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A Good night was had by all last night, ended up in some random Irish karaoke bar. The climax was a group rendition (ala Glee) of Don't Stop Believin. I think it went down well, but I can't be sure.


Got up early this morning to watch the Tennis and unfortunately it didn't go as planned, but he still us proud getting there.

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Guest Captain Falcon

So it turns out you don't even need to leave the house to have someone shit all over your weekend...


At least it gives me something to talk about with my new friend.

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Molly I can't believe you purchased and/or stole a baby from Tescos! You best raise it right, which means no visits from Uncle ReZ!


Having one of those iffy days, where I'm not really doing anything. Sorted out everything for tomorrow (back to work, Christmas is over :() and in the process found 6 copies of The Metro in my room. Not looking forward to waking up at 6am. Got a lecture tomorrow with a student I covered for once who is nice, but in his class is a girl with a strong

(although that's quite weak) and she kept saying "everywun thinks im dumb i am because my accent" and I wanted to say "no, everyone thinks you're dumb because you keep saying dumb things". But my afternoon student is called Nathan Saul. Part of me hopes he has one eye :heh:


Oh and none of them replied to my email last week so I'll have to text them now. Wasting my money. Swines :p


Any idea on how to organise my portfolio? Do I do life drawings and other stuff as separate sections? Do I then separate these so feet are together, hands together etc? Do I put the worst stuff at the front, getting better? Or other way round? Or sandwich bad stuff between good stuff? TOO MANY POSSIBILITIES!


Also become addicted to Home by The Engineers. Makes me feel so displaced, but in a good way.

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I went to the LGBTSoc EGM / Brunch (Extraordinary General Meeting) this morning, because they needed at least 20 people there to change the really annoying constitution. There was a plethora of free food there, so I got over having to wake up at half 9.


It's held in an ex-restaurant/coffee house that Wadham college bought out, and there's massive comfy sofas. I was sitting in one, surrounded by joking people, and this very attractive guy was sitting opposite. I caught his gaze, and he smiled, and I smiled back.


We kept on meeting eyes, and I got very self-conscious. Then he made a point of introducing himself to me (his name's Chris), and I introduced myself - but I fear I made a really bad impression of myself because my friend Katie was like "Tell him all about what you were saying to me on Friday!" and I was like "...?", (actually had no idea what she was talking about) and she: "Oh yeah, you were off your face, you won't remember." So he probably thinks I'm a waster.


I got home and Ruari made me add him on Facebook (I wasn't going to, because it would make me look too desperate), with the message "Hey, let me know if you'd like to go for a coffee or a drink sometime. John x". He hasn't responded yet, but hopefully he does at some point.


He's one of those people you're just drawn to. Not necessarily that conventionally good looking (he is pretty hot though), but just exhume pheromones in the way they hold themselves and the way they speak and the way they act.

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Any idea on how to organise my portfolio?


I've always just been told to only show your best work.


You're always judged on your weakest piece.


But then again I've had zero luck with placement/job opportunities based on portfolio pieces, so I've probably been doing it wrong. :laughing:

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I've always just been told to only show your best work.


You're always judged on your weakest piece.


But then again I've had zero luck with placement/job opportunities based on portfolio pieces, so I've probably been doing it wrong. :laughing:




I knew someone would say this.


But then its not like there are x number of pieces that are brilliant, and some that are crap. Its all similarish, which is the problem.

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Any idea on how to organise my portfolio? Do I do life drawings and other stuff as separate sections? Do I then separate these so feet are together, hands together etc? Do I put the worst stuff at the front, getting better? Or other way round? Or sandwich bad stuff between good stuff? TOO MANY POSSIBILITIES!


Check that they haven't listed how they want it. Lots of places do. Otherwise, start with the best, then put more good stuff in the middle, then end with good stuff. The rest of middling stuff can go in between. I would make it varied in order, if they haven't said they want it an explicit way.

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Last night; Hmmm. I went to Wetherspoons (fine but horrible because so busy. Getting a drink was impossible) but did talk to everyone which was nice.


Then went to Oceana (why is it pronounced Osh-eee-arn-er? I caused my friend ~Phil-the-one-who-shit-on-a-BBQ~ much hilarity earlier when speaking on the phone, and pronounced it how its spelt) anyway and it was...just.


I mean I guess people go there to dance and pull. I don't dance. I don't like dancing. I hate it when people say "come up and dance" ....No...if I wanted to dance, I would. When you're out at a meal with someone do you say "No thanks I don't like mayonaise" and they say "No go on! Just have some mayonaise! No one is going to look at you." Its just ridiculous. And I have a girlfriend (who is a slacker. I told her that if she ever does "boo" me she should film it so it can go in CR, but she "booed" me on Saturday and didn't film it), so its a pointless experience. Played a few good songs though.


Also Molly, I met that chavvy girl who's friends with Sam/Dawn/that you hung out with a few times (?). She's interesting.........


Also Goafer, My car = working. :)


Anyway ; Yay I finished my Flash. :D



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Then went to Oceana (why is it pronounced Osh-eee-arn-er? I caused my friend ~Phil-the-one-who-shit-on-a-BBQ~ much hilarity earlier when speaking on the phone, and pronounced it how its spelt) anyway and it was...just.


Because that's how it's spelt, fool.

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Had an interesting phone call from a credit company calling on behalf of Vodafone saying i owe Vodafone £456+ from un-payed bills. Only problem is that i payed all my bills on time if not early.


I reckon nothing will come from this as i think it is a scam to attempt to get my details. Which made me think that they managed to get the date right for when my contract started.

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