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i am starting to get really worried about my wrist. I am having problems holding my pen at work and driving. I wish I was registered at a doctor....


I finally saw There will be Blood today. Damn good film. Daniel Day-Lewis definitely deserved the oscar.


Other good news - I have been able to sort out overtime at work, so I should hopefully be able to save up some money so that I can move in with some friends. If I save like crazy I can hopefully move in 3 months. Deposits annoy me! Surely if you have adequate home insurance then its unecessary.

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More precisely to the point how was my two days!!


Basically spent a prision in my flat doing my medical law essay >.< and I have been literally burning the midnight oil........ by the barrel.


600 words left though and the end is in sight!

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So not only are you looking to run me down now, you'd also give me old cake? That's just not cool.


-ness Bears.


My day has mostly consisted of moving/chopping lots of wood, listening to Portishead, and confirming that I simply cannot write unless it's some obscene time in the morning.


No i didn't mean i was going to run you over! I got my words really mixed up!


It worked in my head... :confused:


My day so far = Revision!

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I've been doing it since 6! :S am i mad?


I work best in the mornings though! :D


By lunchtime my concentration levels deteriorate.....


I am rarely awake for the mornings.. So yeah you are pretty crazyyy!! at 6?!!

Sure you arent most crazy in the mornings :X xD


when i hit about 3pm i get ultra sleepy

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I am rarely awake for the mornings.. So yeah you are pretty crazyyy!! at 6?!!

Sure you arent most crazy in the mornings :X xD


when i hit about 3pm i get ultra sleepy


I'm crazy 24/7! :heh:


I usually burn the candle at both ends and go to sleep at 2-3 and wake up at 6 but this wan't very healthy and yesterday i started to feel a bit ill through it and so i went to bed earlier around 12 so i could get up this morning! : peace:

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I'm crazy 24/7! :heh:


I usually burn the candle at both ends and go to sleep at 2-3 and wake up at 6 but this wan't very healthy and yesterday i started to feel a bit ill through it and so i went to bed earlier around 12 so i could get up this morning! : peace:


Omg! yeah that happens!! one time i was doing so much exercise i swear i got ill because of it :S Achh 4 hours sleep! I couldnt do it *snuggles in blanket*

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Guest Jordan
I hate tax. I got raped for £400 on my bonus alone, and like £750 overall this month. Harshity.


Tell me about it.

I lose about 1 week and half in my wages due to tax.


Its a complete and utter joke... unless you were an unemployed mother with 8 kids with fathers you don't know of course. In which case you get everyone elses taxes by playing the system!! :yay: :yay:

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Tell me about it.

I lose about 1 week and half in my wages due to tax.


Its a complete and utter joke... unless you were an unemployed mother with 8 kids with fathers you don't know of course. In which case you get everyone elses taxes by playing the system!! :yay: :yay:


Or folks who just ride through life on benefits and do fuck all. They do my fucking head in. Why should they have to not work and just get free money whilst they do whatever they want all day whilst I check the clock every 5 seconds, only to get to the weekend and it be all over and go quickly.




I hate life. If I had the balls, and I had no one else that it would hurt Id kill myself drop of a hat. But it would hurt people, so I cannot.

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It was a constant argument I had with my brother


Him: "Here, heres the money I owe you."

Me: "Oh great, thanks" (dryly)

Him: "Hey at least I paid it back!"

Me: "You're on jobseekers. I pay taxes. It was my money all along."


But ah well.

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Tell me about it.

I lose about 1 week and half in my wages due to tax.


Its a complete and utter joke... unless you were an unemployed mother with 8 kids with fathers you don't know of course. In which case you get everyone elses taxes by playing the system!! :yay: :yay:


At my lifeguard job I don't work enough to have to pay taxes, I'm just under the minimum.


But at my new job I'll easily be over the limit so I'll be being Mr Brown there, what's even worse is that I have to work out what I have to pay myself as I'm classed as self-employed. That won't be fun to do every month. Hopefully I can find a ready-made spreadsheet or something to do it for me...

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Guest Jordan

You are right tbh Ash... I was on jobseekers for like 6 months trying to get work.


Halifax sucked for work, i move up here and i find a job within a week and another better one within a fortnight which i'm still at.

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Urgh, Brawl still didn't arrive. This is getting annoying. -_____-;

The CDs I ordered still didn't arrive yet either. Snail mail stinks.



Guess it'll be another day filled with school work, hooray!


Garrr! I had my brawl for a little while now! but its the japanese version! Caus I am that hardcore... / geeky >.> debating if i should get the UK version when it comes out :S


WOSSSSSSSSSSSSSSH! Handed in my medical law coursework just now! The women at the desk was giving me sass and I totally just got off a bike after riding for 20 mins uphill...


Threw the thing at her signed my name and ran for sweet life! Now I have a free half week (still easter hols till I go back to proper uni lectures and stuff)


Edit: Sips Iced lemon tea mmmm :yay:


Edit 2: Economist is pro aswell.... caus its PINK!

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Guest Stefkov
Urgh, Brawl still didn't arrive. This is getting annoying. -_____-;

The CDs I ordered still didn't arrive yet either. Snail mail stinks.



Guess it'll be another day filled with school work, hooray!

Still waiting on my copy aswell. I need something to occupy me over these two weeks :(


Today woke up late, gonna do some work today. Then play Eve online.

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What actually happened with her originally, if yo don't mind me asking?


Well, i just mentioned to one or two mates during a convo that she told me a few times she is depressed and paranoid, she has told all her mates this as well so i don't see a problem with that side of things, and also it was a little of talking about her behind her back sort of things as well, which is what she told me yesterday when we were sorting things out between us.


She told me from now on to tell the truth and say things to her face about her, which i started yesterday when she asked a few questions about who else has been saying things behind her back and what was said.


I think really she takes things a little over-the top as it were with things and she needs to calm down.


Anyway, the bank holiday weekend was technically the worst i've had in a long time. Not only with the whole thing between me and linzi, but also problems between me and Jemma, Rob, Andrew and Dave, all of which are solved now, the worst two problems were Jemma and Linzi which took a combined 16 hours to sort out everything. Hopefully, things are back to some sort of normality and we will be fine.

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Yesterday I saw an advert for the Kerrie Katona programme and said "Ugh! Why don't you die". Today on the front of the Sun it said "Kerrie rushed to hospital, doctors fear life threatening disease or something."















Fucking result.

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