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One quite grim realisation I made was that since I've been going to my new school, I've had to deal with a loss every year. First year my grandmother died, second year my pet bird died and I split up with my boyfriend, third year I lost two of my cats... I hope this trend doesn't continue. =(


But I will bring you luck! Although, that is quite unlucky. However, now is the time for a C-C-C-Combo Breakerrrr.


Today has been ok. Been up since half past 5 getting myself ready for workings. I tried wearing a scarf my mum gave me to wear (a new one, not hers) but it choked me. :( So, I left it home, and wore a t-shirt under my shirt and a hoody over that shirt and under my coat, haha. Layersssss. :D


School was nice, though. I liked working there again. Although, it was a motherfucker on the throat. Trying to keep control of 25 10 year olds whilst they are roaming around in the hall during a PE lesson is not easy on the throat. In fact, it bluddy hurt. :(


After that, I was leading a discussion based on smoking, and we were talking about members of our family who did it. By that point, my voice wanted to die, so I was quite glad I was taking a backseat at this point and letting them get on with it in their groups and stuffs.


Then, came home, and played some Fifa (still 08 on the Wii... I love it though) for about 2 hours. I was recreating the game from yesterday. Spent a while getting the formations and players in the right positions, which involved me having to transfer some players to different clubs...I wanted to get the details right. I am such a geek. I won the first game 4-0. If only we had done that yesterday!

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Aw, did I miss out on the whole vocab argument? Well I guess I've said it all before.


Just to play devil's advocate (you wanna be satan or beelzebub, Paj?), but everyone here has a 'flavour' of post. I always notice my own recurring words, and often that of others. I'm sure we once had a thread/game where you had to write a 'typical' post of another forumite/the poster above. Someone who had a go as 'me' mostly mentioned the colour purple and the word 'teh'.




I find it really annoying that Wesley always writes on alternate lines (or has of late), but I wasn't going to bring it up.



AND, if I'm to be fair, I've posted Ophelia 4 times. Once in the art thread, which was legitimate. Once to describe Radiohead's Kid A. And once to describe my dynamics lectures. Both of which are so great that they leave me incapacitated. I can't remember why I used it the 4th time, but I did.

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you guys need a new fucking word.


I don't even post that often but it pissed me the hell off, so I can't even imagine how boring you two must sound to the others. Not meaning this in a scathing way, and sorry if it sounds like it but it really strikes a nerve with me. [/rant]




I find it really annoying that Wesley always writes on alternate lines (or has of late), but I wasn't going to bring it up.


I propose an "oooooh, you bitch!" button. It'll go next to the thanks button. In fact, let's call it the Anti-Thanks button!

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It's not my fault I struggle with thought processes.


I think I do the same thing whilst on MSN. I don't like typing big blocks of text on there. So, I quite like getting one part of a story down, or process, then clicking "send" and then doing the next part.


I guess it's kinda like "travelling" through your thoughts. So, in order for one process to end and another to begin, I need to send that message otherwise...it's the same process. It makes sense to me.

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Days been good, although I'm sick to the back of my teeth when it comes to my Monday classes.


The two people who teach us are nice people, they've done ok in the business they are in, one is the head of the showroom here in sheffield, which is impressive, but really I don't think I've learnt anything in their classes.


Like today, they gave us newspapers told us to read the articles and from that come up with a concept - a game/film etc. Which ok was fun to do with my friend but otherwise it sucked balls and I learned nothing.


Meh, annoying.


Luckily went to my favourite cafe in town, its got job offers and I'm desperate to work there, I need and want to work there, its so lovely and its two days a week which is perfect. Sigh.


Came home - took the recylcing out, cleaned the kitchen, put up some rules etc. So its been pretty productive, theres only three of us left in the house and it seems more settled and cleaner thankfully.


Talked to my dad, he seemed pretty worried on the phone, I miss home too much these days, I'm not particularly settled in Sheffield, things are ok, I have awesome mates and stuffs, classes are good and I'm keeping ontop of work, but Sheffield just isn't for me right now, I just can't put my finger on why.



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I am so unbelievably horny. I swear, I would actually go and rape my housemates if someone gave me a half a drop of rohypnol to work with.


Really couldn't sleep, so I'm sat here drinking whiskey and coke, trying hopelessly to subside the conflagration that must inevitably result due to my having missed a fucking essay date. Oh, Jayseven, I found why I can't write, its nothing so novel as me being too happy or sober, it's just that I have to write about fucking Jane Eyre, and I genuinely can't think of anything more boring than Bronte...maybe other than Jane Austen, or the music thread (which by the way, is a perpetual greviance. I can't so much as come onto these boards without feeling that I really should write something incoherent and rambling about how FUCKING MUCH I WANT TO SODOMISE some of you with a meat hook for being such tedious aural...and well...mental reprobates. Castration.). I'm also out of fucking practice; the cutting remarks don't seem to roll off my fingers onto the page with as effortless proficiency as they used to. I guess it's adaptation; the idea that if you're exposed to something enough, regardless of how batshit stupid and aneurysm inducing it is to begin with, you'll eventually become accustomed to it. Probably why I can read some of the shit on this place without batting an eyelid; my brain has come to accept that ya'll are fucked.


