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Meeeh, kinda annoyed at the moment.


My school won't let me have 'Twozzok' on my leavers hoody. Apparently as it's a hoody with the school emblem on it it has to have something to do with your name. But I know someone who is getting a fucking emoticon on theirs...


So I changed it to Miyka`el, if they don't allow that I'm just gonna ask for my money back and bertae them for not being biblical XD

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If they state on their website, as we do, that they hold no responsibility for trades then they don't have to do anything at all. There's nothing they can do, even with someones address what can you do? Its your word against his.


Well if party A has proof of payment and party B has no proof of sendage then theres something.


And Im not sure on how much that disclaimer would affect things, but whatever.

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Early hours of Tuesday morning, of which i was drunk my mate told me that he had murdered someone a few years ago and as i was drunk i thought he was joking so i walked off and said to him doubt it. So i call him up last night in the pub, i was drinking coke and he was doing some bingo calling somewhere and i asked him again if what he told me was 100% truth, and he said it was all true and he would rather not talk about it again.


I'm all ripped up inside and feel sick. I havn't seen him since he told me, it makes the awkwardness between me and my female mate of what happened at the weekend seem like nothing and now it is going to be awkward talking to him now as he is capable of killing. Don't know what i can do, i can't tell anyone else about it either otherwise i will most likely lose all my friends and so will he.


And i have to see him tonight down the club on duty and i sit by him at the top table.

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For some reason my confidence today has gone downnnnnn a lot. I feel like a bit of an ugly failure. D:


But on the other hand I did have an extremely yummy panini with a salad for lunch, and as dessert the best chocolate cake I've ever had. It had like, something like a chocolate mousse layer in the middle, dark brown chocolate on top, a bit of coffee crême au beurre on top of that and some sugar and white chocolate flakes on the side. It was heavenly.

Though I did feel kinda sick after that. =P


Got home and found the Freeloader waiting for me. Yuy. Now just to wait for Smash and I'm ready to waste hours and hours on my Wii.

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Early hours of Tuesday morning, of which i was drunk my mate told me that he had murdered someone a few years ago and as i was drunk i thought he was joking so i walked off and said to him doubt it. So i call him up last night in the pub, i was drinking coke and he was doing some bingo calling somewhere and i asked him again if what he told me was 100% truth, and he said it was all true and he would rather not talk about it again.


I'm all ripped up inside and feel sick. I havn't seen him since he told me, it makes the awkwardness between me and my female mate of what happened at the weekend seem like nothing and now it is going to be awkward talking to him now as he is capable of killing. Don't know what i can do, i can't tell anyone else about it either otherwise i will most likely lose all my friends and so will he.


And i have to see him tonight down the club on duty and i sit by him at the top table.


Jesus. I cannot imagine the position you're in. Thats just crazy.

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Early hours of Tuesday morning, of which i was drunk my mate told me that he had murdered someone a few years ago and as i was drunk i thought he was joking so i walked off and said to him doubt it. So i call him up last night in the pub, i was drinking coke and he was doing some bingo calling somewhere and i asked him again if what he told me was 100% truth, and he said it was all true and he would rather not talk about it again.


I'm all ripped up inside and feel sick. I havn't seen him since he told me, it makes the awkwardness between me and my female mate of what happened at the weekend seem like nothing and now it is going to be awkward talking to him now as he is capable of killing. Don't know what i can do, i can't tell anyone else about it either otherwise i will most likely lose all my friends and so will he.


And i have to see him tonight down the club on duty and i sit by him at the top table.


Are you sure he was telling you the truth?


Do you know any details? It might have been an accident like he hit a pedestrian in his car.

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For some reason my confidence today has gone downnnnnn a lot. I feel like a bit of an ugly failure. D:


But on the other hand I did have an extremely yummy panini with a salad for lunch, and as dessert the best chocolate cake I've ever had. It had like, something like a chocolate mousse layer in the middle, dark brown chocolate on top, a bit of coffee crême au beurre on top of that and some sugar and white chocolate flakes on the side. It was heavenly.

Though I did feel kinda sick after that. =P


Got home and found the Freeloader waiting for me. Yuy. Now just to wait for Smash and I'm ready to waste hours and hours on my Wii.


I have those days, you are not a failure though :D!


Rokhed...I'm not entirely sure it should be stinging..


Today was fine, managed to do alot more work on my IVA so I had quite alot handed in more so than most so that's good.


Got on the bus and dear lord I was sat behind a couple, both twice if not three times my size, greasy hair and stank of sweat and smoke. Like week old sweat and smoke, it was making me heave! >_>, nobody should be that big or that smelly frankly and I was quite glad when they got off!


Other than that I've now finished college until after easter! :yay:

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Rokhed...I'm not entirely sure it should be stinging..



Stinging, burning, whatever.

Still, managed to stick out the whole 90 minutes and washed it all off, came out pretty well, still a little orange in places, but I'll be dying it red tomorrow so that doesn't really matter.

