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Work was good, i spread it out to last all day and it worked. Came home, went straight down the pub to practice at pool, which i need as i am on the pool team. Went up the Measure about 8pm (went home first, got changed and showered), met Andrew up their, Linz followed behind. Night went well until someone upset me and it got me thinking of things and i ended up blanking all my mates out. Left Measure at 12am to meet Jemma, stayed round hers that night.




Found out today that last night Linz got so pissed that she had to be taken home in the back of a car, then ended up at Robs place calling for an Ambulance because she was so drunk. Somehow Rob got her home that night.


I made it into town by 10am ready to see Iron Man, only to find out that my mates got up late and were on the bus into town, never made the 11am showing as planned because of this. Movie was great, went back into town bought a load of stuff and came back. Went on GTA for a bit then went up the pub again, but only had 3 pints while playing Snooker as well. Now back home watching TV because i am not tired.

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Guest bluey

went to harajuku bridge to see the cosplayers - then wandered around yoyogi park and watched belly dancers, african dancers, tap dancers and a load of bands busking and people juggling and playing with poi ~ then went shopping... then to meiji shinto shrine :smile:


tiring but fun day! yoyogi park is awesome.. me and my friend might just go there tomorrow and hang out and play! ^____^

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Not too bad went to sheffield yesterday to see a friend, turned out to be a total cock so I'm quite glad I left.


So that's two people in one week I've decided aren't worth bothering with. Though it was nice to be in sheffield again, though kinda scary when walking on my own.

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Not too bad went to sheffield yesterday to see a friend, turned out to be a total cock so I'm quite glad I left.


So that's two people in one week I've decided aren't worth bothering with. Though it was nice to be in sheffield again, though kinda scary when walking on my own.


Why were they a total cock?




Erm, been packing stuff all day ready for moving on tuesday. Fun times.

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Why moogle?


Because after I forked out 20quid and made a effort to see him (takes two trains and didn't get seats there or back) all he did was sit on the phone talk to his girlfriend, did nothing but talk about her and generally I could have been invisible..



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So there was a massive accident outside work, for like a taxi crash. Lots of ambulances and fire engines. Being that this was a pretty major event and that people would want to see it, I stealthily got my phone out and started filming it a bit.


Some woman then said "Oi mate have some discretion!" Heh. My friend then said, "Oh says the one watching it" and continued to blah. Very exciting stuff indeed. Ill pop it on YouTube later.


Sooo, I finally found an awesome file converter (and it works on my £300 camcorder that I bought last year and couldnt do anything with due to the file type it recorded in WHOOOO!)


So here we go.



Ive also been building my LEGO Temple of the Crystal Skull. Woot.

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Sooo, I finally found an awesome file converter (and it works on my £300 camcorder that I bought last year and couldnt do anything with due to the file type it recorded in WHOOOO!)


Haha! The vid's funny because it's true. :laughing: Stupid hypocrite.

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Guest Stefkov

Yesterday I went to Derby to play football at the Soccerdome right next to Pride Park.

After that we went to the Uki club in Derby which was terrible. The only good thing that happened was near the end of the night before we left. Коломеіка was played by the band. That tune can go on for as long you like, I think it went on for 10 minutes. Some drunk guys started dancing, that was funny.

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Today i woke up late!


So revised until 2:30 and had breaks playing Mario Kart! :D All the while listening to music.


And that is pretty much my day! I've just been relaxing since 3 surfing the internet and listening to more music! :grin:


I'm in a music listening mood!

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Currently today is ok at the moment, piece and quiet which is just what i need. Did the count at my local earlier and played a few games of pool for practice, which is needed ready for next week as the pool league starts up again, and i am on the team of my local.


Currently playing GTA IV, doing a few missions to pass the time and still thinking of a movie to watch later as well.

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it was nice to be in sheffield again, though kinda scary when walking on my own.




hmm, where abouts were you? there's bits of sheffield I'd never, ever want to be alone in but around my area, hell, most of the eastern half of the city, it's really nice. I much prefer it to anywhere else I've been to, but maybe it's just home comfort :)

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I remember when I was wondering the streets of Sheffield by myself late at night. Fun times. Tried to ring some people just to look busy, but nobody answered. Ah well.


Today I slept. Then got interrupted again. Watched people play Wii Fit. Made cookies. Heard housemates arguing (awkward). Finished Secret Diary of a Call Girl. Now watching How I Met Your Mother. Eat. Drink. Go out.

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hmm, where abouts were you? there's bits of sheffield I'd never, ever want to be alone in but around my area, hell, most of the eastern half of the city, it's really nice. I much prefer it to anywhere else I've been to, but maybe it's just home comfort :)


I live in cheshire actually, so was visiting sheffield to see a friend, so I've only really been in the town centre, well actually just outside it too where he lives.


Its the same with every city though, though I'm going to have to re-learn with sheffield because I haven't been there that much.

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I just like it moogleviper, to me it's alot better than manchester (i know i know *sob*) because it seems that tiny bit nicer to be in, manchester can be quite cold if you go there (not the weather cold haha).


Yeah it's definitely better than manchester. Manchester is a horrible place.

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I quite like Sheffield, I usually take the odd trip to Meadowhall or Hallam Arena and other places throughout the year. I'm still considering going to Uni there, although i would prefer to go further a field.




My days consisted of doing bugger all, all i've done is eat and play GTA 4.

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I live in cheshire actually, so was visiting sheffield to see a friend, so I've only really been in the town centre, well actually just outside it too where he lives.


Its the same with every city though, though I'm going to have to re-learn with sheffield because I haven't been there that much.


ah fair doos.


Still, cool place. The uni there is pretty awesome- I'd definitely have applied if i wasn't native.

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