I think I'm becoming boring.


Not that being an egregious, contrarian ass was ever particularly interesting to begin with, but it was MY thing. I feel as if I've been raped of my particular brand of idiocy.


I need more whiskey, but all I have is warm beer.

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There's nothing wrong with Millais' Ophelia, it's just a bit odd that it keeps getting posted, even if you do like it. Compare it to the winking picture that Dyson and Gizmo are (or were) always posting. People would be equally annoyed if I incessantly posted a picture of Chomsky or something.



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I find it really annoying that Wesley always writes on alternate lines (or has of late), but I wasn't going to bring it up.

I didn't notice it until Shorty [?] brought it up. But since it's been mentioned it feels like he's going into overdrive out of spite :hmm:

There'll be hardly anyone there because of Modern Warfare 2;

Everyone is going to skive over MW2?

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I usually hate Tuesdays as they involve a whole day of labs. But today's was quite good and actually interesting. Did three different kinds of titrations, got to play with mercury for one of them, and there were lots of pretty colours. Although someone smashed their mercury flask on the bench and now I have a headache so I'm probably longevity-challenged now. But still, it could have been worse.


Tonight I feel fajitas are in order.

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We're (as a company) having job cuts in my specific area of work, ie customer service. We're losing 420 jobs but could be any area (four sites)


Don't particularly care at all though, so thats good.


Going to the cinema tonight.


I'll try and score some pictures of the J20 as I know y'all think I was lying.




Went to Morrisons at lunch to score MW2. Three guys in front of me (in one group. They appeared to be college goers. Fucking college goers.) They plonked MW2 on the desk, and he was like "Is this really the last copy" and she was like "Yes, the very last one" and I was like....fuuuuuu but then she was like "Can I see some ID" and I was like.....*glimmer of hope* and HE COULDNT FUCKING FIND HIS ID!!!! and I was like "OMG Fucking win" then none of them could find it.....then the third guy got out some NUS card or a bus pass or some shit, and she accepted it.


It would have been so cuntish of me to say "Actually you can't accept that" plus I don't know Morrisons policy. But yeah that was a bit annoying.


Especially as I am NEVER on a 1pm lunch, and it just so happens I am this week. Fuck. Oh well.

Edited by ReZourceman
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Last few days have been long and difficult due to a lack of sleep. And it's not like I've been going to bed at stupid times, just having to get up at stupid times.


English lectures have been great as my tutor has been taking them and he likes to make crude jokes and stuff that lightens the mood when doing sonnets. Psychology has been a retread of my biomolecular mechanisms and genetics lectures from last year. It's like Groundhog Day, with every lecture seeming like a repeat *shivers* Philosophy, that's been meh. Have lost all of the very little interest I had in it to begin with.


Have done some writing, not for anything other than for my own want. Do need to finish a feature article I've been working on but can't be bothered as the idea hasn't really come together how I thought it would.


And massive dilemma of the heart, where a choice needs to be made swiftly. It's all going on up here, I tells-you-what :bouncy:

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Been trying not to buy MW2 all day. As I have only 30 quid to last a week and a half and hardly any petrol in the tank, I thought I'd better not :(


Got a meeting with some job agency on Friday, the first positive thing to come from 6 weeks on the dole. Sounds like I should get SOME work even if it's temping.


Confused as fuck as the girl I went on a sort-of-not-really date with mentioned that it was only last week that we met. And it is, to the day. Feels like at least 3 weeks. My perception of time is truly fucked. That's really confused the hell out of me, doing not much all day is definitely dragging. i'm probably just getting antsy as I've not had much indication of how keen she is to meet up again. Every time I've not heard from her in a while and think not, she suddenly wants attention again. Crazy thing is, I'm not even that into her so no idea why I'm getting bothered about it.


I wanna move somewhere new. Possibly Exeter, mebbi London. I just want a change. Sick of Cornwall!

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Someone hold me quickly.


I just had a conversation with Patrick Wolf about Joanna Newsom, and how I'm going to dress up as him for the QueerFest.


Please grant me permission to post Ophelia. Actually don't, because that would be an understatement of my current state. I feel like I'm post-really-good-sex; all shivery.


It feels like I've already refunded my £178 joining fee. I would gladly trade that material money for the photo I now have with him (although it looks like I'm creeping up behind him, because he turned to answer a question when it was taken).


I love the fact he didn't play any of his famous songs either. He played Enchanted, Peter Pan, Blackdown and Pigeon Song. And he spoke at length about Hans Christian Anderson, and The Tinderbox and The Seven Swans which left me in the quicksand.

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