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Picking moths from between my teeth with toothpicks from the ghetto. Sticking to my discarded, much-tested, much-failed routine of Going To Netto. Green on teh floor, the salt's escaped. Living through triple-filtered chemistry and whatever I can find in the freezer.


It's really better if only I know.

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The Jim has left the house today; sad times! Well I'm doing okay right now, I just feel really tired haha.


Yesterday we went to Brussels with my parents to go see a show, made by Franco Dragone (who also does the Cirque du Soleil shows). It wasn't much like Cirque du Soleil (those shows are just amazing), but it was still nice. Set inside a building with a stage, there would be various acts going on, ranging from dance, clown-like things to cord dancing and human pyramids. Some acts were pretty impressive really. So it was a pretty nice evening. Plus it snowed when we went home. Got home at half past midnight, had a half hour discussion about some driving stuff, and then watched X-Files until 3:30. X3


Alarm set for 8 but I don't think we actually woke up/got out of bed until 9:30 or 10 or something. Found outside was all covered in snow. Had some food, then caught the train at 12 to Brussels. Train had lots of problems, which ended up with us getting a 40 minute delay. And because of that we had a bit of a rushed goodbye. Maybe it's for the better. =P


And now I'm home and trying what to work on for school, but my tired brain won't concentrate aaaah. XD

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I can't believe this is effectively the last day of "Win" slash "Christmas" (because its back to a full week of work tomorrow, and basically normality)


So fucking fail. I don't even have any holiday booked yet. Well. Might book birthday maybe, and will need to book Theme Fest. Goafer, yo get my text son?


I planned on doing a lot this weekend, and....I did do a bit, so its not too bad.


- Watched Downfall (got bored tbh so turned it off)

- Watched Inglorious Basterds (got amazed tbh, so gazed in awe)

- Watched The Green Mile (got awesomed tbh, and cried a bit)

- Watched I Love You Man (got boner over Rashida Jones tbh, and remembered what an awesome film it is, and realised I must have lost my ticket as I didn't review it in my Movie Thread)

- Read about SPAMBOTs awesome weekend, and applauded at its high entertainment value.

- Made the new look you see before you.


I've got about 5 hours or so till get into bed time, so....I guess dinner and fuck about. Maybe gaming. Before my life ends all over again.


Gonna read comics, proper arrange Theme Fest Mein Fuhrer, and try and try and try to figure out and write Cast #4. And 5. The others will be easy. But I need to break through this like...story barrier. I Will Power Through.

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Been ill since Tuesday. Not normal ill. I've been feeling horrendous every time I eat, stomach ache, feeling sick, my chest hurts and generally feeling horrible. Although today I've hardly eaten anything and I still feel awful. It's just not going away and it's starting to scare me. Gonna book an emergency appt with the Doc tomorrow.

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Been ill since Tuesday. Not normal ill. I've been feeling horrendous every time I eat, stomach ache, feeling sick, my chest hurts and generally feeling horrible. Although today I've hardly eaten anything and I still feel awful. It's just not going away and it's starting to scare me. Gonna book an emergency appt with the Doc tomorrow.


Sounding a bit like what ive got. Thought I was getting better but going around town with Goafer today I felt terrible.


Past few days ive been sick, chests hurt, stomach ache, achey legs and chills.

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Sounding a bit like what ive got. Thought I was getting better but going around town with Goafer today I felt terrible.


Past few days ive been sick, chests hurt, stomach ache, achey legs and chills.

Last night I stayed up until 4am because I was too scared to go to sleep, in case I didn't wake up again. Shows how ill/paranoid I am.


If I get a diagnosis from the doc, I'll let you know. Hope you feel better soon.

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It's the end of a [under a month] era.


I've decided I wasn't going to take any more bullshit from my new TV/DVD [since the DVD player sometimes crashes instead of playing some bits, loads eventually though] and am going to to replace it. If this model does it, I'm going to have to shell out the extra monies for another model.


Also some random lass added me to MSN, sadly gotten me mixed up with someone else:

amiiiee babyyy said:


Derek BA Hons said:


amiiiee babyyy said:

You got the cam?

Derek BA Hons said:

who said I did?


amiiiee babyyy said:


You from omegle

Derek BA Hons said:

Never heard of it sorry



All this whilst she had a nice picture of her topless [face not in shot though]

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Last night I stayed up until 4am because I was too scared to go to sleep, in case I didn't wake up again. Shows how ill/paranoid I am.


If I get a diagnosis from the doc, I'll let you know. Hope you feel better soon.


Yowza that sounds awful. :(


Thanks, you too


Get well soon folks.


Also some random lass added me to MSN, sadly gotten me mixed up with someone else:

amiiiee babyyy said:


Derek BA Hons said:


amiiiee babyyy said:

You got the cam?

Derek BA Hons said:

who said I did?


amiiiee babyyy said:


You from omegle

Derek BA Hons said:

Never heard of it sorry



All this whilst she had a nice picture of her topless [face not in shot though]

Well you played that one all wrong.

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Guest Captain Falcon


Also some random lass added me to MSN, sadly gotten me mixed up with someone else:

amiiiee babyyy said:


Derek BA Hons said:


amiiiee babyyy said:

You got the cam?

Derek BA Hons said:

who said I did?


amiiiee babyyy said:


You from omegle

Derek BA Hons said:

Never heard of it sorry



All this whilst she had a nice picture of her topless [face not in shot though]


Well just so you know, omegle is a chat room site of sorts that just connects two random people together. I'd like to thank Rez for bringing it to my attention.


I was on there NYE and got chatting to a girl from Newcastle. We were talking for some 4 hours and I've spent a fair bit of time chatting to since her since on msn. In fact, I've a couple of peeps on my contacts list from there. Lots of weirdos on there though - and one more when I'm about.

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If you bring your Wii down on Wednesday we can play fun games and while looking at genital mutilation I downloaded a film we can watch.


That was a confusing sentence to hear. But apparently my plans for Wednesday/Thursday.


Special moment of the day: while booking trains I put in the "From/To" boxes "Wednesday/Thursday".


I also love:


Me: I'm going to have some Magners.

Jodie: I just had champagne.

Edited by Ashley
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huh... instead of greg comin around to help me revise (i really need his help....) its now just me.. revising.. on my own... no one to help with distractions :(


Are you alright?!


My day has been slow, been working all day again on ut3.


Although I'm alot happier, spoke to a friend telling her how I didn't know how to import the models I'd made for a game. Not only did she step-by-step over msn tell me how she also gave me some neat tricks to texture it very easily too.


So now my level tomorrow will be so much better to make, alot of the stuff I can just model and then whack straight in, more marks for meee yay.


Writing my essay for another lesson, found that half of my word count is going to be the previous essay I made for that lesson and unfortunetly I can't finish until my tutor emails me back saying he's handed it into sheaf, unfortunetly its all on paper so I'll have to type it up, pain but it doesn't matter too much, not in til the 15th and I'm back the 11th, god 4days to round it off.


So I'm nearly there.


- ut3 game

- report for ut3 game

- essay

- flash game


the flash game worries me, but it also worries my friends..hmm...must bug teacher when I get back. That reminds me, must install flash on laptop.

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Spent the day at the cinema. Managed to learn loads of Probability during the quiet periods.


Also, I was going to cry (metaphorically) because I was left alone to clean a screen which 200 people had just used and abused, but then the manageress (who was in that screen watching a movie) made her friends all help me clean, so I got the job done in 5 minutes, when I was expecting it to take 35. Yes.

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