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Last night was WIN


Went to a rock n roll/ motown/ 60s night at the Leadmill which was just..brilliant.


Was in danger of third wheeling the shit out of the night at one point, but like magic my friend Amy turned up with a bunch of hotties to save me. One of them was just...raw sex. Mind = blown.

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At least potential for a fuck friend?


That's possible, but things may get awkward. We did start to/were about to get jiggy last night but we were interrupted and so went downstairs instead.


No I kissed the one that doesn't have a boyfriend. The one that does is the one I would like to get with. It's complicated but I may explain when I'm sober. My mate did say that he reckons she likes me more than she likes her boyfriend (from the way that she looks at me) I know that it isn't much but I'll explain more as previously stated.


Ok a more sober take on this for y'all. Me and this girl are really close. We are always cuddling. For instance last week we were on my bed hugging and we fell asleep. Then she woke up and rolled over so we were spooning and had another little nap. Last night after I logged off from here I wedged my door open (so it didn't keep banging) and went to do my teeth and go to the toilet. When I came out of the bathroom she was sat on my bed. We'd all been out last night (me, girl I kissed, girl I like and her boyfriend, and loads of my friends as it was a mate's birthday) and when she'd gotten back her boyfriend started to be an arse with her and wouldn't talk to her, so she went downstairs and talked to a housemate who was arriving back from a night out, then came upstairs and saw my door open so came into my room. So I laid on my bed and se sat on it next to me. We talked for an hour and hugged a few times. She also told me that I was her best friend here (which could be a problem, not that I don't consider her a close friend but the friend zone and all that). And yeah just stuff like that all the time.


It's just so confusing. If she was single I would swear that we would get together.


This probably made no sense as I just emptied my mind onto the keyboard. Apologies for any lack of coherence.

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Wait.....you were sat hugging and fell asleeep with this person, and then she spooned you....and....this person has a boyfriend?


Wow he'd hate to find out that? Not that I'm not on your side, he must be an asshole and obviously isn't better than you.


Yeah it's quite complicated. Her boyfriend's not a dick or anything he's a nice bloke. Gargh I'm so confused. I just wish I knew what she was thinking sometimes.

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Moogle, I had a similar situation at Uni. I always called him Gomez due to his obsession with them. Anyway, he had a girlfriend at another Uni and we used to lie in his bed smoking* and talking into the night. I never said anything; he's still with her and I'm still single. Oh, my life.


*not cigarettes, etc.


My weekend's been totally boring, but get paid tomorrow and then I can actually do things, like GO OUT.

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I've decided to tell this girl I like her next time I see her. Time for me to grow up a bit.


Apart from that, I've been playing Assassin's Creed II which I like for the most part. Also, almost finished one of my essays for January (I want to finish them before term ends on the 18th so Xmas isn't ruined again). So almost one down, three to go. Fantastic.

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In that situation, I think it would be best to try and keep distance. I've been in that situation myself, and even the idea of getting into something with a housemate is a field full of landmines. My advice would be to just keep this as purely a friendship for now. Be careful about what you say and do with her. It could be that she just thinks of you as a reeeeally, really good friend. If she likes you as more than that, I'm sure in time she'll say it. At that point, then maybe she'll figure out what to do.


Today was ok. Had a little argument/debate with my brothers today when I came home from the gym. I rang the doorbell to get myself back into the house and they asked why I don't take my key with me. My answer is that the key keeps digging into my leg when I'm running, and that there is always someone home anyway. When I left the house, there were four people there, and I was gone for about an hour and a half. These two people are my two brothers, aged 19 and 21, and my Mum and Dad, in their 60s and 70s. On a Sunday night, they're not going to be going anywhere, because they sit down in the evening and watch telly.


So, my brother was saying "ooo, what if they were out? What would you have done if no-one was in?" And my reply was: "I take my key to work with me. Where are they going to go on a Sunday Evening? They don't go out anywhere. You go to work, but they relax in the evenings." I also asked him for one example of where they were both out of the house in the evening time (which he couldn't give) and one example where the house was completely empty in the evening. He couldn't give one to that either.


Buggers didn't know who they were arguing with. :heh:

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re moogle and molly: It's really not fair, these people have an other half and are still greedy for someone else.



I wish i could get ONE man, not even two :(


Awk hon, I feel exactly the same. Except my man would ideally have a vagina of some description.


Then again, I'm not picky. :heh:


Anyway: Auuugh, I'd love a beer, but I know it'll just send me into some kind of crazy bluesy funk. Goddamn you Miles Davis.

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What are Bang Bang shoes?


A womans favourite pair of shoes/shoes that impress people.




Just counted and I currently have 26 "sketches" for Comedy Rainbow episode 2. I've been thinking about it since last Sunday, and plan to do it next Sunday so....should be amazing.


I have what I consider to be 7 premiums, and the rest are funny but not long/amazing. But still really good. Also the first episode to have a budget.


