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I have pretty much no plans for the summer. I want to get a job, but haven't looked for one yet. My two only real friends will probably be on vacation for a long time during the summer. I don't want to be locked indoors with nothing to do, I want to do fun stuff and meet new people. I NEED TO GET A LIFE, and right now things aren't looking too good in that aspect.:(


And revision was boring today, fucking Philosophy...


Sorry for this small, pathetic little rant.

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I have pretty much no plans for the summer. I want to get a job, but haven't looked for one yet. My two only real friends will probably be on vacation for a long time during the summer. I don't want to be locked indoors with nothing to do, I want to do fun stuff and meet new people. I NEED TO GET A LIFE, and right now things aren't looking too good in that aspect.:(


And revision was boring today, fucking Philosophy...


Sorry for this small, pathetic little rant.


I feel the same way. I actually go work for three weeks, and go to Spain with my parents, but honestly I know I'll be bored with nothing to do most of the summer. My friends don't live close enough to meet up often (will probably not meet at all), so I'll be in the house all summer.


If you didn't live at the other end of the country we could meet up and stuff (play videogames). =P



Anyway, I think I might be a bit ill or something, since I still feel extremely weak and kinda warm and just blehhh.

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I feel the same way. I actually go work for three weeks, and go to Spain with my parents, but honestly I know I'll be bored with nothing to do most of the summer. My friends don't live close enough to meet up often (will probably not meet at all), so I'll be in the house all summer.


If you didn't live at the other end of the country we could meet up and stuff (play videogames). =P



Anyway, I think I might be a bit ill or something, since I still feel extremely weak and kinda warm and just blehhh.


Aww! I hope you get well soon Eenuh. : peace:


I'm going to have nothing to do this Summer. I never have friends round really (I'm not good at entertaining others) and if one did come round it would just be a few hours of akward silence as non would play games with me for too long (and they suck :heh:)


Certainly nowhere near the Tetris Queen ;)


I'll pretty much be at home on N-europe most the summer! :p



I have pretty much no plans for the summer. I want to get a job, but haven't looked for one yet. My two only real friends will probably be on vacation for a long time during the summer. I don't want to be locked indoors with nothing to do, I want to do fun stuff and meet new people. I NEED TO GET A LIFE, and right now things aren't looking too good in that aspect.:(


And revision was boring today, fucking Philosophy...


Sorry for this small, pathetic little rant.


This summer I'm not going to be doing much either. The main thing I'll be doing is eating!


I was meant to look for a Summer Job but I never got round to it....


Now I can volunteer at two places just to keep my slightly occupied. :smile:


But I have not filled out the documents yet!




My day has been good.


I had a Sunday roast with My Uncle, Sister and Nephew and spent most of the afternoon playing Mario Kart Wii with him. Nitendo brought my family together today as My Mum and Uncle were playing Brain Training as well. :smile:

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I have pretty much no plans for the summer. I want to get a job, but haven't looked for one yet. My two only real friends will probably be on vacation for a long time during the summer. I don't want to be locked indoors with nothing to do, I want to do fun stuff and meet new people. I NEED TO GET A LIFE, and right now things aren't looking too good in that aspect.:(


And revision was boring today, fucking Philosophy...


Sorry for this small, pathetic little rant.


Dude, that sums up my life atm to! After exams I need to sort it out...

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You lucky mofos! As soon as I get home I get shipped off to work a boring 9-5! When you have to spend 8 hours in a warehouse or sat at a computer doing data entry every day for three months you will plead on your knees for your old life, bumming around all day.


tl;dr http://www.worldofwarcraft.com


I'm working in a shitty portacabin all summer doing deliriously awesome (or not) data input, and call answering.


I wish I had the summer off :(

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My has not been a pleasant one.


I have been denied not only what some would say is free speech but a way to find out the allegiance of this forum.


A plague on both your houses I say.


Care to explain?


Did I miss something?

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Work experience was okay. Managed to get what I needed from town for fairly cheap (phone charger = £5, wireless router = £20). Saw someone who looked like Haggis, but miserable.


Unpacked some more, finally looking almost like a room. Trying to finish off all my work experience stuff, just the website now which is taking ages. Pretty bored of it but I shall be done with it by tomorrow which is a relief.

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Does it really matter young Twozzok? By all means ponder over the true definition of Skub but it is not what matters, what matters however is whether you are Pro or Anti.


Maybe it's because the biscuits aren't a big pile of wank and "hilarious" stupidity?

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Guest Stefkov

I've spent a lot of money I didn't want to spend in the past few weeks. I really need to get a job but I don't know where to apply. Twice applied for Currys, a new one opened, twice they say no because I have no experience. How am I meant to get a job then without experience ffs.

I hope this guy on ebay sends or replies about this cd I bought. I dislike ebay, so many things could go wrong.

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It just hit me that one week really isn't enough time to study for five exams, especially the speed I'm going at. It's taken me two days to read through 50 pages of art history (basically all I did was the entire history of gothic art/architecture etc.). D:


*needs motivation and more time*


So yeah I'll be up late studying this week. =(

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Guest Jordan



My phones screen cracked... I don't have any insurance on it because it would have been so damn expensive. Meaning either:

A) I go without a phone (which isn't a good idea).

B) I buy a new shitty phone

C) I attempt to repair my new one by fitting a new screen or

D) Send it to a Nokia repair centre.


So yeah... another expense something i really didn't need.

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It just hit me that one week really isn't enough time to study for five exams, especially the speed I'm going at. It's taken me two days to read through 50 pages of art history (basically all I did was the entire history of gothic art/architecture etc.). D:


*needs motivation and more time*


So yeah I'll be up late studying this week. =(


I may say, you seem to have an inordinately intense course. I'd probably cave in in under a week. >.<

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