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Is this for a job? What is it your going for?

Yeah it's the assessment centre for the civil service fast stream. A 10 hour day of activities designed to break you. Much like torture. :heh:


I didn't say what it was because I feel like I've been going on about it in here! :blush:


I always found that they were quite enjoyable when you didn't want the job, but utterly terrifying when it was something you really wanted to do. Hopefully your preparation will pay off, and you get a night away which is fun. Good Luck!


Congrats Smellmeister! And in case I forget tomorrow good luck Molly :)


Weekend of Maya-ing! Exciting. Or something. Mostly the something. Trying to arrange my visit to Sheffield next week(end?). Evidentially people in Sheffield can't figure out whether they're coming or going. Sort it out Sheffieldians!

Posted (edited)


Today I have been swatting for Tuesday. Pretty bored to be honest. I'm going to London tomorrow and staying in a hotel just by Lambeth Bridge so I can easily be there when it starts at 7.30am.


Good luck!


I have also been revising. And heading towards a denial spiral about my impending essay deadline. Fun/ fucking doomed.


Congrats Smellmeister! And in case I forget tomorrow good luck Molly :)


Weekend of Maya-ing! Exciting. Or something. Mostly the something. Trying to arrange my visit to Sheffield next week(end?). Evidentially people in Sheffield can't figure out whether they're coming or going. Sort it out Sheffieldians!

I'm around...yes? yes.

Edited by Dan_Dare
Automerged Doublepost
I've got a 9.30 exam tomorrow for which I've done no revision. (We've already got the questions). I also missed my alarm and didn't get up 'til 12.30. Which means I'm gonna struggle to get to sleep tonight and I have to be up early tomorrow. I also have no food in the house.


Turns out that the exam is on tuesday not tomorrow. Panic over.

Trying to arrange my visit to Sheffield next week(end?). Evidentially people in Sheffield can't figure out whether they're coming or going. Sort it out Sheffieldians!

I'll be getting my work hours on tuesday hopefully so I'll be able to tell you precisely when I'm free. I won't exactly have any money to go galavanting to the butterfly farm, but I can present you with my sober face wherever it's requested. Essentially I'm saying "I'm not going to organise anything" because I don't know where you're staying/what the other people want to do and such.


I'm around...yes? yes.


Was this edited from something vague to something more definite?


I'll be getting my work hours on tuesday hopefully so I'll be able to tell you precisely when I'm free. I won't exactly have any money to go galavanting to the butterfly farm, but I can present you with my sober face wherever it's requested. Essentially I'm saying "I'm not going to organise anything" because I don't know where you're staying/what the other people want to do and such.


Okay cool. Everything is kind of vague at the moment and I'll be lingering around like a nomad I think but I may go back...Tuesday? I don't know. I need to know. I need to book tickets. But I think at present;


Saturday - Cinema with Razz then night out with Slaggis and his team of tricks.

Sunday - Zoo with people, yet to be decided who exactly. Open invite really.

Monday - Don't know

Tuesday - Travelling home?

Was this edited from something vague to something more definite?



Okay cool. Everything is kind of vague at the moment and I'll be lingering around like a nomad I think but I may go back...Tuesday? I don't know. I need to know. I need to book tickets. But I think at present;


Saturday - Cinema with Razz then night out with Slaggis and his team of tricks.

Sunday - Zoo with people, yet to be decided who exactly. Open invite really.

Monday - Don't know

Tuesday - Travelling home?


this would be the weekend of the 28th or earlier? depends which.

Posted (edited)
I'm free on saturday/sunday evening and monday.


Cheers, will let you know :) Get my PM?


this would be the weekend of the 28th or earlier? depends which.


Next weekend. 23rd.


Okay so now I don't have somewhere to sleep. I thought I was staying at Slaggis' because JUST YESTERDAY he said we were going out next Saturday night. And now we're not and he's elsewhere and doing other things the other days too.


As my nan would say, this is turning into a right mucking fuddle.


Can anyone house me Saturday and/or Sunday night pleeeeeeeease.


I miss Jayseven and Shorty having a flat. This was all much easier when they did.


Or there's this; http://www.hostelworld.com/availability.php/Reliance-Hostels/Sheffield/37850 where is that?

Edited by Ashley
Posted (edited)

Ashley; you can crash at mine no problem. There's sofas/sleeping bags/fold-out-bed-cushion-things/free beds (need to inquire but should be ok).