I am quite looking forward to this week. Well....apart from like...Mond-Thursd, as I'm off on Friday, going to London, Christmas Shopping/Winter Wonderwinland. :D


Today I've started making my Daken (Wolverines son) costume. Its coming along alright! I bought a mask, and luckily the PVA/acrylic paint mix is working. :D (Cos it was black and needed to be brown)


This guy (so tattoo, and mohawk)



Underneat "Dark Wolverine" costume.



Edited by ReZourceman
Automerged Doublepost
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I've just got back from the Lake District (I survived the flooding!) after a shopping/walking weekend with the girlfriend and her family. I actually feel quite bad as i've only probably spent about £15 in total, her parents just kept insisting on paying for everything, even when i forced money at them. The only bad thing was the weather, i don't think it stopped raining once, which didn't help the flooding. It was quite bad in places as well, drowned sheep lay in the middle of the street in places where the water had receded. Not the best image to see in the morning, still, a good weekend :D

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Good day.


got up way too late which is annoying, hopefully this week of classes will get me out of the habit of getting up at 12pm. Hmmf. Went to chesterfield with the housemate and her other half, ended up having a really good time and meeting some nice people, even got some cake! Yay for cake.



Came home, had maccie D's and I've slobbed infront of wow for a couple of hours. Its good to have the weekend off thats for sure.


One guy I did like keeps bugging me, sending me texts everyday, he sent me 15 the other day and I've not replied to one of them, if I'm online he'll talk to me straight away or on facebook. I'm flattered but that just puts me off somebody completely. Not sure I'm interested in the other guy either now, I'm just looking for something and I just can't seem to find it in either of them, ones clingy, the other is slightly awkard.


Back to the drawing board folks.

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Good day.


got up way too late which is annoying, hopefully this week of classes will get me out of the habit of getting up at 12pm. Hmmf. Went to chesterfield with the housemate and her other half, ended up having a really good time and meeting some nice people, even got some cake! Yay for cake.



Came home, had maccie D's and I've slobbed infront of wow for a couple of hours. Its good to have the weekend off thats for sure.


One guy I did like keeps bugging me, sending me texts everyday, he sent me 15 the other day and I've not replied to one of them, if I'm online he'll talk to me straight away or on facebook. I'm flattered but that just puts me off somebody completely. Not sure I'm interested in the other guy either now, I'm just looking for something and I just can't seem to find it in either of them, ones clingy, the other is slightly awkard.


Back to the drawing board folks.


I agree it is a bit annoying. If you got with this boy, and its annoying you now (at the all exciting newness) what's it gonna be like in 6 months?


A pain in the arse, that's what.

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I agree it is a bit annoying. If you got with this boy, and its annoying you now (at the all exciting newness) what's it gonna be like in 6 months?


A pain in the arse, that's what.


Indeed, its just shocking, I don't think I've text him back in a week and I barely speak to him on msn. I had hoped he'd have got the message but now I think he deserves a telling off.


No wonder men people me off, clingy fuckers. :p

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Just counted and I currently have 26 "sketches" for Comedy Rainbow episode 2. I've been thinking about it since last Sunday, and plan to do it next Sunday so....should be amazing.


I have what I consider to be 7 premiums, and the rest are funny but not long/amazing. But still really good. Also the first episode to have a budget.


This just reminded me of..


ReZ: I'd like you to come up with a sketch for Comedy Rainbow.

Molly: I don't know if I want to be associated with CR.

ReZ: I'll be upset if you don't.

Molly: I'm ok with that.



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Good day.


got up way too late which is annoying, hopefully this week of classes will get me out of the habit of getting up at 12pm. Hmmf. Went to chesterfield with the housemate and her other half, ended up having a really good time and meeting some nice people, even got some cake! Yay for cake.



Came home, had maccie D's and I've slobbed infront of wow for a couple of hours. Its good to have the weekend off thats for sure.


One guy I did like keeps bugging me, sending me texts everyday, he sent me 15 the other day and I've not replied to one of them, if I'm online he'll talk to me straight away or on facebook. I'm flattered but that just puts me off somebody completely. Not sure I'm interested in the other guy either now, I'm just looking for something and I just can't seem to find it in either of them, ones clingy, the other is slightly awkard.


Back to the drawing board folks.



15 texts without one reply? My god, that's insane. I can't fathom what's going through his head everytime he picks up his phone to text without there having been a reply. Slightly awkward? See, awkwardness isn't always a bad thing. At least from my experience anyway. :p




Finally managed to get some work done, which is amazing by my standards. Treated myself by making a lovely dinner and curling up infront of the X-Factor. If only Mariah Carey hadn't insisted on screaming at me for 3 minutes.

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Indeed, its just shocking, I don't think I've text him back in a week and I barely speak to him on msn. I had hoped he'd have got the message but now I think he deserves a telling off.


No wonder men people me off, clingy fuckers. :p


He hasn't got the message? hahah awesome. Alarm bells should ring if they annoy you before anything has even started!


@ molly: i don't blame you in the slightest :P

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