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I decided to grow myself a goatie over the weekend, for the main reason i am fed up cutting my chin everytime i shave be it up or down, well it won't be a complete goatie as shaving above the lip doesn't cut and plus that gets in the way a lot.


Did have a certain someone knock on my door last night near enough demanding i go down the pub with her, and immediatly i thought no-one demands where i should go, so i told her to p*** off, and slammed the door in her face as it were.


As for today, well it is going good at the moment. Getting on with all the work that was left over the weekend, nearly done it all now.

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I decided to grow myself a goatie over the weekend, for the main reason i am fed up cutting my chin everytime i shave be it up or down, well it won't be a complete goatie as shaving above the lip doesn't cut and plus that gets in the way a lot.


What razor you using?


Ive never cut myself whilst shaving (apart from shaving off spots) Heh heh heh.

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And I should go to bed because I was awoken by some Vietnamese shouting >_<

Pff at least you don't get that every morning. For some reason nobody there ever has any keys, or a mobile phone, or a doorbell, so they just stand there banging and shouting at the gate until someone hears and lets them in.

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Went to the library this morning to meet up with friends for groupswork (evil Sociology). Got a nice hot chocolate before we started!


We divided the work, but at the moment we still don't seem to have enough information and the paper has to be handed in soon. I luckily don't have to write any of the actual chapters but have to tie it all together, write the introduction and conclusion and all that jazz, which means I have to wait till the last week before I can start. =O



Anyway, had a yummy chocolate donut as well today, which was great! Had to wait on the bus for ages (almost an hour) but luckily it was sunny today, nice spring weather.


Still feel kinda depressed about school but I'm apparently not the only one. Hope I can get over it quickly and get my work finished in time. Two more years after this... @____@

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Pff at least you don't get that every morning. For some reason nobody there ever has any keys, or a mobile phone, or a doorbell, so they just stand there banging and shouting at the gate until someone hears and lets them in.


I'll swap your neighbour for mine :p


Today has been probetastic. Next two weeks are going to be grueling.


My Death Note mangas came today!...except I forgot to order 5 for some reason. Going to spend the night watching Death Note. Need to do 18 episodes in the next few days.

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Had an alright day. Got payed to play Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles: My Life As King (: Sunsection b2: Paragraph C: Enough sub-titles already!!) for 7 hours.


I also found out the release date for WiiWare (Not sure if that is public knowledge yet...) and some jucy gossip about the release. :p

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I also found out the release date for WiiWare (Not sure if that is public knowledge yet...) and some jucy gossip about the release. :p


Leak to someone with some crazy ass blog about his cat and watch him rub it all in when he gets back at everyone who thought he was just blowing it all out his ass again.

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If it's the exact European one, then N-E would greatly appreciate the exclusive! :heh:


I'd love to blurt it out but Tellyn is spot on with my NDA. I can tell you it isn't that far away...but I also think its going to get delayed. Make of that what you will! :p


I can/will write up some first impressions but I'm knackered at the mo so I'll probably do it later. Since its been released in Japan most things are in the public domain so should be alright.


I wrote a Space Invaders Extreme/Arkanoid double review but its a bit crap at the mo. I'll try and fix it up a bit.

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Daft should be made a newsie, or get a custom title for this shizzle methinks.


Hmmm, I like that custom title idea! :heh:


*Ego grows* :p


A newsie who cant tell the news because hes not allowed...


Yeah, that might be a problem.


I can do first impressions and early reviews and stuff. I just can't say anything that isn't in the public domain.


I wrote a review of Arkanoid and Space Invaders...I'm gonna send it to Tellyn hopefully.

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But I could be all like...Hey! NE is great! *plays an NE jingle on ocarina* Join it or we'll kill you! Hurray!


Or something...


I think you should be too Villan. We can compose a song so good it'll get to be on GH3 DLC for 1337 MS points and everyone will download it because it's so good and we'll be famous and forget about N-E and yeah!




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Guest Stefkov

Yesterday I phoned up the University I've been trying to book an interview with for 4 weeks. Finally booked one.

Then I went to Blackpool again. Man, wish I had someone other than my mum and sister to go with...Got photos and came home.

Played games. Watched 2 episodes of House Season 3 I got in the post in the afternoon.

And now I'm up because I've just finished playing R6V2 for god knows how long. Nearly ranked up now, only couple hundred XP left.

Have to be up early today aswell. Ah well, lets watch more House.

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I can do first impressions and early reviews and stuff. I just can't say anything that isn't in the public domain.


