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I'm knackered! Didn't sleep too well last night as I was nervous for today. Had to teach my first class, though had to teach it to my fellow students and teacher. Had to teach them how to make a lino in colour by using a puzzle technique heh.


I was bloody nervous, but in the end it didn't go too bad. Girl cut her finger though, ouch. Had to take care of that. But most of the lesson went okay. Got told I'm a bit too "motherly and caring" haha. And that I need more confidence in myself. I know all this stuff but it's hard to change yourself heh. =P


Anyway, I think it's time for a naaaap! Whooo. Need one. X3

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OMFG I've finally done it!


Sent in my application for the Bar today! (not the drinking kind, the law kind)


The application was basically 2 months in the making and required just too much preparation! Now I wait till March the 2nd to see if I get into law school :S

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The last two days at work have been undescribably shit. But I'll try anyway.


Basically, we just do things that will cause problems. Its reaction to everything and never pre-action. We're always the last to know. Etc. So its that coupled with snow so less staff, and its been hell.


Calls waiting from 10am till close time both days. Absolutely awful. I've never been less motivated than today at work.


But thats fine. I Will Power Through. Things Can Only Get Better.

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The last two days at work have been undescribably shit. But I'll try anyway.


Basically, we just do things that will cause problems. Its reaction to everything and never pre-action. We're always the last to know. Etc. So its that coupled with snow so less staff, and its been hell.


Calls waiting from 10am till close time both days. Absolutely awful. I've never been less motivated than today at work.


But thats fine. I Will Power Through. Things Can Only Get Better.




Communication failure seems to be pretty common in call centres (for the irony!)


Kinda thankful that i work in a small call centre. Even if everyone didn't come in i could probably just about cope by myself. But urgh, hate busy days.

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Today was alright. Still bloody snowed in. Also...


I sit on my bed when I'm on my computer. Every time I turn around at the moment, my cat seems to be humping the shit out of my duvet... right... next... to me. I throw him off but he just comes back later. My dad's girlfriend walked in the other day and just said "You do realise the cat is humping your duvet?" I hadn't noticed but she said it in a voice that suggested she thought that I MUST HAVE noticed but just didn't do anything about it.


I now feel like a cat pervert.

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Ooooh, they already know.


But seriously: there was a lad in my year in secondary school who tried to have sex with a cat while drunk.


And by tried I mean he got the tip of his penis touching the ass or... cat fanny.


Do girl cats have... those?


I'm pretty ill-educated about other animal genitalia.


All genitalia to be honest.


Anyway; I ended up working in my gap year with the lad who told him to do it while filming it.


I dunno who's worse.

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I dunno.


All I know is that in year 11 we had a form feedback session (writing down favourite qualities about people and what they should go on to do) and we all wrote down cat carer/vet for him.


He cried.


The teacher didn't understand which made it all the better.

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Snow, Snow and more Snow. The stuff we have outside is pretty much similar to the Snow i used to get when living in Germany. As long as you wear decent footwear, it isn't bad at all to walk on. I saw several people walking tippy toe with trainers and/or flat shoes.

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I like to opt for a ninja style walk when walking on particularly icy surfaces. Going out running in freshly fallen snow isn't too bad. Not so much fun when its been lying around a few days.


And going on the subject of cats. Way back in middle school the going around rumor was that some guy's brother fingered a cat and then it died. So people used to pick on him a lot about it.

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