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=/ Broken up for a few days for easter and I don't know whether its going to suck or be good. Got tommorrow to do what I want but everyone seems to be doing something and the girlfriend still has college meaning I don't get to see her till the evening. Then on friday its working 9-6, and saturday its work then something with the girlfriend again I guess. On Sunday its a party so that should be ok, although I feel down at the moment because I look freaking urgh =/ Then monday I have no idea.


Thinking about it has kinda of brought my day down.

Earlier I a few of us went to one of my mates house, and did maths homework. Basically me doing it, and them reading it, trying to understand it and then copying me. Kind of annoying I was doing all the work but I'd rather work than sit there all confused.


Now I am BORED! I need to find something to do.

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Bleach is really itchy for me, but I cant itch it :(


My day:


I tried to get a railcard today at the travel centre, but I couldnt because....


Shetland is so shit that there are no trains, therefor no trainstation, therefor no railcards for me!!


ffs :(

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(P.S J7, did you ever happen to send me the prize for the BISH? I never recieved anything so i assumed you didn't, but I'm still curious what it was gonna be :D)

I've not done it yet, and I've not forgotten.. I've just been lazy. I will do it soon, i promise :P I'm sorry >_K*


I don't know what that smiley is, but I typed it out and it just looks so right...

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Guest Stefkov

I walked home from the bus station with one shoe on.

I get home and see a play-asia package I'm like jeez that was quick by them.

Get upstairs and open it I'[m partially disapointed it's not Brawl but my Hard Gay CD/DVD came!

Now to see what's actually on it.

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Jesus. I cannot imagine the position you're in. Thats just crazy.


Yeah, it has been on my mind all day long, worse than ever when i wasn't talking to anyone.


Was it a justified killing?


I don't know, he got upset when he told me Tuesday morning and again in the evening. May have been an accident or he just really hated the person who he killed.


Are you sure he was telling you the truth?


Do you know any details? It might have been an accident like he hit a pedestrian in his car.


Positive, he never lies about anything thats why we are such good mates


The only advice I can really give is just try not to piss him off. :indeed:


I'm really unhelpful, I know...


Or you could try and piss him off to find out if it's true.


Believe me, there is only one person can piss him off enough and that my friends is the girl who was all over me on Friday night last week. The only thing i could do really is stay clear of him and sit else where and walk home with someone tonight and don't be alone with him.

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I'm not trying to come onto you or anything but I've seen pics of you and you are certainly not ugly.


Maybe, but that doesn't change the fact that I felt that way today. I guess it's just the vibe/feeling I get from people/strangers around me. =/


Sad news today: one of Flanders' biggest writers died today. He was 78 and asked for euthanasia; he suffered from Alzheimer's disease. Never really read any of his books, or watched his films or plays, but I still feel kinda sad.

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Believe me, there is only one person can piss him off enough and that my friends is the girl who was all over me on Friday night last week. The only thing i could do really is stay clear of him and sit else where and walk home with someone tonight and don't be alone with him.


I smell a sitcom.


Seriously though I doubt there is anything to worry about. How long have you been friends? Has he ever tried to kill you before? To your knowledge has he ever tried to kill anybody else before?


I think you should give him a few days and talk to him about it. If you are best friends then you deserve to know. You can't tell somebody you're a murdered and then not tell them anything else.


Maybe, but that doesn't change the fact that I felt that way today. I guess it's just the vibe/feeling I get from people/strangers around me. =/


I know what you mean. I often feel like that, although with me it's justified.

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Bitter sweet would describe my day.


Bitter - EMA. I fucking hate my bitch of a head of year. She hates me ever since I told her where to shove it when she wasn't doing enough about me being attacked. She hasn't paid it for 3 weeks because I've missed lessons (3!) due to my pysch coursework. I'm skint now, and my parents won't help either.:(


Sweet - Finished my pyschology coursework and got it handed in. Yay! No more worrying about it.:yay:

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I smell a sitcom.


Seriously though I doubt there is anything to worry about. How long have you been friends? Has he ever tried to kill you before? To your knowledge has he ever tried to kill anybody else before?


I think you should give him a few days and talk to him about it. If you are best friends then you deserve to know. You can't tell somebody you're a murdered and then not tell them anything else.


We've been mates for about 3-4 years now, met him through another mate. He has lunged at me with a pool cue and gets angry at the littlest of things, always storms off in a strop and threatens everyone who annoys him. I'll try and leave it a couple of days, but everyone is going to figure there is something between me and him and they will try to dig it out of one of us. May try again on Friday when i see him on his own and try to get to the bottom of this.

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Bleach is really itchy for me, but I cant itch it :(


My day:


I tried to get a railcard today at the travel centre, but I couldnt because....


Shetland is so shit that there are no trains, therefor no trainstation, therefor no railcards for me!!


ffs :(


Not tried doing it online? It turns up pretty quick, you just need to upload a photo and have your passport I think!


It's not 24quid though not 20 :(

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