Aye reviews/first impressions is what I was implying. Or just a custom title.


You said you got re-hired the other day...so was it just a temp job?

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Guest bluey

my day has been reasonably good, although i got some pretty crap news!

our bank account forms have been messed up, meaning we had to do them again today, meaning that we missed the deadline for payday - so we wont get paid until NEXT MONTH. i was kinda relying on the training pay for rent and stuff... but it's not too big a deal for me as i have a couple of hundred pounds saved for just such an occasion (hopefully i'll still be able to buy my ticket home for the summer this month though... i'm not sure if i can do it yet, i might have to wait ... but i wanna do it soon so that i know i'm coming home, and so that it's as cheap as possible!!)

in other news!! i feel pretty down... my housemate just WILL NOT stop talking... and nobody else on my training course lives close/is interesting enough to talk to for more than 5 mins... and with the time difference not many of my friends are about on msn a lot... so i'm pretty lonely... and my room is b o r i n g.

need posters.

please help!!


send posters to: bluey, kamashikujii, nerima-ku, tokyo. (JAPAN!)*


*nb: i joke. this is not my actual address. although if you WOULD like to donate decorative artifacts you'd make a sad english girl very happy!! :smile:

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my day has been reasonably good, although i got some pretty crap news!

our bank account forms have been messed up, meaning we had to do them again today, meaning that we missed the deadline for payday - so we wont get paid until NEXT MONTH. i was kinda relying on the training pay for rent and stuff... but it's not too big a deal for me as i have a couple of hundred pounds saved for just such an occasion (hopefully i'll still be able to buy my ticket home for the summer this month though... i'm not sure if i can do it yet, i might have to wait ... but i wanna do it soon so that i know i'm coming home, and so that it's as cheap as possible!!)

in other news!! i feel pretty down... my housemate just WILL NOT stop talking... and nobody else on my training course lives close/is interesting enough to talk to for more than 5 mins... and with the time difference not many of my friends are about on msn a lot... so i'm pretty lonely... and my room is b o r i n g.

need posters.

please help!!


send posters to: bluey, kamashikujii, nerima-ku, tokyo. (JAPAN!)*


*nb: i joke. this is not my actual address. although if you WOULD like to donate decorative artifacts you'd make a sad english girl very happy!! :smile:


Aww cheer up duck! Sometimes you get that.. eventually people that you get on with will appear. Just a matter or time! At least it isnt going to be like me where I am going to spend 2 months in oxford alone when everyone leaves for back home at uni. Cause I am going to hungry and going to heathrow is nearer from here. Might get a job.....

Just find an activity to do when she is talking at least you can multitask while she is at you XD is japan + 9 hours? so like 7pm is like 10am here? easy to be online for that. I talk to relatives from hong kong around that time.



On the other note! I am extremely hungover! yesterday we went out and played the wisest wizard drinking game! but was playing centurian aswell...

Not good...!


When I woke up I wondered why there was a giant box of maccy d chicken nuggest on my desk!? but i aint complaining *nomnomnom* XD

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Guest bluey
is japan + 9 hours? so like 7pm is like 10am here?


it was, but now the UK is on daylight savings which makes it only 8 hours ahead... so 7pm in japan is 11am there.... yeah, it's easy to be online for... but not many people are - i can hear my housemate talking with her boyfriend in canada through the wall and i'm sat here with my c.c. lemon juice streaming episodes of house... it's just a bit... meh right now. i'll cheer up, i'm just tired and feeling "meh" generally... but tomorrow i have the morning off! that calls for ---> :yay:

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it was, but now the UK is on daylight savings which makes it only 8 hours ahead... so 7pm in japan is 11am there.... yeah, it's easy to be online for... but not many people are - i can hear my housemate talking with her boyfriend in canada through the wall and i'm sat here with my c.c. lemon juice streaming episodes of house... it's just a bit... meh right now. i'll cheer up, i'm just tired and feeling "meh" generally... but tomorrow i have the morning off! that calls for ---> :yay:


oh yeah forgot >.> I acutally got to a lecture like 1hr late caus of that damn changeover!! Lol me and takeo appear to be on msn a lot but i think that's just caus we are uni students :P

Oh my lord through the wall? At least it isnt like in my house where my housemate plays on full volume slayer and death-death-death-son or whatever.... Its just soo angry..

The only time i get peace is when i go training or if i wake up at a stupidly early time like now!

what you going to do in a day off? I have one today but i really should do some coursework... and go training >.<

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