't want to go in the first place. Hopefully when they get to france it'll be better for them. I daren't tell them how nice it is over here.

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My politics teacher just rang me to check my sisters ok with watching some film (Saving private ryan) because she has epilypsy (sp). She then said how i'd greatly advanced through the year, and how confident i am about the exam, and the work she's had in from me recently was amazing. The revision classes i queried about and she said i didn't need to go and i was better off revising at home.


=] << Happy

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That is what may day has been like so far. :) pretty much had a lot of time doing nothing as teacher's didn't appear for some lessons and in others we were watching movies. This is fine as it was Mean Girls! but it feels strange and If I'm not having proper lessons I'd rather be at home doing equally pointless but more entertaining things for me. :heh: The Sandwich at lunch was the highlight of my day! :grin:


For once however I'm MOTIVATED to get some Uni stuff done and to help me through I have mini cakes to keep my energy up. :D

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That is what may day has been like so far. :) pretty much had a lot of time doing nothing as teacher's didn't appear for some lessons and in others we were watching movies. This is fine as it was Mean Girls! but it feels strange and If I'm not having proper lessons I'd rather be at home doing equally pointless but more entertaining things for me. :heh: The Sandwich at lunch was the highlight of my day! :grin:


My day has been pointless as well, but in a crap kind of pointless. Like you i have to go back for A levels, the teachers are giving work out, although the work is pointless and that's what makes it crap.


Got moaned/shouted at by my business teacher for skipping her 'lessons' last week, they shout at you like your still in year 7. It makes no difference if i'm dropping the boring subject next year, as apparently i still have to go. I went to her lesson today and all we did was watch dragons den and go on the computers, i could easily have done more productive things at home.


Overall a 'meh' sort of day.

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Guest Stefkov

Woke up late today by my dad bringing in a massive box and a letter written by me mum. A load of shit happened today. I love it when you're told or shown something, then afterwards they say 'I shouldn't have shown you that, I'm sorry.' I mean wtf. Why leave it with me for 15 minutes the nsay you're sorry. Also when you say yourself you don't want to get involved because you have an exam. Then they get angry at you for saying it. Then they drag you into to something then say 'go away, you have an exam, you shouldn't hear this'. What is seriously up with people.

Apart from that I finished MGS4, which was immense.

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My day has been pointless as well, but in a crap kind of pointless. Like you i have to go back for A levels, the teachers are giving work out, although the work is pointless and that's what makes it crap.


Got moaned/shouted at by my business teacher for skipping her 'lessons' last week, they shout at you like your still in year 7. It makes no difference if i'm dropping the boring subject next year, as apparently i still have to go. I went to her lesson today and all we did was watch dragons den and go on the computers, i could easily have done more productive things at home.


Overall a 'meh' sort of day.


My english class was like being in Year 7 again. We got taught grammar. :p


At the start of last week it was stated how important these next four weeks are and that it will account for 15% of the course.


The teachers started giving work out but most of them (except history Grr!) have given in. In history I'm barely listening as I'm dropping it next year. :)


The will to work from both the teachers and pupils is just not there and also we are going to forget what we learn now over the summer and so will have to start a new in september anyway.


The work that is given out is also really pointless like this essay I'll have to do for History on korea, I have no idea what's going on.


Also I just had a tasty chicken salad and pineapple. :D

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Gah I want my wii now, damnit having to wait til thursday/friday.


Anyone know any good games for it though? I have a few in mind but..


Metroid Prime 3: Corruption :D


And Trauma Centre - not as good as the DS version, but I still bum it.



Today was ordinary. Work.

I'm going to the pub tonight :o

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Well pretty much anything, except fighting :)


In that case, could I recommend you get a few Wii Points Cards (providing you have internet access)? There's some brilliant WiiWare games out at the moment, including Toki Tori and LostWinds, which are two must-haves in my opinion, plus hundreds of Virtual Console games. I could also send you a demo of Dr. Mario WiiWare if you want something puzzly but don't want to risk the full version straight away.


Other than that: Super Mario Galaxy, Ghost Squad (pick it up relatively cheap as it's short, but as it's an arcade game the focus is on highscores), The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess and WarioWare: Smooth Moves, among others.

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In that case, could I recommend you get a few Wii Points Cards (providing you have internet access)? There's some brilliant WiiWare games out at the moment, including Toki Tori and LostWinds, which are two must-haves in my opinion, plus hundreds of Virtual Console games. I could also send you a demo of Dr. Mario WiiWare if you want something puzzly but don't want to risk the full version straight away.


Other than that: Super Mario Galaxy, Ghost Squad (pick it up relatively cheap as it's short, but as it's an arcade game the focus is on highscores), The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess and WarioWare: Smooth Moves, among others.




For old times sake! :D

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In that case, could I recommend you get a few Wii Points Cards (providing you have internet access)? There's some brilliant WiiWare games out at the moment, including Toki Tori and LostWinds, which are two must-haves in my opinion, plus hundreds of Virtual Console games. I could also send you a demo of Dr. Mario WiiWare if you want something puzzly but don't want to risk the full version straight away.


Other than that: Super Mario Galaxy, Ghost Squad (pick it up relatively cheap as it's short, but as it's an arcade game the focus is on highscores), The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess and WarioWare: Smooth Moves, among others.


I assume my ds dongle works with the wii also? If it does then yes I have internet access for it ^_^. I really like the idea of lostwinds it looks great.


Okami and nights? yes/no?

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I assume my ds dongle works with the wii also? If it does then yes I have internet access for it ^_^. I really like the idea of lostwinds it looks great.


Okami and nights? yes/no?


As OFF TOPIC as this is


Okami hands down, nights isn't that great =]


My day is still as it is shockingly enough, thanks for asking :D

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I feel like death today thanks to eating anti-inflamms (also known as brufen) like smarties. Ahhh I wish I had a brain sometimes. I've even got a history of reactions to them. :(


Piercing feels a bit better, and so do I after munching on some chocolate (feel good pheromones ftw! ^___^)


I can't fit my hat on my swollen ear and my sister called me a dwarf :(

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Work 12-3. Busyish. Made about 30 puddings.


Rest of the day has been nice and non-eventful. Family dramatics again but ah well. Going to curl up in bed and watch films with cookies :D


And tomorrow is my day off and I have to get up earlier than normal. Going to meet my friend but that involves getting the 10.30 train. Ah well, should be good.


Although I keep looking at the Art of Miyazaki books. I've already resided that I may have to work one night a week when I go back to uni. My 'save £2500 plan' is already failing.

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Yeah, slowest day ever. Worked 7am till 11am then came home and did some scrawling for this here website. (To be posted soon.) I now have Brawl characters tatooed to my cranium. Insane in the membrane, insane in the brain!


Listened to the ENTIRE Radiohead album set today then decided to listen to The Flaming Lips to relax. My laptop decided to get a massive white line down the middle of the screen (awww man) and then I played the keyboard and guitar for about 3hrs trying to write anything remotely as good as R'head and F'lips. Not happening.


Off to bed soon as another 7am start beckons. Woop-de-doo, Self scan at ASDA in the morning. School kids buying 40 tins of pop to sell at school - in which they probably make more money then I do. Exciting.

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I forgot to say: my Mechanics 2 exam went really well, right up until I ran out of time on the last question. Could technically still get an A in it, though a B is most likely. That would be good, as it'll drag up my probably poor C4 mark, and not weigh down my probably awesome C3 mark.


Anyway, Physics synoptic tomorrow, so tonight will consist of revision for that and watching some Rome with my dad - I got season 2 for him for fathers day (he loves it).

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