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The only real alternative's for MSG are either:


1. Worse for you

2. Disgusting

3. Impossibly convoluted to make.

4. Marginally more expensive (=0)


MS-G is the fifth taste, Umami, or savoury (as some fools call it) the taste of denatured protein L-Glutamate (present in high concentrations in everything from Soy Sauce, to Ketchup and in its highest concentration - in Marmite -). Unfortunately, Glutamate can't be served or preserved for long periods of time due to its nature of forming bonds with shit that makes it taste utterly horrendous. That's where mono-sodium comes in; it's essentially a preservative, bonded to L-Glutamate so that it doesn't bond with other shit, although I'm not really sure in which way it's actually bad for you, but I guess it's in the same way that any other preservatives are bad for you.


The only other way to get denatured L-Glutamate, as far as I know, is from Veal or Vegetable stock, which takes days to prepare. Days. Any alternatives to MSG, still contain the "G" part. Just not the MS =).


Just thought I'd educate yo bitch asses :heh:

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Ooo, what qualifies as a bit of passion? Was it just a cheeky snog whilst no one was looking?

It was nothing heavy duty! :p

I'm gagging to know.


This is like Jeremy Kyle. Why was it so wrong? Are you biologically related? Were you mortal enemies at school? Is he into animals?

None of those! :heh: I'm like a Jeremy Kyle participant? That cuts me deep, Paj.

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To Jesus, A Belated Birthday Rap:


Jesus is my homeboy,

He’s a home grown boy,

When pa lives in the sky,

His bitch is always gettin high

Sayin all this scat shit

Sayin how she deals with it,

her boy Rolled out her clit,

and fuck No he didn’t penetrate,

No she isn’t schizophrenic

And now she’s gotta deal with

All this fuckin bullshit


Jesus can,

Have my sins,

No I won’t

Repeat them

Makes you wanna

go and bang a Ho


Jesus says.

Edited by The Bard
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So my parents and I were having our lunch in the kitchen (sandwiches), and while cleaning up we noticed two shapes running in one of the fields behind our house. I wasn't wearing my contacts so I couldn't see any detail, but I thought they were probably dogs. Big dogs... Maybe a bit too big for dogs.


My mom said they looked like deer, though I thought they looked a bit dark (almost black to me). But again I was half blind so I couldn't tell. And then when they suddenly, graciously jumped over a pretty high wired fence, we knew they were indeed deer. Poor things were probably running away from a hunter (we've heard gunshots again today), though I have no idea where they could've gone to, as there's mostly just houses and some fields around here. *hopes they survive*

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So my parents and I were having our lunch in the kitchen (sandwiches), and while cleaning up we noticed two shapes running in one of the fields behind our house. I wasn't wearing my contacts so I couldn't see any detail, but I thought they were probably dogs. Big dogs... Maybe a bit too big for dogs.


My mom said they looked like deer, though I thought they looked a bit dark (almost black to me). But again I was half blind so I couldn't tell. And then when they suddenly, graciously jumped over a pretty high wired fence, we knew they were indeed deer. Poor things were probably running away from a hunter (we've heard gunshots again today), though I have no idea where they could've gone to, as there's mostly just houses and some fields around here. *hopes they survive*

Are they allowed to hunt in that area? If not phone the police when you hear them again.
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Are they allowed to hunt in that area? If not phone the police when you hear them again.


I think they're allowed to hunt in an area nearby, though of course I can't tell where exactly they're hunting. We usually just hear the gunshots, rarely see anyone.

It was weird cause today I was wondering if there even were still any deer around here. Guess I got my answer heh. =P



Ahhh excited, leaving in less than half an hour to Brussels to pick up Jimmyboy! Having Jim here means I can finally watch some X-files again haha. Finally! (It's my biggest love, but shhh, don't tell Jim!)

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