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It would be awesome if a machine were devised that could tell you that. I often wonder.


Yeah, I wonder a lot.


gaggle64: Easy, just hook a spring-padel controlled wheel up to a counter, with the padel placed under the small of the back of the reciever. Don't forget to record a start and end time. Repeat the experiement a few times and then find the mean TPM.

I already did it.


With yer ma.

Edited by martinist
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gaggle64: Easy, just hook a spring-padel controlled wheel up to a counter, with the padel placed under the small of the back of the reciever. Don't forget to record a start and end time. Repeat the experiement a few times and then find the mean TPM.

I already did it.


With yer ma.


That's probably one of the finest things I've read on here. :D


As for my day, today was pretty good. Went to school and taught a mixed class of year 2 and 3 pupils. Such a range of abilities... The kids are basically split into 5 ability groups, meaning that in each lesson there are 5 different things going on at once. Given that these kids are also very young as well, it was pretty nightmarish, haha. Probably one of the most difficult classes I've ever taught. I also realise that teaching at year 2/3 is definitely not for me. The kids are waaaaay too clingy. They're like Face-huggers, or Metroids.


But, it went well I think. A bit noisy and chaotic, but it's bound to be. Plus, it was Own Clothes Day, heh.


I rang my agency and it turns out that the school want me back on Tuesday, to teach the same class in the morning, and a Year 6 class that I taught last week in the afternoon. :)

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Guest Captain Falcon
you aren't the only one!


My boss pulled up the stats one day last week, I took 85 calls and the twat (the one that reported us) took 40. (out of about 170) Same length of working day, even call distribution etc. And tonight was 64/32. ¬_¬


And he has the cheek to go on about how awesome the new system is and how its evenly dealt. Fucking dickhead >_>


At least the boss can see and confirmed that I am indeed awesome. :D


Just keep at it and hopefully someone will recognise you! If your company is anything like the NHS you'll be waiting a while :heh:


I agree on the other bit too. I felt like passing my test would be awesome and I'd love it etc, but i just feel a bit empty. Not as hyper/excited as I was told I'd be (and what I was expecting) Grass is greener syndrome. Get one "happy" event over and you spend your life looking for the next one.


What to do now... It doesn't really seem worth it when I know I won't be fulfilled in the slightest


Got the stats for all of September today.


I took the most calls with 430 and the next highest was 297 and the rest barely broke 200 - I also made the most outgoing. Total call time was something like 24 hrs for myself, 14 for the next guy and then 5 for everyone else.


I think it I'll have a word with my boss about it on Monday otherwise it'll just continue.


And today wasn't much, if any, better than yesterday.

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QUite drunk!


Update on Gizmos love life:


Got SMASHED tonight with the girl i Keep talking about. She complemented like, everything I was wearing, and my new haircut, and everything. Later found out from another source that its "common knowledge" that I think She likes me, but that she doesnt, and hence sadface, because am I that predictable? probably ye. Anywayy trying to move on from her. Basically all but pulled a girl today that I've had a little thing about for ages, thing is she has mvoed away and is only back for the weekend. Theres another party tomorrow, ima find out if shes going and if so go myself and seal the deal. Was ridiculous that I dint do it tonight because we were hugging and stuff all night and kissing on the cheek and stuff, but never were alone to MAKE ZE MOOOVE! Disappointed. Anohte girl I hit on a few months back unsuccessfully i ssaw for the first time since then and she was giving me positive signs but meh, other girl imo! Got the other girls email so I shall hit her up tomorrow and see if shes going tomorrow night. I really really hope she is :(


Also found out my friend likes the girl i go on about alot. but dont think she likes him either. wtf, cant decide about that. if they end up getting together i might actually self destruct out of rage.


but YES! I want that other girl. Really annoyed I didnt get a chance tonight. People were always AROUND! Grr.


Busy day tomorrow! WEird "party" type thing in the morning, charity thing connected to school after, then football game, then another party! My life suddenly got good? WHAT the fuck? So long as I get the girl tomorrow that is.


Going to regret this post in the morning, but wooo! return of the drunk NE post.

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but never were alone to MAKE ZE MOOOVE! Disappointed.

You should try the cocky [best when drunk unless you're 100% certain of correct result] "If I went to kiss you, would you pull away?" bullshit. If yes = pr0. If not, just blame the alcohol. In a crowd or not it doesn't really matter.

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You should try the cocky [best when drunk unless you're 100% certain of correct result] "If I went to kiss you, would you pull away?" bullshit. If yes = pr0. If not, just blame the alcohol. In a crowd or not it doesn't really matter.


Helllzzzzzz yeah.


Am now fairly sure that I basically pulled two girls tonight without realising it. I now have a choice of either. wtf to do. hmmmmmmmmmmm.


must ensure that at least one is gonig tomorrow night so taht i may seal the deal!

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Make it happen Gizmo. Just don't be in the middle of the act and pull a avatar2637_24.gif.




Acutally fairly sure that that avatar sealed the number i got. Because i showed her the background and she was WTF MUST SEE CLOSER and then she must have put the number in at that point. cause at this point i was hugging the OTHER girl and I think number-girl was all like "wtf? gizm ois mine" so gave me her number. So i have an email of one girl and number of another. SURELY I CANNOT FAIL NOW. SURELY I WILL NOT END THE WEEKEND A SINGLE MOGWAI.


edit: to explain, the avatar is also the background /wallpaper of my phone

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Good day! I thought it would be. Watched The Invention of Lying, did some food shopping, watched Derren Brown and Peep Show. Managed to do a bit more on a project but not enough. I'm slowly doing more work though... getting back into the spirit. Hopefully tomorrow I'll hit a milestone.