I start uni on the tuesday, so should be free any other day before then, depending on work. I will ensure I have a tenner at least to socialise with you, because I'm a rubbish host and will just bore you. Shame it's not the following weekend because I'll have been PAID and there's a fun 80's fancy dress night out that you'd no doubt love :P


EDIT: stop double posting everything internet!

Edited by jayseven
Automerged Doublepost

Oooh twiceness.


I hate how everyone is saying "shame it wasn't the week before/after I could have done that." I checked MONTHS ago with you people. *shakes fist*


Cheers. May take you up on that. Where you at now? (can PM me exact details if you want). Central? I have most things sorted during the weekend days (I presume you're likely to be at work yes? Retail usually insists on weekends don't they?) but socialise at some point and what not? Not saying "I may just use your flat to crash for the first two days" but...I'm implying it :p


Pretty sure I'm doing nothing Sunday night. And maybe Saturday night. I don't know. Ask Slaggis. Although he couldn't organise an orgy in a brothel and he's a fucking whore! :heh:

Posted (edited)

Lol :P


Well a couple of months ago I didn't know if I had a job, didn't know my uni hours, didn't know I'd be piss poor! I'm still pretty central - 10 mins from the station (and no hills this time!) And it's totally fine for you to just use and abuse the offer. Essentially, you need a plae to kip then you have here. You're free to go elsewhere more entertaining if you get the offer.


I'll text/face/PM you with address/work hours tomorrow.


We should really... stop hijacking this thread.



Edited by jayseven
Automerged Doublepost

Okay cheers dude. Will 'pencil you in' for Sunday night for some drinks. I'll buy some Bulmers or Magners or something. In return for the hospitality.


Oh and I know I sound really angry with everyone but I'm not ^_^ These things happen. I just like playing the role of angry black white man when necessary.


(and if Molly's breasts can take over the other thread then surely I can take over this one...? :heh:)

In my case, I'm unable to concentrate for any lengthy period of time, and have difficulty with reading, writing and spelling, as well as, of less academic reference, catching things.


i got dyspraxia, its a real shit sometimes, i guess mines worse cos i got noticed with it very early on, 5-6. i do have a right nightmare with catching but im much better at it now that ive practiced it abit. the main problem for me was my handwritting, its dreadfull. really, the best thing you can do for physical effects is practice and exercise, thats hat i found.


the attention problem really comes down to dicapline. when my mind wanders, which happens alot, i force myself to snap out of it.


In Leeds there's this van that only ever does its circuits at like 11pm, and in areas where there are no kids, only students. We're pretty sure it's a drug van.


theres a van like that near me, the music playing at midnight, its creepy


Yeah it's the assessment centre for the civil service fast stream. A 10 hour day of activities designed to break you. Much like torture. :heh:


all jobas are kinda like torture, especialy in the bondage game.

Yes, one or both of those days. We'll be up and away early Monday morning though.

Did you... read those reviews?


Its akin to student housing. Been there done that :p


I think I'm staying at James' both nights now. I'll let you know though cheers :)


Still on for Sunday?

(and if Molly's breasts can take over the other thread then surely I can take over this one...? :heh:)
It's too soon for jokes :heh:


I'm still annoyed about it.


Honestly, what did you expect. I mean, look around you. It's a Nintendo Forum. On the Internet. Sheesh.

Still on for Sunday?
Yes although the idea of going most of the way to work on a non-work day is distressing.
Honestly, what did you expect. I mean, look around you. It's a Nintendo Forum. On the Internet. Sheesh.


Yes although the idea of going most of the way to work on a non-work day is distressing.


Hmm the concept of a Nintendo Forum elsewhere intrigues me...


Okay cool. Should be good. Will let you know the details when I arrange some but presume its around middayish. Apparently we're getting public transport, although you're welcome to drive and meet us there. Will PM you and possibly stop taking over this thread at some point.

Honestly, what did you expect. I mean, look around you. It's a Nintendo Forum. On the Internet. Sheesh.Yes although the idea of going most of the way to work on a non-work day is distressing.


You're right, it was naive of me to think anyone could follow a simple instruction or request.

Hmm the concept of a Nintendo Forum elsewhere intrigues me...

They could have a Nintendo open public space in the middle of a Roman city.


Phew, thanks Wikipedia, that could've been embarrassing.

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