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It certainly amused me as I procrastinated getting ready for work.




And its dark outside and will apparently remain that way until I'm just about the get on the train. JOY. Oh and cold. So cold you could use a witch's bosom as a hot water bottle on a day like today. Apparently snow in my work town though, best be! [oh wait no that's London. I typed in W2 instead of WR2. Faaaack.]


Also today is my last day of work and I feel it should be celebrated with drinks. But I have no friends. Loneliness woe! :heh:

Edited by Ashley
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Well that was a crazy night.


Rendered my animation, got to 11am when it finished only to realise I'd been using the wrong compressors and my file was 264mb when it needed to be under 10mb, panicking and re-rendered it with a different compressor (I later found out the compressor that made everything easier for some reason weren't on my version of max which considering I downloaded it FROM autodesk it should have been).


Finally it finished at 5 to 9, got it all sorted and under the limit. Thank god I finished it all wednesday so I had time to piss about. One guy hasn't finished and it won't do til 11:30, given the hand in is at 12..

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Having another chill-day today, trying to shake this flipping cold off. Feeling much better than yesterday, got my taste back.


It is also day 3 of the dog sitting, which won't be for much longer as my dad is coming home about 12/1pm. Should be ok i guess, then i shall clean my room up. There is dust everywhere.

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My day has been mounds of fun. Being unable to sleep last night so was up til 4 finishing off Sherlock Holmes, nice book. But my Dads present arrived today. On my brothers recommendation we bought him this series of books called the Oregon Files, some war-ish shizzle.


My Were-Bear still hasn't arrived :(


Other than that, a rather splendid day.







I'm drinking a beer at work!








How comes?

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I'm drinking a beer at work!


Pff, we used to go for drinks at lunch regularly at Game :heh: Regular Mad Men!


Lecture followed by freedom. Five weeks off. Went to Birmingham to buy a graphics tablet and didn't (I hate choices) and bumped into my friend whose a Sony rep but was helping out at the Currys so met him after he finished work and he drove me home. Was nice catching up :)


But regarding the graphics tablet. I don't know whether to get the older model for £45 which is basically the Pen, but with a scroll wheel, or the new Pen (£50) and just use my mouse for zooming/rotating or the Pen and Touch for £75. I did look at my pay cheque for next week and thought it'd be fine to get the £75 one, til I remembered I need to pay rent with that, my grandad's xmas present and that needs to last me til the end of February essentially.

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Five weeks off? Mind giving one of those to me? Two weeks off isn't enoughhh.


Today's been a boring day. Wanted to have a relaxing day before I start on work again, but ended up just not doing anything. =(


Yesterday was better as in the afternoon I went into town with some friends for some shopping, then just sitting in a café for ages talking, ending it with a meal somewhere. Too bad I was having serious stomach pains but it was still a good evening. Though after spending time with friends (which rarely happens), I always end up feeling really down afterwards for some reason. =/

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Ah giving blood, something that's still on my "Things I have to do at least once in my life" list. But then again I'm not the healthiest of people so I'm not sure they even want my blood haha.


Today has been boringggg. Jim has buggered off to Brighton and other places until the 23rd, so I don't have him to whine to and annoy. Gonna watch Desperate Housewives though, it better be good! =D

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Some kid filled in one of those "How was your shopping experience?" forms at work today, and gave me an awesome rating which means I'll be getting some sort of voucher, or something.


Got home at ELEVEN PAST ELEVEN. Fucking hell! Got to be up at 7am.


Mate's appendix nearly exploded! Got three xmas cards! Out of news.

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Nice day. Went into college this morning for my "shift" watching over the exhibition, which stays open this weekend. Then came home, had an awful driving lesson, then later went into town to have a pizza with friends, before going to see Avatar. :)


However, not feeling so great now I'm home. I have this horribly relevant to myself lyrics stuck in my head;

I do this thing where I think I'm real sick

but I won't go to the doctor to find out about it

Cause they make you stay real still in a real small space

As they chart up your insides and put them on display.

They'd see all of it, all of me, all of it.


Basically my unfortunate way of coping with fears of my own death and how I feel/am acting atm.

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Ah giving blood, something that's still on my "Things I have to do at least once in my life" list. But then again I'm not the healthiest of people so I'm not sure they even want my blood haha.

I wanted to give blood once, but they couldn't take it because I'm an Epi. Before I was diagnosed I got a Donor Card, I suppose that can't be used now.

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Today was the best working day ever.


Firstly, SNOW! It generally puts me in a better mood all day.


Secondly, it was secret Santa. I got some awesome "Crap Trumps", which is top trumps but with crap cars. I love crap old cars. Someone knew me too well. But what made the secret Santa even better was that the owner of the company dressed as Santa and everyone took turns to sit on his knee and get their present (*inevitable sex reference*). Not some middle boss, the actual owner of the whole company. How many workplaces does that happen in? Unreal.


Thirdly, Christmas party. It was amazing. Wild West theme complete with bucking bronco, line dancing and Blazing Saddles on a giant projector. I even got roped into the line dancing. Twice. And I loved it. First time, I was dragged into it by my friends girlfriend, who I ended up dancing with. Dancing with a friends Girlfriend was a bit odd, but he was cool with it. I will say though, he's a lucky guy.


We were also given fake money to buy drinks with. You earned more money by taking part in stuff (Bronco, Dancing etc):





I love my job.

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