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Guest Stefkov

I went into college to set up my exhibition. Got quite a bit of work done and waited an hour for some all purpose glue. Got my Photography exhibition up.

Because the caretakers and lazy idiots one room wasn't ready so tomorrow I have to go back and put up my graphics. :blank:

Setting up my Gamecube so I can say 'Don't look at the crappy work. Play Smash Bros instead!' =D

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I do feel like dancing!


Finished all my assignments. Had an irkness with them as my lecturer told me to do some bibliographical stuff in a way contradictory to the course handbook. So did that, re-read them all and handed them in just :D!


Got appointments for my work experience thing. Finally found the lecturer I've been looking for for about a month, and he told me to go see academic advisors so I have an appointment with them on Thurs. Hopefully they will let me do an extension scriptwriting module and everything will be joy!


Plus I had to pop to town and listened to the Scissor Sisters so now im in a really good mood. And someone in Woolworths blatantly wanted me, shame he was a 4.


Oh and I had a salad for lunch which was both yummy and good for me.

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20 hours of university left. Yowsers.


I've just got... 5 hours of exams? I should probably look into how long they'll be. And where they are. Yes. Panic is starting a primative civilisation in my gall bladder, and each successive day appears to be host to another blood-curdling ceremony where my sanity is slowly roasted, and my wits sacrificed.


Fuck Don Juan. Right in the shoes.

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Today the weather has been lovely. I've spent all day sitting outside (in the shade) drawing. Or trying to draw, seeing as I've currently lost my ability to draw decent figures/characters. Guhhhh.


Still kinda tired from my three day trip to London. Was so glad to get home, back to my own bed. We didn't even see anything of London, other than the museums (10am-9pm being around a teacher in a museum is wayyyyy too long).


Anyway, had BBQ yesterday and probably again tonight. Plus final episode of Heroes. Yes!

School tomorrow, booh!

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Guest bluey

...why is it that whenever my appetite comes back... the nearest thing to me is always the box of pocky i've bought for jamba...?


...i'm sorry, jamba.. (u____u)


this time though, my insatiable lust for pocky has served you well ~ since i ate the other box of regular chocolate pocky i was gunna send to you.. i thought i'd be extra awesome and get you some special what-i-thought-was-coconut pocky (in a fairly posh box, no less..) THANKFULLY i got hungry again and ate it in your stead though! because what i thought was coconut was actually almond and would have made you die! :yay:

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I've just got... 5 hours of exams? I should probably look into how long they'll be. And where they are. Yes. Panic is starting a primative civilisation in my gall bladder, and each successive day appears to be host to another blood-curdling ceremony where my sanity is slowly roasted, and my wits sacrificed.


Fuck Don Juan. Right in the shoes.


to clarify- my deadline is tomorrow at 12 and i have no exams. Awesome? oui!

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to clarify- my deadline is tomorrow at 12 and i have no exams. Awesome? oui!


To clarify. I have finished. In your face! :yay:


Just noticed Pushing Daises, Gossip Girl and Chuck are all £16.20 on HMV (with student discount). Muchos tempting. But im going to wait and see if I can get a job over the summer (which should be easy enough. I am awesome afterall).


And my friend has just text me asking if I want a BBQ, which I do but campus are mean and ask you to put them out if they spot it. Hmm...

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General studies is the biggest load of bollocks ever. Although this one invigilator old woman was stood with her arse in my face watching my mate who was sat next to me for ages. Then all of a sudden she just drops a load of cards on him, making him draw a line across his work, me having to control my laughter and everyone else looking round.


Anyway I'm off to Leeds in a bit to watch the semi-final of the playoffs.

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YEAH I did :D!


More yays; found out my dissertation advisor (not who I presumed but who I presumed can sometimes be really helpful, and sometimes not so its all good). Found out my appointment times for my Hep B shots which I was meant to get last year for America (which I didn't go to) but didn't but still need them anyway. And completed my list of things to do today.


Speaking of, goals for the week;




And my friend is coming round later to watch a film.


Oh oh oh! Aaaand Article Get [published]!


Im in such a hyper bouncy mood its rediculous...but fun.

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General studies is the biggest load of bollocks ever.


Ah the joys of General Studies, In the last one we did my pen ran out so I used a page and a half talking about how the pencil I was using was far to small a size for the size of my hand for it to be anywhere near comfortable, it had a life-size drawing aswell!

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well, i've been drinking a lot of vitamin water... but i started drinking it BECAUSE i was aware that i wasnt eating a lot recently...

all i had today was an onigiri (tuna! SCORE!!), 3 fruit crackers and a genki drink :wtf:



bluey! I saw someone today that totally reminded me of you :D


I even saw their future, going to japan etc..it was strikingly similar to yours o_o

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Guest bluey

if you see that person again, tell them to take bubble bath with them when they move... dunno what japan's deal is with "bath salts" but i cant for the life of me find bubble bath *grumpy*

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Guest Stefkov
*grabs crap and goes downstairs* better get crackin.

That sounded really bad. In more ways than one.


On the subject of General Studies. It's a bag of pure, crystlised crap.

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Ah my days just seem full of revision lately :(


Also, how comes there isn't an exam thread? Usually we always have one!


Usually always? :heh:


You can make one if you so wish.


I had my first exam today actually, wasn't as hard as I was expecting but still bloody hard. My next (and last) one is next Tuesday.

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