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I've been asked by 2 mates to do two different things tonight. One of them invited me to her house for drinks and the other has invited me to play bingo. Which one it's too hard to pick!!


(Note: I've chosen bingo because last time i was at her house on a Thursday with booze, she got a bit iffy as it were and was trying to get off with me, plus was making too much noise and woke all the neighbours up and got the police involved and she shagged a 38 yr old as well)

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Scare us into... not ageing? I'm ever-aware that I'm getting older. Just look at your hands. LOOK AT THEM. There are more lines on your palms than before - more wrinkles on the knuckles. Your inner wrist is creased like crazy.


... Yeah. I hate that my youth feels wasted.


Jordan that's like the twelfth time you've mentioned your surname since you got back from your holiday. You've been thinking about marriage, haven't you?


x-files episode at 98% if I'm lucky it'll be done before a pub trip for the juggling society. Last night watched the first disc of s02 frasier - "The Matchmaker" was an excellent episode. I also ate a tin of sweetcorn.

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Guest Jordan

Jordan that's like the twelfth time you've mentioned your surname since you got back from your holiday. You've been thinking about marriage, haven't you?


No...? :(

I only just got lunch because everyone else in the office has been in meetings leaving me on the phones.


Man i was hungry :D

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I read that as "I want to see Eenuh without a T-shirt."






I've just been told to buy masses of whipped cream, chocolate sauce etc for tomorrow nights party. They're making me bring everything! It sucks. "Josh! Bring the Booze", "Josh! Bring the Kinky food!", "Josh! Rent this Dvd!".


I have too much work to do to! I have an essay in for tomorrow, they can sort stuff out themselves!

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Well today was crap UNTIL I left college. Got my railcard sorted and while I was at the bus stop a bus pulled up to the traffic lights, some cute guy was on it and he waved and smiled at me ^.^


So that's made me happy today. Plus got some work done and I get a weekend away from home =].

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I hope all goes well Dante.






I'm currently kind of shitting myself (not literally of course). Still working on that paper for Sociology, due tomorrow. It actually could've been done hours ago, had I actually had the proper text and images to use. The last part of the paper, the most important part, still needs to be written but I lack everything I need for it to prove our point. And of course none of my other group members are online (or if they are, they're not responding to my email). >.<;


And stupid me also said I'd do the powerpoint presentation (cause I'm a perfectionist and knew some other people in our group would do a crappy job), but again I can't do that unless this paper is finished and I have all the images and text I need. =(




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Well doctors are still puzzled about what my dad has and is going for a liver scan tomorrow.


Best wishes for your dad dante.


Today I woke up watched a couple of episodes of boston legal and downed 2 litres of pure orange juice :S and did some washing in preparation for a taekwondo three day weekend in ayslesbury!! :)


*sedates eenuh*

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Guest Stefkov

Went down and right to Sheffield today. Wasn't impressed muchly to be honest. Knackering journey to and fro. I'm usually good with long car journies, this was less than going to Derby but it was so tiring. Also found out someone I know goes to Uni there. That was a surprise. He offered to show us round but everything went on longer than expected.

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Best wishes for your dad dante.


Today I woke up watched a couple of episodes of boston legal and downed 2 litres of pure orange juice :S and did some washing in preparation for a taekwondo three day weekend in ayslesbury!! :)


*sedates eenuh*

I could use some sedation right now. Stress is really getting to me; I'm having trouble breathing and have some really annoying pain in my chest and back right now. ='(


Was babysitting my three year old cousin this afternoon, so we did some cooking! The final results looked good, but sadly they all tasted horrible. Too much ginger.



Those look yummy. Mmmmm.

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Was babysitting my three year old cousin this afternoon, so we did some cooking! The final results looked good, but sadly they all tasted horrible. Too much ginger.




Great Cookies! Welshgamer!


I remember cooking cookies when i was younger it was so much fun! :grin:


Anyway tonight as much as i wanted to play mario kart i resisted the urge and got on with some psychology work i have to do it for tomorrow! :) It was longer than i thought!


Also been wearing my new T-shirt all evening and eating loads of Cupcakes! :D

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After 5 years of looking on MySpace/Facebook/Social Networking Ive finally found one of my old best friends.




wow grats! I did that with my best mate from primary school.







Short word for ghetto. "Ghet"


"Yo dawg he actin' like he lives in the ghet when really he's from down in the burbs'."

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