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He would but I wouldn't want them. He's already worn them.


Anyway I have some new socks now. My mum came back with a few pair that were of a better quality.


You wouldn't wear socks which you dads worn? It's not like a tramp has used them.


I just slap on any pair of clean socks i find, no matter whos they are (Unless they're me mums ofc)




As for my day, it's been a sort of 'ish' one. Went to 6th form, had 2 hours each of biology and maths. The only time i actually learnt something was in the last hour, mainly because i wasn't really concentrating in the first 3 hours as i was quite tired.

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I feel really bad!


I was in the coffee shop with a couple of mates. I had a smoothie, and for some reason began to laugh manically over the word "mango". I have no idea why, and I just couldn't stop. It was so embrassing.


Handed in my coursework! *High Five*


Now the into the usual routine before going out. Actually, does anyone else have little things they always do before going out for the night? Most my mates just throw on a jumper and are out, but I always leave everything to the last minute.

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You wouldn't wear socks which you dads worn? It's not like a tramp has used them.


I just slap on any pair of clean socks i find, no matter whos they are (Unless they're me mums ofc)




As for my day, it's been a sort of 'ish' one. Went to 6th form, had 2 hours each of biology and maths. The only time i actually learnt something was in the last hour, mainly because i wasn't really concentrating in the first 3 hours as i was quite tired.


1) feet are gross. My girlfriend sometimes wears her dad's or brother's socks. It's disgusting.


2) You actually learned something last lesson? Because it didn't seem like it from my perspective.

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I feel really bad!


I was in the coffee shop with a couple of mates. I had a smoothie, and for some reason began to laugh manically over the word "mango". I have no idea why, and I just couldn't stop. It was so embrassing.


Handed in my coursework! *High Five*


Now the into the usual routine before going out. Actually, does anyone else have little things they always do before going out for the night? Most my mates just throw on a jumper and are out, but I always leave everything to the last minute.


Well mango is quite a funny word... Maybe not laughing manically funny, but still funny....


And yes, I always have a shower, wash my hair, dry my hair (or usually leave it to dry itself as I don't own a hairdryer, straighten my hair, spray deoderant and finally put on aftershave before going out for a night out.

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I just played Burnout Paradise Online with some people from Criterion Games!


Hopefully their podcast will be up before I leave to go home (they record their weekly podcast while they play online) so I can listen to it properly.

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Guest Stefkov

My dads just told me one of my sisters friend's dad has just died.

I hardly knew him, I remember what he looked like, he seemed a pretty nice guy but it just occured to me.

That girl, 12 years old, her mum was a really nice mum, will now grow up without a father. It happens all the time but that girl seemed like a nice girl, I can see this changing that family now. They were always upbeat on a Friday night/Satruday, the mum always had a capuccino. This won't sound nice but I'm a little bit curios as to how they will change. Crazy.

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I didn't go to school today as i'm a bit ill! :)


I slept in until 12 had lunch and pretty much played Mario Kart for the rest of the day! :D


I just had dinner and grabbed a banana to take upstairs and some how mananged to whack it into my groin! :o


It hurt!!! >____<but was also hilarious. :laughing:

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So after spending the day doing not a lot more than milling around me and my (ex)housemate cooked together, as all my flatmates have gone to eat at their friend's, and then afterwards we decided it would be fun to make cookies. Thus we made huge sickly cookies. Been fun :)


Going to watch Superbad now.


Oh and if anyone wants to help; pick my dissertation!


a) How British teen audiences feel they have a knowledge of, and insight into, their American countparts and their personal and social experiences through American teel television.


b) How British teen audiences use US teen programming to explore their own issues, even though they don't share the same cultural experiences.


c) How music is used within [uS(maybe)] teen television, both as a way of self-representation by the characters and as a way for the creators to address the audience.


With © I want to specify American due to personal preference, but can imagine they might be like "well you're not American..." (like they did to my current DN/Japanese one) but other than Skins and Hollyoaks, are there any British teen programmes?


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I'd find (b) the most interesting dissertation to write.


Anyway, today was a day of hanging around for ages and also one of finding out I am severely long sighted and need reading glasses. I can nevertheless read the smallest text they had without glasses. :heh: (when not tired, that is)

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Oh man and manettes. Last night. Bloody hell.


