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Cheers guys!


I'm basically trying to do what Ash suggested; bury myself in uni work.


Although I am worried that without something that's become a constant, things will get messed up, etc.


I'm basically going to have to adjust to a new lifestyle, and "me" in a sense, for 5 months.


And ReZ, there will be cum everywhere.


People will slide into my flat on the new floors.


So it's 2010!




New Year and new attitude and all that.


*gets to work*

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I dunno, some people are quite into the pain shit. Funnily enough I've got a fleshlight (or 2) and it's pretty damn good. Would put it ahead of the hand by a country mile.


Oh definitely, I noted it as a positive.


Cheers guys!


I'm basically trying to do what Ash suggested; bury myself in uni work.


Although I am worried that without something that's become a constant, things will get messed up, etc.


I'm basically going to have to adjust to a new lifestyle, and "me" in a sense, for 5 months.


And ReZ, there will be cum everywhere.


People will slide into my flat on the new floors.


So it's 2010!




New Year and new attitude and all that.


*gets to work*


Niiiiiiice. Can I make a suggestion? Buy an A3 piece of good quality paper. Or bigger. And buy some black tip pens, various sizes, and a pack of colouring pencils and colouring pens, and once per day, draw a small blob or a shape in black pen, and then colour it (stick to one colour, or one colour group with shading) and add a splodge or spot every single day. Then at the end you've got this epic piece of art that only took you one minute per day, and you can even pass it off to the girl as "Every time I was missing you sorely, I did a splodge and thought about a memory or how you made me feel"


In fact....I want to do this now.


I want everyone on NE to do it...group project.


Or just you. Etc.


I just had an amazzzzinnnnggg roast beef, and filmed an N900 review with literally several (5ish) NE People cameos. Impromptu cameos. Are soooo ftw etc.



"Every time I was sore, I did a splodge. you made me"


Lolz misquoting myself is epic win.


The videos uploaded, if anyone cares.


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Good night last night :D


Today I got an email from myself that I wrote in January 2009. The last line of it was

Plan for the year: don't fuck up the exams. Continue with the gym. Sort out social life. Figure out what I want to do after the summer. Ask out *****. Don't be so in my head


I achieved most of these. Did well in the exams. Still doing the gym. Go out every now and then (this time last year, I didn't drink, because I never had any chances too. Now, I go to 3 different house parties in one night at new years). Know what I want to do with my life for at least the next 5 years. Asked out the girl, got rejected, but still made out with her once. Still far too in my own head.


Looking at it that way, I'd say it was quite a successful year.

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My cousin got engaged last night so that's lovely. He took a risk and bought her a ring, apparently she loves it, so a good risk.


I know you're not wondering but I'll tell you anyway, she's the one on the far right of that pic I posted the other day. The eldest.

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Melon > Woman > Hand > Corners.


The Taiwanese agree:



(the scene gets more graphic, but NSFN-E)


Work was so dull. Nothing happened really. I was pretty much not needed but alas, paid eh? Finished at 5 but had to wait til 8 for my liftaroo. Went round town but everything was closed so I went back to the store and just drew instead.


I want some time to myself. SLEEPY TIME. Work tomorrow. Nan's birthday Monday. Life drawing class Tuesday and I may be going to see Jodie Weds/Thurs so if I leave getting my nan something til Monday I may have Sunday to sleep/draw.



Edited by Ashley
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Most unproductive day ever. Woke up, watched The Phantom Menace (it's still shit BTW), played Rock Band 2, played MW2, had a bath, now sat here.


Tomorrow is set to be fine weather wise. Will get out on bike. I'll use the "spending money in town" incentive methinks.

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Started tidying me room, but with actual results. Seeing the floor in some sections for the first time in possibly 6 months (or more).


Played more Mario, watched some Buffy, but mostly spent tidying/listening to chart music I missed out on through not giving a shit, from my cousin's Now 768557 CD. Tinchy Stryder is so shit I've decided. But the choruses in his songs (sung by other people) are enjoyable.

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I almost forgot how messy your room is paj, I recall 'post your desk' photos and nearly died when I saw how messy your desk was (although it was full of awesome things, so yeah).


Days have been boring, I keep panicking about my deadlines and I'm not really getting anywhere with my work. Ok so I am, but that slow pace that makes you feel like you've hardly done anything in the 10hours of straining your eyes at a screen. Argh.


Otherwise generally, nothing really happens here at my parents house.

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I know I should trust my dentist, he's done all my dad's work and hes done all my work including putting on a vener, but I just don't quite like the idea of somebody yanking my tooth out...while I'm awake.


If you have it done at the dentists then that means it's a simpler process. So it shouldn't be a problem. I had to have general anaesthetic and afterwards my face was swollen for 2 weeks and I couldn't eat.


Yay for yoghurt and smoothies.

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Last night was fun at work, started at 8 [with my coworker nowhere to be seen, no reason given for his absence] with a rocking 8 customers, by 9:10 they'd all left and we'd shut up shop at half past. Noone wanted to celebrate New Years at a pub. I was devastated to finishing work early.


But today my girlfriend texts saying he'd been suspended today. Because of his lack of attendance last night. I missed working on a busy Bank Holiday Monday [technically I was in the dark], but if this fact is true I was confident he could've come up with some form of decent excuse.


Work begins once again at 8 tonight.

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Last day at SCS.





It was okay but a lot of time I wasn't needed so just strolled around the store slowly with a fake smile. Today's been a 'mere. Having (ludicrous) targets turns normally pleasant people into quite nasty and underhanded people. Its so horrible. But no longer my concern.


My new year starts now :D Or...tomorrow.

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My days been ok. I can feel the general crapness of January sinking in right now.


As a side note, does anyone think we could have a 'people who have quoted you' thing when viewing the forums? I've seen it used on other forums before and it works quite well.

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I slept in till 2, and then went to work at 2:45.


At half 3, I was sent on the "lunch run", to get everyone sandwiches from this "indie-cool" sandwich shop up the road which is all eco and you can imagine they'd be vegan too if it didn't get in the way of their profit. Everyone gave me their orders and chipped in money.

The woman at the shop stunned, having a really sincere conversation with me while the bacon was cooking about nothing interesting. Then when it came to paying, she charged me £9.20, when it was supposed to cost £13.60, which was obviously because I had great things to say. So basically, I made £4.40 (feel bad for not telling my colleagues, but they can deal with it).


Then more work. Generally cleaning screens. I gave them a CD to put on in the screens because Christmas music was getting old; lovely to clean along to Spiderwebs by No Doubt and Next Messiah by Jenny Lewis. Found £1.50 on the floor. Yes. More unsavouryness from my manager, who seems to fancy me.


Walked home. Now dying my hair blonde. Probs will turn out ginger though...

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Use less capital letters. Especially for letters thrice in a row. Involves pancakes? No. Carrots. There aren't any cameras. You are the only person that can see those little moments of trivia, of delerium. Trivium. The secret to getting on with the rest of the people that are trying to get on with is to stop trying to see beyond what they're saying. Forget that people have feelings (because) they are gay.




Once a week, build your own wheely-bin. Plants are massive. Wild west. Deployed by the world. I'm the only gunslinger that tells the truth. In teh end, we all agree. THe most futurable act in our history - I don't want anything, or anyone to go for sitting bull. I think that's why they cook. To tell blind cody that I ain't the only guy going after sitting bull. SITTING BULL.


He's with us. In the south marina. Rhythm F. Cody. In a heart attack, ride up to the ridge and split the difference with teh guy that followed you.


And stop now.


P.S. Sitting Bull.

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