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Hard day at school. I work at a severe special needs schools which means its very hetic all the time. We were a staff member down today which made it even harder. I think we coped just about but was not ideal I had so much to deal with on the playground I can't even begin to summarise lol.


I guess a good day I think I can't give it a rating yet because school is so up and down I still dunno what a good day feels like.

Edited by Haden
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Yesterday, did nothing, Chair came round, went out at night to girl from college's house party thing, but only to make an appearance; I was headed to Chair's leaving drinks thing. It was fine, although most greats from school have gone, so the few of us there felt so overwhelmed by work friends. But some are really nice so I dealt. And it was in a really nice bar/pub/restaurant.


When I got home and was reading The Bell Jar in bed, I heard the loudest bang ever, coming from sort of above me and to the left. My heart was honestly pounding so hard in fright. It *might* have been the really strong wind, but nothing that strong had happened before or after, against my window.


Adding to the mysteryt, this morning my mum told me all th electricity of the house had gone out, and my sister had to go to the switchbox thing and rejiggle it. So after breakfast, I go to turn on my mac...and it doesn't turn on. Everything else electrical in my room is fine, I try swapping out the plug in different working sockets, nothing.


So I can only assume my Mac just died last night, losing me all my music, documents (nothing pressing atm, except music wars...that'll be fun to retype/re-work out who was matched together) etc. Worse is that I needed the internet for images for my collage project this weekend. I'll just have to plug my printer into my mum's weird laptop/PC hybrid and pray it works.

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Just finished writing my essay on Dr. Faustus. Not completely satisfied with it but I've been working on it for about 2 hours now so going to take a break and come back to it. Usually once my head is cleared of all these cluttered thought, I can sift through it and make it better. Got really difficult to write nearer to the end and the conclusion paragraph was a bit difficult but like I said, I'll come back to it a little later. If only I had done this earlier in the week then I could have gone to my tutor from last year and let her have a look at it. But that wasn't possible.


Anyway, I believe it's lunch time now.

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Went out with workmates last night. Still don't know half their names, and still don't feel like any of them want to get to know me. When it comes down to it, I really just don't understand friendships. They pretty much just establish themselves after a certain period of time has passed in knowing someone. Anyway, drinks were cheap - 50p for a spirit and mixer before midnight had me buying quadruple vodka and cokes and drinking them real quick so i could buy another before the time ran out.


At some point last night i woke up on the floor, fucking cold. Such confusion, thinking I was still in my dream. I was angry as well. Kinda scared me when I snapped back to reality.


Work is stupid 4-7 today, but a suited and booted night out on teh town is on teh schedule. I'm also back in the 'I should just give up' phase with Hot Girl. In a genuine attempt to locate my phone i gave her my number over facebook - but she didn't ask for it and i didn't ask for hers, but of course i have hers now and feel kinda rude about teh way I went about it. My phone was in the laundry basket, though, and I never would've found it without her calling it.


Yeah stupid long worthless post.

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I hate footballers. I knew it was going to be a pain living next to a football ground, I don't mind people watching football, there's lots of police etc etc.


What I hate right now, is that they take up all the spaces around my house, usually theres signs around that theres a match on so I stupidly went out to town in my car and low and behold I come back and have to park in the dodgiest place ever just so I can get to my car down the road.


Its annoying, I sent off for that damn pass and now I can't park infront of my own house because people who aren't really allowed to be parking there can, for the next every couple of saturdays until christmas.


Sigh. :(


Otherwise - got some nice stuff from shopping, text my mum and stuff, family stuff is going abit better, dad's started his job and seems alittle happier.


Having a very relaxing weekend this time, gonna not go out much and then raving it up on monday with my mates yay. :laughing:

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Guest Stefkov

Today I went here and took this pictures. Windiest place in the fucking world for all I know. Literally had to lean forward and power my way through it.

Other than that, alright day. Got shite loads of food and now I'm gonna do work or something.

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Yesterday, did nothing, Chair came round, went out at night to girl from college's house party thing, but only to make an appearance; I was headed to Chair's leaving drinks thing. It was fine, although most greats from school have gone, so the few of us there felt so overwhelmed by work friends. But some are really nice so I dealt. And it was in a really nice bar/pub/restaurant.


When I got home and was reading The Bell Jar in bed, I heard the loudest bang ever, coming from sort of above me and to the left. My heart was honestly pounding so hard in fright. It *might* have been the really strong wind, but nothing that strong had happened before or after, against my window.


Adding to the mysteryt, this morning my mum told me all th electricity of the house had gone out, and my sister had to go to the switchbox thing and rejiggle it. So after breakfast, I go to turn on my mac...and it doesn't turn on. Everything else electrical in my room is fine, I try swapping out the plug in different working sockets, nothing.


So I can only assume my Mac just died last night, losing me all my music, documents (nothing pressing atm, except music wars...that'll be fun to retype/re-work out who was matched together) etc. Worse is that I needed the internet for images for my collage project this weekend. I'll just have to plug my printer into my mum's weird laptop/PC hybrid and pray it works.


It could just be the fuse has gone in the plug itself. Also there's a fair chance your hard drive is still fine. Unless you have a macbook air think they still use 2.5" hd's?

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