Had a flat party, loads of people pulled out for various reasons so there were only 10 people (if that) there but we still had a fantastic time. What a night. First of, we all got ridciulously drunk (to the hangover thread I go!). We then decided it would be a good idea to play spin the bottle. Must've got off with all of the girls there (4, possibly?) in about 5 minutes. After this we decided we should play it with a small twist (shitty pun intended), get off with the next person AND take off an item of clothing. Somehow all the guys ended up naked, covering up with boxers and only 2 of the girls were. The others were in bra and pants.


4 of us crowded into the same bed at about 4 in the morning and we then woke up at 7ish and most people left. As it was my flat I stayed in bed until I had to go out to buy a new laptop powercable and get some Bru. Off to work in a bit and then after that heading over to Loch Lomond for a friends 18th - camping and BBQ. :)

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Guest bluey

ohhh mannnnn

3 kid's classes today... thankfully all of the kids are pretty well behaved so the only problem was that i was T I R E D >____<

i just had a very studenty feeling dinner ~ "bacon" and scrambled egg (i had intended for it to be an omlette... but something went terribly wrong!! haha) on toast. and jelly and an apple for pudding ... god dammit i fail.

anyhoo. tomorrow i'm teaching 2 kids classes and then i have a private student who wants essay writing help @____@ jeeze... after work i'm meeting a guy in starbucks in shibuya for some japanese lessons :grin:


...tonight ima hang around online... and watch lupin the 3rd :smile:



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Last night was...different. Cheap Vodka is the worst, I told them not to allow me to drink to much but did they listen? Nope. I was wondering around her house in my underwear searching for Mr Tumnas at one point. Not funny!


The I went and explained everything to my best mate, well but explained I mean drunk speak. It didn't really come out how I wanted it too. But still, it was a good laugh. Two people + single bed = Neck pain.

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My day is so awful ;_;


MY ear has been playing up for a while (bit of an ear infection maybe) I went to the doctor and got a swab which could take a week to come back (from thursday)


I wake up this morning and I can't hear from my left ear, the side of my face is bruised from all the swelling in my ear. Feels like my eardrum is either going to A) Explode or B)fall out of my ear.



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My day is so awful ;_;


MY ear has been playing up for a while (bit of an ear infection maybe) I went to the doctor and got a swab which could take a week to come back (from thursday)


I wake up this morning and I can't hear from my left ear, the side of my face is bruised from all the swelling in my ear. Feels like my eardrum is either going to A) Explode or B)fall out of my ear.




you need to get back to your doctor, kid. Like, now. You can't go about with that for a week.

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Han, have a *MASSIVE HUG*


That really sucks. But it should start to calm down soon hopefully, right?


I can't take any anti inflamms, or any antibiotics without coming off my medication... So i'm pretty much in dire pain at the mo'.


Hopefully it should clear, without me getting a pierced/burst eardrum or whatever along the way. No blood coming from my ear (yet) so fingers crossed...


Edit: I don't know whether I want to suffer it out, or go back to the dr and demand antibiotics...


I don't really want to come off my cyclosporin, because i'll have to go back to square 1 and build up the dosage again.

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Someone good at graphic design? Someone good at making a great composition with boring text? Someone wanting to make this stupid thing for me?


No? =(






I'm tired and my eyes are starting to hurt from staring at this screen pretty much all day. I just... can't see how you can make some simple text attractive on a paper. =(


Fuck typography.

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Not bad. Got some passport photos for an application form, although it looks like someone painted it :/ But ah well. Middle of the day I had done so little I was sleepy but now im awaker (at 11.30 yay). I find it personally amusing that I have spent my Saturday night reading about teens having sex (research for a paper).


Hmm some of it is worrying. Australian boys particularly are violent.


When asked what they would do if they found their partners had cheated on them two different Australian boys said:


1) Beat the shit out of them. Get a bit upset.

2) Beat her up because she was a fucking slut.


And then (different people presumably but not clear)


"If you wanted to have sex and your partner did not, would you try to presuade them to have sex? How?"

"Yes mate. Root the fucking bitch in the fucking arse."


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