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Spent the day trying to arrange a sorta meet up with a friend who's home from uni for a week, she gonna be coming over to chill and watch some films on friday, which could be awesome :D.


Also, spent all fucking day playing vids with McMad. That guy pwns face. Am off to sleep now :D.

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Nice one, bear buddy.. I'll get it all hooked up now (I've been playing Shenmue for the last week or so..)


..and as for Muse, I'm afraid I'm not a fan.. but then I don't really have much of a musical taste and if I listen to something more than a few times, I get sick of it pretty easily..


I don't like Bellamy's voice :hmm: ..last thing I bought was the Pigeon Detectives..

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Today, I went with my mum to the retail park, to help her with the weekly shop. I always seem to pick the checkouts which have the slowest working assistants on them. We were waiting 15minutes on the one at Tesco! Popped into New Look and after searching the whole shop-floor realized that once again, they had stopped selling men's clothes. Everytime I go in there with money the men's department disappears, but when I'm poor there are plenty of clothes on offer!


Had Scampi, Chips and Beans for tea, which was delicious!


Went out to meet the girl I'm kinda dating in the evening. Had planned on going to see Juno or The Bucket List at the cinema, but she dragged me to some pub quiz with her friend. Woo(!) Also found out something that makes me feel quite uneasy about her...


She has slept with 31 people! (29 men, 2 girls)




After arriving home, I made some toast for myself, which once again was delicious, and had some Smarties. Surfing the web now, and have just sent, one of my ex's, a Facebook message saying how much I miss her. Awhhhh.

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..aye.. he'd call me a tart too, and tell me to go listen to the pidgeys..


What a lad though :heh: ..beat me at Pro Evo tonight though so.. that was a shame :hmm: ..but didn't destroy my night thanks to Dirk Kuyt and Steven Gerrard earlier..


Can't hate the fool like...


I thought it was just me that got the tart namage, thats a slight relief.. ^_^

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Nice one, bear buddy.. I'll get it all hooked up now (I've been playing Shenmue for the last week or so..)


..and as for Muse, I'm afraid I'm not a fan.. but then I don't really have much of a musical taste and if I listen to something more than a few times, I get sick of it pretty easily..


I don't like Bellamy's voice :hmm: ..last thing I bought was the Pigeon Detectives..


Hehe Great! Let me just turn on my Wii and find my Wiimote! :D


Fair enough! :D we all like and dislike different things!


Don't worry i have the worst musical taste! I like all sorts of odd things... :)



Fury - it's one of the older B sides. =)


Darksnowman could probably tell you which one it was a B side to, he's a hardcore muse fan.


and call me a tart for not knowing.



Edit: nando - fair do's, we all have different taste ^_^


That is a great song! :awesome: Cool i'll ask Darksnowman. :)

I hope he doesn't call me a tart for no reason...

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Guest Stefkov

The fact that I've just handed in 20 or 30% of my Graphics and Photography A levels still hasn't sunk in. I've just been sat doing nothing all evening which is normal but somehow it feels different. I realise that I like pressure.

I like having to stay up till 3 o'clock printing, going into college for half 1. Having to finish everything for 4, I do it there taking me ages doing it all then cutting up and sticking the last piece of paper at 10 to four.

I need something challenging again. Uni should be fun fun fun.

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After arriving home, I made some toast for myself, which once again was delicious, and had some Smarties. Surfing the web now, and have just sent, one of my ex's, a Facebook message saying how much I miss her. Awhhhh.


bleh. last time i looked on my ex's facebook page i was very annoyed to find a picture of him - at a party - wearing one of MY fucking t-shirts :nono:



that just aint right.


not that it's a super girly t-shirt... it's a fitted (ok..) black t with an astroboy hologram on the front... i got it in japan last year.... it was COOL dammit. it's miiiiineeee..... >___< *sulks*

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I thought i was having some sort of heart attack today, turned out it was another panic attack. I can't stop playing with my hands for some reason.


Went to Thornhill for a bit and did some shopping. Other than that, I didn't really do much today. Mostly because i live in a vally in the middle of nowhere.


And now i have conjunctivitis....yeay ¬_¬

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Ragh! Can anyone help? For the past about 5 days I had a phrase in the back of my head, but I cannot for the life of me think of what it is. Its one of the internetty ones in the same vein as Iz in ur fridge eatin ur foodz.


Its something like "All your kingdom r belong to us" or something similar!?!?! Does anyone know which one it is. Its really annoying me!

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"all your base are belong to us" is a really long running internet in-joke... since the original it's been chopped and changed so much i'm sure a lot of people dont even remember how it started...

*doesnt remember how it started*

it's like "i'm in your base - killin your dudes"

...people keep parodying it. so what you've heard is probably a parody of that.


EDIT: it's all because of ENGRISH!!! yatta!!! huray for japan!!

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....i think i'm going to go outside and play...

the fact that i've actually read that article before is kind of depressing.... *sigh*

( .___.)

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Wow, I thought everyone with internet knew of the "All your base are belong to us" thing. Or maybe I'm just getting old. =(



Anyway, day has been good so far. Only one class today, so got home at 11:30 to find Professor Layton waiting for me (finally!). =D

I sat down to eat while mom was leaving for work. A minute later she walks back in with a big box in her arms, saying "here's another thing for you". Turns out my X-files boxset from Amazon already arrived. Yay!

Sadly season 1, 9 and the movie don't seem to have Dutch subtitles (the rest do, which is weird), but I don't care much; simply means no one else will get to watch it with me. =P

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Crap again, apprently when I went to my piercer in manchester the woman who does them (theres also marcus who is gay and very nice) has pierced my double tragus would too smaller ring so now it's swollen and it could possibly make the other migrate, so now I have to do cold compresses and take tablets and wait for it to go down so I can change it to a bar.


There's no way I'm letting them both get removed considering how much I paid for them...-.-

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Spent the day trying to arrange a sorta meet up with a friend who's home from uni for a week, she gonna be coming over to chill and watch some films on friday, which could be awesome :D.


Also, spent all fucking day playing vids with McMad. That guy pwns face. Am off to sleep now :D.


I r still up for Godot!


The fact that I've just handed in 20 or 30% of my Graphics and Photography A levels still hasn't sunk in. I've just been sat doing nothing all evening which is normal but somehow it feels different. I realise that I like pressure.

I like having to stay up till 3 o'clock printing, going into college for half 1. Having to finish everything for 4, I do it there taking me ages doing it all then cutting up and sticking the last piece of paper at 10 to four.

I need something challenging again. Uni should be fun fun fun.

Hoho, you say that now...


Well I'm glad you're somewhat relieved about it. You've sounded pretty down about the pressure recently. I think I work best under pressure too... Not enough and I fawn at it and ignore it...

All your base is like... one of the first meme's ever.


Not knowing about its origins is like not knowing who your own parents are.


Quite teh true statement. *shakes head at rez :P*

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